View Full Version : shadow & shaolin do

08-26-2003, 07:09 PM
It just makes me sick to see girls that are big wanna be's on here and act like they can fight. Just look at girl shadow and girl shaolin do. Talk about girls who have never had a real fight?
Yet, I have to read their fairy tale analysis from fighting skills in shaolin do to chi gung. Come on, hey, I studied for over 25 years in Beijing and just about everything these clowns say is opposite of decent xing-i, tai chi and bagua. But, just read their crap on what they say is real. Why won't they just shut their mouths and come to our school or compete in kuo su? I'll tell you why? Girls are girls. Stay that way and save yourself from a real as-- whoopin, shadow, and shaolin do.



Laughing Cow
08-26-2003, 07:11 PM

Boring troll.

08-26-2003, 07:18 PM
Why won't they just shut their mouths and come to our school
I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard since no one knows where your school is ;) Gotta website or something? :D

08-26-2003, 07:20 PM
my thoughts exactly

yet another person who doesn't disclose anything about themselves in their profile.

AND, doesn't add anything to the conversation to lend credibility to himself.


it takes a heck of a lot more courage to come on here and claim SD as your chosen style KNOWING that it, and you, are gonna catch some flack about it. If for no other reason, these guys get my respect.

right now, bobojoe02, you're just littering the bandwidth with more trash.

08-26-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Brad

I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard since no one knows where your school is ;) Gotta website or something? :D

Yes, we have several schools that I e-mailed them but they refuse to show up even if we go to them? Now, you know they are girls who just won't fight but girl, can they diss it out. Listen to their dribble. "One finger chi kung is the best"; "Shaolin do is the best" "Our school is the do-do." They are masturbating on here with each other. Look up their pics on shaolin do and see what geekie lookin freaks they really are. Giving real martial arts a bad name. I spent 25 years learning respectful arts and do not lie about my experience like them.


08-26-2003, 07:25 PM
well, bbj02, let US know where you are and what you do. We're curious.

08-26-2003, 07:30 PM
Yes, we have several schools that I e-mailed them but they refuse to show up even if we go to them?

So where is it?! :D

08-26-2003, 07:33 PM
First, what is up with the double posting and trolling.

Secondly you say this:

Originally posted by bobojoe02
They are masturbating on here with each other. Look up their pics on shaolin do and see what geekie lookin freaks they really are.

Then you have the audacity to say this:
Umm .. I don't think so. You get no respect acting like that.

By the way, do you know what "bobo" means in Spanish?

08-26-2003, 08:12 PM
hey, what does 'bobo' mean in spanish?

Laughing Cow
08-26-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Oso
hey, what does 'bobo' mean in spanish?

"Stupid" if I remember my little bit of spanish correctly.

08-26-2003, 08:24 PM

bobo oso would be 'stupid bear';)

08-26-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

"Stupid" if I remember my little bit of spanish correctly.

Bingo, someone give that man a prize.

08-26-2003, 10:24 PM
****it, meecer, you're getting more and more tolerable each day. :p

the big question: has anyone, other than the ******* troll masquerading as sin the and other flashes of brilliance actually claimed in the past year or two on this forum that shaolin do was the best, or did they all just claim it was good for them personally?

08-26-2003, 10:58 PM
****it, meecer, you're getting more and more tolerable each day.
I'll have to watch that.

has anyone, other than the ******* troll masquerading as sin the and other flashes of brilliance actually claimed in the past year or two on this forum that shaolin do was the best, or did they all just claim it was good for them personally?
I'll be the first one to say so. And I hope that everyone says the same about their art. Would I have said this without having the question posed to me? Of course not, that would have been rude and brought down flames galore. Do I take offense at another stylist saying their art is the best? No, I don't. I am glad to see others take pride in their own art. My beef is when people take the other side of the street, telling people that their art is crap.

I feel that a person could become a formidable fighter in any system. Given enough time a person in a hypothetical system that contained only one form and had only basic punch, kicks, and blocks in it, could become great. I will give props to anyone that puts years into training no matter what style it is, even NAMAT. :eek: I know, I had better be careful there or I will be guilty of what I am accusing others of.

08-27-2003, 05:55 AM
Since bobojoe02 has neglected to add information to his profile, let's do a profile for him.

E-mail Address: bobojoe@obvioustroll.com

Homepage: Bobo Joe ROXOR111 (http://www.mulletsgalore.com)

Signature: "You guys are stupid pupy-heads." "Look at me! I am three!" "Knock-knock. Who's there? Now you go! Knock-knock! Now you go! Yaaayyyy!!! Yaaaayyyy!!!"

Birthdate: August 1, 1995

What's Your MA Style? Bobo-Do ... a mixture of BJJ, Judo, Karate-Do (it's pronounced ka-rah-TAY), hip-hop and interpretive dance. I self-train.

How Long Have You Trained? Like my master, Mr. Miyagee says, "It no matter how long train. Only matter quality. Now sand my deck!"

Biography: 10 years of intensive training in keyboard-fu has made me into a master who can troll at 36 wpm. FEAR MY WRATH, MORTALS!!!


Interests: Self-abuse. Trolling. Care Bears.

