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View Full Version : Some Questions to the (Sane) BJJ'ers

Brett Again
03-21-2001, 03:47 PM
How often do you usually train? (i.e. how many times a week, and for how long?)

How does a typical class break down (i.e. 25% conditioning, 50% teaching/learning/practicing applications and moves, 25% free sparring.)

Does the Gracie triangle on the front door mean that the person is competent and skilled, trained and evaluated by a Gracie... or does it mean that they attended a Gracie Business seminar and paid their $75 to belong to the Gracie Federation?

How does one observe a BJJ class and determine if it is worthwhile in regards to content and instructor?


PS Gaiden, please don't respond if you're still around. I am genetically incapable of giving credence to anything you say, no matter how valid.

03-21-2001, 04:09 PM
A typical class would be 10 minutes warm up and stretching,15 to 20 minutes drills,i.e guard armbar drill or escaping the mount.Then 15 to 20 minutes of new techniques or going over basics in detail.We then end off with atleast 15 to 20 minutes of submission grappling.I train 3 times a week.the other 2 days I teach people at my own school (this includes grappling with them).

03-21-2001, 06:08 PM
Brett Again!!!!!!

Your aren't serious are you? If there is a triangle on the front door i would stay away from that place. You know what triangles mean.

Look for the Gracie circle. Stay away from the triangles. People might get the wrong idea.

03-21-2001, 06:19 PM
I train 5-6 days per week. Classes are usually 10-15 minutes of warm ups, followed by two or three new techniques, tops, followed by anywhere from 20-45 minutes of sparring depending on the class. Some classes are very technique driven, some classes are, quite literally, 10 5-6 minute rounds of sparring with a minute rest between rounds. That usually happens around once a week.

The Gracie Triangle doesn't necessarily mean anything except that that instructor is a member of the association. It also depends on which Gracie you are talking about. There are an awful lot of them running around due to the fecundity of the patriarchs of the family and being a member of an association means different things to different Gracies.

03-21-2001, 06:25 PM
Actually, i was just joking about the triangle. Don't worry if their is a Gracie triangle on the door. The Gracie triagnle is supposed to represent balance. That's what Carley Gracie said.

It doesn't represent the alternative lifestyle people.

Brett Again
03-21-2001, 06:50 PM
Well... I'm pretty sure the logo was in a triangle shape. Although at www.teamgracie.com (http://www.teamgracie.com) I see no evidence of that logo.

Also, in the listing of "Academies" there is no mention of the school I'm looking at. Its possible that the website is just not updated regularly of course.

03-21-2001, 07:44 PM

Where ARE you? If you are looking into a school, and you give me a location, I might be able to help a little bit.

03-21-2001, 08:10 PM
Go to the Underground- http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/MMA3Forums/
Ask about the specific school there. Chances are someone on there lives close to that school and/or trains there and can tell you about it. ê

03-21-2001, 08:37 PM
If you want to train seven days a week you can.I usually train 3 to 5 days while incorporating weights and running.Thats myjiu jitsu routine.In my school we have a grueling 20 minute warmup routine followed by techniques and drilling.Then we spar for one hour at about six minutes a fight.Points or a submission identify the winner.After class eat alot of sushimi.

As far as a teacher, tell me what city you live in and I'll tell you where, in my opinion the best teacher is.I'm personally not to fond of the gracie schools because of a few of the family members greed and philosophies.Thats beside the point.

03-21-2001, 09:19 PM
Well I currently train about twice a week in BJJ, classes start at 7PM and usually ends about 9PM, sometimes a little longer. Normally the first twenty to twenty-five minutes is spent on warm ups which normally consists of stretches, squats, and a whole lot of crunches. Then two or three techniques are worked on for about half an hour or so and the rest of the time is spent of sparring. If you are looking for instruction, check out www.bjj.org (http://www.bjj.org) as they have a very long listing of instructors, you may also want to make a post on www.intheguard.com (http://www.intheguard.com) as they are a number of BJJ schools not listed.-ED

Ford Prefect
03-22-2001, 04:40 PM
It all depends on who's teaching the class. One instructor usually starts off with 10 minutes of light running followed by a plethora of back-to-back plyometric and strength drills for 25 minutes. We then drill a couple techniques intensley for 25 minutes, and roll for 15 minutes or keep drilling. Another instructor opens the class with intense takedown practice for 25 minutes or so. That's followed by drilling a few techniques and then sparring. Then another instructor, might just do 10 minutes of light warm-ups followed by 30-40 minutes of drilling and 15-20 minutes of sparring. It really depends on the day too. Sometimes it's all drilling, sometimes it's all sparring. Most of the time it's a combo of the two though.

"Who's house?"
"I said RUN's house."

Brett Again
03-22-2001, 06:31 PM
I'm located in Lackawanna County, PA. The school I'm looking at is located in Eynon, PA.

But its NEVER open, and no hours are posted.

"This is harder than it looks... and it looks impossible!"
-Chuckie Finster

03-22-2001, 06:41 PM
why did you say eat sashimi after a workout? Is it because of the protein, or is it just something you do because like it?

"A wise man speaks because he has something to say; A fool speaks because he has to say something."

03-22-2001, 08:31 PM
The only schools I could find listed are three in Philadelphia. One is a Renzo Gracie school, another is Craig Kukuk's and finally Steve Maxwell's who is a purple. I think you may want to post the school's address either on www.mixedmartialarts.com (http://www.mixedmartialarts.com) and www.intheguard.com (http://www.intheguard.com)

03-22-2001, 08:34 PM
Eating sushi after training is a tradidition passed on to me by BJJ instructor.Could you please pass the Gracie family soy sauce?