View Full Version : A Year in Review: Good progress

Ford Prefect
08-28-2003, 06:38 AM
Looking at the mirror in the gym this morning, I couldn't believe that this time last year, I hadn't worked in months due to Lyme desease, I had just lost 30+ hard earned pounds, and half my face was paralyzed. I had never truly been "skinny" before. I was always slender, but had a muscular build due to athletics that I participated in all my life. I was nasty skinny this time last year though. Not only had I lost a lot of hard earned weight, but I lost a lot of hard earned strength.

I started lifted again in September to just get back into the swing of things and my lifts were pretty pathetic. My 1RM for the bench, squat, and deadlift were well below 200 lbs. I was never a HUGE squatter or bencher due to my long and lanky build, but this was just sad. I knew it was going to be a long climb back. In November, I started a bodybuilding and dieting program to gain back some weight and strength. At it's close in February, I had gained near 40 lbs althought a bit of it was fat.

I also noticed something was missing. Much to my dismay, my cardio and strength endurance that I had taken years to build up was all but gone. I could only run 10 minute miles, could barely do 10 pull-ups in a row, and couldn't swim a lick. I wanted to build up my maximal strength again, but I felt I had to first get myself healthy and build a solid base of strength with bodyweight calsthenics and strength-endurance.

Fast forward to today. I've lost nearly 20 lbs since February, but very little muscle. I have my low bodyfat % again. I'm running 6-7 minute miles depending on how far I'm running (1-5 miles), I'm swimming well, and max bench is back to 235 lbs, squat 250 lbs (been hampered by old knee injury), and deadlift 445 lbs. I can do sets of 25 pull-ups and dips with a max around 30-40 for each and my endurance is through the roof.

Not only that, but my work capacity is at it's highest ever. I can handle doing a very high volume calesthenic workout or aerobic workout, and have plenty of strength left over for a good weight training session. I still have another 18 solid weeks of building up my strength endurance and aerobic/anaerobic endurance before I start to focus on maximal strength more as well.

It's been a tough year, but I'm very happy with the progress I've made and my recovery. I can only imagine of what I'll be able to do next year.

08-28-2003, 02:40 PM
congrats on all the progress, ford. are you better now than you were before illness, or is that a milestone ahead of you on your way to even more goodness?

that, and, not meant rudely, but what's the skinny on your face these days? :)

08-28-2003, 05:24 PM
Good job. I know what it's like to lose gains, although not as severely as when you have Lyme Disease. Good luck.


Ford Prefect
08-29-2003, 06:29 AM
Hey Rub,

I still need quite a bit of maximal strength back (about 80 for bench, 200 for squat, and 100 for dead) before I'm back to where I was strength-wise. My GPP is a lot better than ever though.

08-30-2003, 10:16 AM
Ow, how'd you break your back?

08-30-2003, 02:02 PM
You're over 50? Hehe, it's funny online because you never have any idea how old anyone is unless they tell you. I assumed you were like 30 or something I guess.

So, where were you going when you got hit? Did they take you to the hospital in an ambulance? How are your molars now?

No sleep for 26 days sucks. I didn't sleep for a few nights last semester (there's a clue as to my age :) ) because I had the flu and a cough so bad that I kept coughing myself awake. I'd even take Nyquil but that didn't help. But I can't imagine 26 days (knock on wood). Did they give you drugs or anything for the pain?


Ford Prefect
09-02-2003, 08:59 AM
**** Tony! Glad to hear you recovered.

09-02-2003, 09:55 AM
Congratulations to Ford and Tony. I know how frustrating it can be to try to come back from an injury/illness.

Cheese Dog
09-02-2003, 09:51 PM
Congrats to the hard-earned progress of Ford and TonyM. You should both be very proud.

Mr Punch
09-03-2003, 04:37 AM
Congrats and all the best for both of you.