View Full Version : Pain in Plexus...

08-19-2003, 10:58 AM
Dunno what it is or what did it, but Ever since I upped my workout about 1 week ago, Ive gotten a real nasty empty pain in my solar plexus on and off.... Feels like theres emptyness and pain right where my solar plexus should be... thats about the only way I cand describe it... Anyone else had any problems like this, or any idea what causes it?

08-19-2003, 11:25 AM
Yoy might have stretched/torn/inflamed the area where the pec muscles attach to the sternum/ribcage. Does it hurt mostly if you use the muscles in the area (eg pushup) or if you press the area with your fingers? If so, that's it. Just keep working it gently and let the muscle tissue heal, shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to go away.


08-19-2003, 01:43 PM
Nope :(
Not when I flex or anything... just breathing, walking around....
Pain is an area about the size of a golf ball... Doesnt hurt to touch either. Just occasionaly get throbbing strange empty pain there...

Laughing Cow
08-19-2003, 01:46 PM
Check for stomach ulcer.

Ford Prefect
08-19-2003, 01:52 PM
I get something similar from time to time. It's usually indicative of me needing to crack my sternum. That's fun.

shaolin kungfu
08-19-2003, 01:52 PM
Is it REALLY painful? Might just be gas pains.:confused:

08-20-2003, 07:36 AM
I used to get a similar sounding pain in my ribcage slightly to the left of where it sounds like your pain is. It turned out to be a an ulcer. The pain was like an expanding spiked ball. Hurt real bad, and found out why. Try no caffine, little starch, and no citric acid for the next week or two, and take an anti-acid when it starts. If this works great, if not see a doctor, and stop trying to self diagnose using the web and a bunch of MA practicioners for cures.

08-20-2003, 01:58 PM
Eh, dont really go to doctors until Im hurtin. Its nothin to serious so I figure people on here might be able to help. Ill go to the doctor when Im unable to go to work or kung fu.
Hasnt been a problem yesterday or today... Dont know what it was. Right now Im just hungry.

08-20-2003, 08:09 PM
Doctors? We no need no stinking doctors!