View Full Version : Let's talk about Box Squats

08-26-2003, 11:54 PM
I did box squats today for my 2nd set of PTP squats. Holy crap! Even with less weight on the 2nd set, it was harder work than the 1st set. I think I've been getting screwed in squats all these years when I've been doing them.

Remember I just started a thread a little bit ago about how if I pause at the bottom of squats it's much harder to go back up? I guess I was bouncing or something (I wasn't really bouncing, but it was the same principle I guess).

Anyway, box squats kick ass. I guess it equates to the pause at the bottom of a bench press. I think I'm going to do this whole PTP cycle with Box squats, and probably also the GVT portion of my cycle as well.

I wonder if that's why my legs have been small and weak despite squatting for years... maybe I wasn't getting the best muscle stimulation because I wasn't getting a pause at the bottom.

Also, the box was very low. It was a little bit higher than my normal squat depth (maybe 1" higher), but it still caused my legs to be below parallel.


Ford Prefect
08-27-2003, 04:33 AM
I like them too. You can really feel them in glutes and hams. I was amazed by how weak my posterior chain really was when I first started them.

08-27-2003, 10:43 AM
I felt it more in my quads. I think my posterior chain is stronger than my quads. Hehe :)


08-28-2003, 10:04 PM
Hey Ford, is there any problem with doing a lot of box squats instead of regular squats for a while? Like if I do GVT (10x10) and I only do box squats, will anything happen?

I'm asking because yesterday I did my 2 sets of PTP both as box squats, and then at the end I did one more rep just for fun without the box, and not only did it feel much lighter, but I felt like I was falling through a little "hole" at the bottom since without the box I go about an inch ****her down.

But wow, I was so amazed at how much easier it was without the box. I must be doing something weird.

But anyway, if one were to do only box squats for a period of time, would there be anything bad that results? What do you think?



08-28-2003, 10:58 PM
I tried some Zercher squats today, just for fun. It really blasted my hamstrings. I don't think my form was very good though. I will probably try it again sometime.

08-28-2003, 11:03 PM
Errr.. what's a box squat?

For that matter, what's a Zercher squat?!


08-28-2003, 11:11 PM
Zercher Squat (http://www.olympus.net/personal/cablebar/Zlift.htm)

08-28-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by abobo
Zercher Squat (http://www.olympus.net/personal/cablebar/Zlift.htm)

Oh my god! Say good bye to back health!


08-28-2003, 11:31 PM
Careful with that rounded back stuff...


Ford Prefect
08-29-2003, 06:27 AM
I don't see anything wrong with doing 10x10's on the box. Just keep good form... controlled decent to box, sit back not down, push ground apart with feet, push knees out. If you get tired and sit down too hard, I could see messing up your back.

08-29-2003, 10:38 AM
Yeah, I don't do the from-the-floor version. Maybe if I were training for the Atlas Stones...

08-29-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
I don't see anything wrong with doing 10x10's on the box. Just keep good form... controlled decent to box, sit back not down, push ground apart with feet, push knees out. If you get tired and sit down too hard, I could see messing up your back.

I'm not sure I get the whole "sit back not down" thing. Is the motion different from that of a normal squat?


Ford Prefect
08-29-2003, 11:12 AM
Kind of in that most people don't squat as efficiently as possible. You're feet should be more than shoulder-width apart, you should be pushing the ground apart with your feet during the squat, and you should be pushing your knees out so they don't rotate in.

The sit back thing is try to imagine standing in front of a chair. The chair is about 12" from the back of your knees. The squat motion should be one similar to if you were sitting back into the chair. Not only are your shins completely perpendicular to the ground, but it is even pheasable to have them slanting slighting backwards towards the box. When you squat this way, the higher percentage of your power comes from your hams and glutes. Many people don't even have strong enough hams and glutes to squat this way with the only the bar, and a box squat is a great way to build the strength needed to squat in this manner.




08-29-2003, 01:12 PM
Hmm, maybe I'm doing it wrong. I can't imagine sitting back like that without losing control of the decent. Then again, I haven't really tried it. Or maybe I'm doing it and not realizing it.

But I also don't like to squat with a huge wide stance like they use.

I just tried it in my room with no bar or anything, just going through the motions, and I can't keep my shins vertical without falling over. Maybe having a bar changes the center of gravity, though.


Ford Prefect
08-29-2003, 01:19 PM
Yeah, having the weight helps with the balance. I can't do it either although we should be able to. ;)

08-29-2003, 05:14 PM
Actually IF, I do bodyweight box squats occasionally on the corner of my bed or a couch, and have no problem keeping my shins vertical or past vertical. But I DO lose control of the descent on the bottom over the last couple inches, and have to rock forward slightly to come up. Still I feel the effects in the back of my legs. One of the things is that you have to actively pull with your hip flexors as you crease at the hips. At the same time you need to tense and stretch out your posterior chain.

09-04-2003, 07:07 PM
I've been doing bodyweight box squats for about the past year. Great Physical therapy for the knees. Got those underdeveloped VMOs, so any stimulation to those kicks arse. In fact, sometimes I do them with my feet splayed wide, and let my knees drag inside. Not a whole lot, though.

Wall squats kick major ass. No more weights for my legs, bodyweight for Cody = Knee Health.

09-05-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Vash
In fact, sometimes I do them with my feet splayed wide, and let my knees drag inside. .

Hmm, your knees should be over your feet. Then again I don't know what VMOs are so maybe you're doing that for a reason.
