View Full Version : Japanese Swordsmanship

08-19-2003, 06:51 AM
Is it true that Japanese sword styles have no forms (katas)? How do they train? Any links on the subject?
Thank you.

chen zhen
08-19-2003, 06:58 AM
I think Iaido have Katas.
But dunno, gonna pick up something about it & post ot here.

08-19-2003, 07:28 AM
Where is it Chen?

Mr Punch
08-19-2003, 07:58 AM
Iaido is all kata. Some schools do makiwara cutting (sorry, can't remember the right name, but it's pretty much like a makiwara anyway) too, but don't forget, the point of iaido is drawing and cutting through the target at the same time, which makes practice with partners a little difficult...!:D Unless you're someone like Berserker of course...!:rolleyes:

Kendo has paired kata for each dan grade. They are based on old style kenjutsu, but the leg-cuts have mostly been chucked, cos there aren't any in kendo. There are three for shodan, two more for nidan, two for sandan etc. They concentrate a lot on the approach, the maai (distance), the zanshin ('remaining mind' - the state of alertness and readiness after the cut - usually embodied by a slow draw across a vital spot after the main strike), and the kiai: an absorbing one for the receiver and a penetrating one for the cutter. These are usually done with bokuto (wooden swords) or live blades.

They also practice kiri-kaeshi ('exchanging cuts'), which is a fast full-strength paired beatdown festival concentrating mainly on footwork, maai and power. It's great. Invigourating and painful, and I reckon would be good for any martial artist. This exercise is with a shinai (bamboo sword).

Most of the kendo practise is shiai (fighting) with shinai.

The kobudo schools often practise with wooden weapons and pull the strikes to practise control. Many of them have kata too, usually paired.

08-19-2003, 09:49 AM

08-19-2003, 10:34 AM
Isn't it true in some styles there are no katas, like ninjitsu?

Mr Punch
08-20-2003, 05:07 AM
Dunno about ninjutsu (and if I did I would have to kill you for just asking the question)... but I would think they have kata too, or at least suburi (short one or two stroke waza).


08-20-2003, 08:34 AM
Ninjitsu, as it stands, is a modern ecclectic style of Japanese martial arts based on koryu (old school Japanese arts).

Koryu, old style jujutsu, which includes kenjutsu (sword skills) IS kata.

Go here to begin your research:


Mr Punch
08-20-2003, 09:47 AM
Great site SB!

Just got a new job and new visa: time to find a new dojo!:D

08-21-2003, 09:16 AM
Yeah, these folks actually know what they are talking about. Their books are quite good.

Let us know where you wind up :). Are you looking for a koryu group? It sound like quite a commitment.

08-21-2003, 11:23 AM
Wow, imagine livin in Japan and studying MA and drinking cool soft drinks. It would exactly like Shenmue!