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03-04-2001, 05:21 AM
What in your opinion is the best way to make a person unable to fight without doing serious damage to thier body? What techniques would you use? What strategies?

Assume this person is dangerous. You do not know thier abilities. You do not know weather they have friends nearby. You can hurt them, you just don't want to injur them.

03-04-2001, 06:19 AM
If that's the way you look at it, then walk away. Once an altercation is imminent, hurt them before they hurt you. There can never be indecision on this matter. Once committed..

I often tell my students the difference between us and many other schools is they 'kick ass', we go for the hurt. My philosophy is a strong belief in what I call The 3 Second Rule. If your opponent is not disabled in 3 seconds, you've done something wrong. I also teach that fighting is the last resort. :eek:

Martial Joe
03-04-2001, 06:52 AM
Use pepper spray..they wil recover with no injuries just a face that feels like its falling off.

03-04-2001, 08:44 AM
I agree with you, nospam. I'll try anything to avoid a fight. But lets assume you have no choice. What is the least damaging way you can think of to take them out? Or do you think its even possible to defend yourself effectively while worrying about your adversary's safety?

03-04-2001, 11:40 AM
Hey ed,

I admire your compassion for the person whos forcing you to fight. It shows that you see beyond the present action and that you value all life. (even if the other guys is a dirtass)

With that being said...let me say that I do not like fighting at all. And I think that any real martial artist would agree with me, as far as real life or death fighting is concerned (not talking about sport or even NHB). That being the case, the minute someone forces me to fight, I no longer care about their personal welfare, because when I react, I just react. Theres no thought involved and I only put out just a little bit more than what he gives. Therefore the end result will be up to him in my mind. If he wants to walk away from it, he better do it before he even takes a swing. Thats my philosphy anyway. If I had to choose between him and me, Im choosing me.

03-05-2001, 12:43 AM
If you don't have cuffs, I'd have to go with "choke them unconsious". The loose a few million brain cells (that happens when they get drunk too) and have a headache, but the recover in minutes with no injury.

03-05-2001, 12:50 AM
Agreed. If you don't want to cause any serious bruising of the forearms or STRAINED LIGAMENTS, then locking out joints to cause pain or choking him out would be the path to take. However, even that should have remained your last choice...you should always try to walk away first.

K. Mark Hoover

03-09-2001, 04:02 AM
To apply a technique that is not harmful or damaging assumes your application of that technique is perfect, and your opponent is not good enough to counter it.

I would never assume this. It is naive to think that all you have to do is a joint lock or get him into a choke hold. If you have time to think in a fight, you have time to run away. If your application isn't good enough, you're in more trouble than if you'd lashed out with everything.

I say avoid the situation altogether. If you see a dodgy looking group of people, steer well clear. If you have to walk down a dark alley to get your car, get a cab home, and pick up the car the next day. Lots of options... the closer you get to a fight, the less options you have.

My Two Cents

03-09-2001, 05:17 AM
The myth that you won't outclass your opponent is almost as bad as the myth that you will. In anything but mortal combat against someone with your skill level, the option to "tone down" exists. Choosing that option may cost you the fight, but those are the choices you make.

A good choke, espically against an unskilled opponent is not difficult to get or apply. Judo and Jujitsu people do it all the time against resisting opponents in their skill range.

Can't fight without going all out? Tell that to a police man, or a bouncer, or a security guard. They deal with aggressive fighters all the time and, by the nature of their job, must act to subdue without serious injury. It can be done, it is done all the time, and it may or may not work when you try it.

03-12-2001, 01:33 AM
There is no way if you start to think and say to yourself i will do this or that ha ha you lost . ;)

03-12-2001, 02:05 AM
2 ways to end a fight!

Beat them till they quit!
ex: some will quit after you hit him enuf times...they just lost the will to fight! I muy thai roundhouse kick this one guy...it didn't hurt him but he backed off once he saw me establish my stance...and was baiting him...so it was "OH **** HE KNOWS KARATE" type thing in his head! You injure the guy so badly he can't continue...a break of some kind...he'll hopefully quit!


KO is obvious...choking techs are used by bouncers and police!!! They do work and work fast!!! Just don't hold it on too long.


04-02-2001, 08:34 PM
the best way to make a person unable to fight, without doing serious damage to their body, is to remove their target. (you)

if you are not skilled enough to do so, imobilizing target, by tying up with rope, is acceptable.

if for some reason, you left home without a length of rope (shame on you!). removing your would be attackers desire to fight, via brandishing of large and intimidating weapon, and demonstrating reasonable ability to use the thing, works ok.

if you are unarmed (SHAME on YOU!!!) making yourself an undesirable target is advocated. - fill your attacker with disgust and loathing, to the point where he no longer has any wish to be within 1000 feet of you. e.g. crap your pants, and smear fecal matter over your body, and threaten to throw at attacker. **** your pants, and start crying like a little beatch with a skinned knee. become aroused and ask if he'll wait, while you go home to get some misc 'toys'.

8 Sweaty Palms
04-05-2001, 01:05 PM
After almost 15 years of training, this still works the best.


04-07-2001, 08:33 AM
break something.
ultimately you would like to leave them alive.
if they punch at you and you snap their arm chances are they aren't gonna punch you with that arm again (unless they heal it with their Chi is about a tenth of a second ;))

if you break something they live, and it still stops them.

maybe this is too much damage though...

"Survival of the fittest: If you lose you weren't fit. Sucks to be you."

04-07-2001, 08:29 PM
I figure if ive tried everthing not to fight this guy and he still wants to fight, or still persists in baiting me to fight, its over. I will have no mercy on him, meaning, breaking his arm or legs.
Just my Opinion take it as you will


04-07-2001, 09:24 PM
1. Peacefull- End the fight as friends
2. Coolest- With a taser leaving them in a pool of their own urine and feces
3. smoothest- torque there joints, circle them around you, flip them into agony.
4. Noblest- Duke it out, punch them down, prop them up, punch em again.
5. Easiest- Front kick to the solar plexus
6. Most Humiliating- Slap them into submision iron palm style, slap them delerious saying, (You little b*tch) to get them in red headed step child mode
7. Primal- Mount them and beat the crap out of them
8. Recourcefull- Use a stapler on pressure points, throw a can of tuna fish, rock, etc
9. Meanest-simultaneous uppercut and knee to the groin followed by a throw that knocks the wind out of them or a combo arm break, then follow by throwing them with the broken arm (basically the majority of 8 step apps)'
10. Most fun- use arm controls every time they throw something untill they get frustrated and finally give up. Also low sweeps that make them horrizontal and land flat, wedgie throws that send them the distance.

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04-07-2001, 11:24 PM
Walking away before the first punch

"Deep down inside of all of us is the power to accomplish what we want to, if we'll just stop looking elsewhere."