Occupation: I trade oddly-shaped Gummi Bears. Anyone wanna trade? (cute smiley with little pink bow on top)

08-27-2003, 09:36 AM
If bobo has twenty five years experience I'm a Mao Mao fighter pilot!:rolleyes:

08-27-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by TonyM.
If bobo has twenty five years experience I'm a Mao Mao fighter pilot!:rolleyes:

If Bobo has 25 years of experience walking upright, I'll be shocked.

Stuart B.

08-27-2003, 11:34 AM
He's just the kung fu equivalent of Ralek.

Roll with the punches.

08-27-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
He's just the kung fu equivalent of Ralek.

Roll with the punches.

I'm sure Ralek would be delighted to hear that he has a kung fu equivalent.


chen zhen
08-27-2003, 11:44 AM
:o....... (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/forumfun/sucks1.jpg)

Bobo is wack.
If he represents CMA, then I represent the local fire-departement in Calcutta. Pure bull.

08-27-2003, 01:00 PM
I think anyone who wastes threads to bash certain people are scum...get a life son. It looks like injustice to GDA when punks come on here and personally attack people and have a membership here the next day.

08-27-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
I think anyone who wastes threads to bash certain people are scum...get a life son. It looks like injustice to GDA when punks come on here and personally attack people and have a membership here the next day.

-----I agree, shadow & shaolin are scum.

08-27-2003, 01:25 PM
when and how where you personally attacked?

Laughing Cow
08-27-2003, 01:29 PM
I also find funny that he has so far mentioned multiple places where he trained.

Now was it Singapore or Shanghai that went with Beijing?

Make up your fricking mind, one o those cities ain't even in China, care to guess which one, ;)

08-27-2003, 01:38 PM
Hey, Di ldojoe, how many threads are you going to waste bashing SD and Shadow? I think the only thing "do-do" here is your "kung fu training"

08-27-2003, 01:54 PM
Do you have any respect for your mother , for women in general, why is the word "Girl" used in your vocabulary as a bad thing?
Do you have something against women? Are you a H0mo Thug?
Please contribute something useful.

chen zhen
08-27-2003, 01:57 PM
I think he was one of the (")guys(") in the pics I accidently posted...;)

08-27-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Starchaser107
Do you have any respect for your mother , for women in general, why is the word "Girl" used in your vocabulary as a bad thing?
Do you have something against women? Are you a H0mo Thug?
Please contribute something useful.

Only ***s, gAyguys, **** fugs back shadow & shaolin do-do, and ask gAy questions like that.


norther practitioner
08-27-2003, 02:16 PM
I'll reiterate the whole useful thing...

08-27-2003, 02:16 PM

Don't you like it baby
get me the vaseline...

Now on a serious note... p!ss off:cool:

08-27-2003, 02:17 PM
Bobo, are you 12?

08-27-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
Bobo, are you 12?

You must be confusing yourself with shadow or shaolin-do unless you do that stuff, too?

Rhyming & respectful,

08-27-2003, 07:07 PM
I used to take SD, yes. But to read a couple articles on it and think you know tho whole art is ignorant. And to come on a Forum and have only 22 posts and 3 threads on the same subject, better yet, bashing the same person seems childish. If you do have vast experience in MA, or have traveled the world studying MA, then I say you haven't learned sh*t. You sound like a yellow belt who thinks their art is supreme and decides to go on-line and let the world know. When in reality, you do nothing but tarnish the linage of your KF with your rotten attitude, you biased views, and your narrow-minded thoughts.

Respectfully & Sincerly

The Captain

08-27-2003, 07:09 PM
Send that to your sifus

08-27-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
Send that to your sifus

It ain't nutiin gainst yall, capin pic axe. This is just another attempt to get shaolin-do and shadow to fight. They backed down when I brought my little 11 year old sister in their DO-JOE.
Can you imagine what kind of girls they are.

Bo Joe,

08-27-2003, 07:19 PM
I know for a fact you weren't down in San Antonio askin' the Shaolin-Do I know personally to fight. Because, quite frankly, he would of dropped you where you stand... Okay, I don't know you, but he would of gladly fought you as would I. Now, understand, you have done nothing but nag and hassle this guy "shadow" for most if not all the duration of your membership here. How does that make you look? How does that make your Sifu look?

08-27-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
I know for a fact you weren't down in San Antonio askin' the Shaolin-Do I know personally to fight. Because, quite frankly, he would of dropped you where you stand... Okay, I don't know you, but he would of gladly fought you as would I. Now, understand, you have done nothing but nag and hassle this guy "shadow" for most if not all the duration of your membership here. How does that make you look? How does that make your Sifu look?

I was at that dumb ass school and laughed out loud at shadow's
karate and he asked what the hee haw? I said hey, are you as dum de daa as you look? He refused to spar with my kid sister.
Ok, then, let's set it up again. I will meet with shadow and allow him to spar me or my sis. Can't be any more fair than that, now, right? I can describe all of those redneck wannabe's to a tee.
"Kiya mofo."


08-27-2003, 07:58 PM
I'm not speaking for shadow. I speak only for myself. But, to think you'd put your 11 year old daughter against a grown man is just wreakless. You know you'd be held responsible for her injuries, right?

08-27-2003, 08:00 PM
And by Shaolin-Do, I mean the guy on the forum, not the MA.

08-27-2003, 08:13 PM
why do you insist on crowding the forum with the same crap threads? this the one question of mine you keep dodging.
Joe Schafer is a master at a kwoon in Austin. And if your pickin' fights with him, you f*ckin' with fire. He's a bad man, Doo-DooJoe.