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View Full Version : Anyone Have Experience With This Style?

08-28-2003, 12:39 PM
The style is called Meihuazhuang and seems to be a pretty high level system incorporating alot of internal and external principles. Check it out and lets hear what you think.


norther practitioner
08-28-2003, 01:05 PM
One of the larger influences on a lot of northern styles, including Shaolin... Some of my forms have a lot of Meihua flavor to them. Let me welcome you to the boards... just ignore some of the bickering, it happens from time to time (you'd think some of them were married to each other or something).
As far as a higher level system, most systems would concider themselves that...:D

08-28-2003, 01:37 PM
What i meant by "high level" was basically that it covered in great depth the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the martial arts.

08-28-2003, 01:39 PM
Most will say they are "high level"
Welcome to the boards btw.

Id say to just check out the school, talk to the instructor, maybe go to a free class. Just see what you think.

08-28-2003, 01:42 PM
I'm extremely High Leveled!!!!!!!:D

Welcome, raatra.

08-28-2003, 01:57 PM
Oh sorry, i didnt mean that i was going to the school. I dont even live anywhere near it. I just never heard of the style before. Man you guys like to pick apart what people say, instead of "high level" maybe i should have said "sophisticated" or something. I didnt mean it was better than another style i just meant that it seemed to have all its bases covered.

norther practitioner
08-28-2003, 02:12 PM
Most of them say they do, thats all man. It is one of the big 5 so to speak of the northern styles.

David Jamieson
08-28-2003, 02:21 PM
meihuazhuang - mei=plum hua=flower zhuang=post

This is Plum Flower Post which I didn't know was a "style" per se but rather a method employed by several Kungfu systems, particularly the Shaolin styles.

You drop posts into the ground and essentially train form, stances and two man drills atop them. It increase strength and balance through the practice of it.

The posts I have seen are any where from 4 feet high at the top to 15 feet high. Sometimes there will be sharp sticks around the posts to discourage the students from "falling" lol.

p.s the so called 'big 5' northern families of Kungfu are Hua, Fa, Hong, Pao and Cha


norther practitioner
08-28-2003, 02:26 PM
I alway thought that hua and meihua were the same... maybe not..:confused: whatever... There are certainly a lot of styles that refer to meihua in one way or the other.

David Jamieson
08-28-2003, 09:02 PM

I understand the concept of the plum flower and it's connection to kungfu to be 2 fold.

first, the plum flower blossoms in early spring when there is still snow on the ground quite often. THis is a symbol of perserverence and strength and much more, but symbolically it fits well with the spirit and ideal of Kungfu practice.

secondly, the petals which are 4 represent the cardinal directions and are incorporated into paths that are used in Kungfu forms or sets. Hence sets that are named either Mei hua or Moi fah.

Hung gar has a Moi fah set in some curriculums, North Shaolin has a Moi Fah set and other styles als have sets named plum flower or plum flower <insert the rest of the name here>.

These sets move along four directions in their attacks and defenses. Thre are many sets that move in back and forth lines or paths, roads, what have you :-) such as Tan Tui, some sets move along straight lines but -T- on one end or the other or both some sets work in a cross, and some sets are entirely circular in the foot patterns. And of course, some sets are combinations or permutations of those listed above.


Ben Gash
08-29-2003, 12:50 AM
NP, Huaquan and Meihuaquan are different systems. It was my understanding that Meihuaquan could also be translated as "ambush fist", Implying a counter-attacking strategy. Hua quan is a pretty orthodox (though quite attractive) longfist system.

Shaolin Master
08-29-2003, 05:05 AM
Meihuazhuang is as very authentic and traditional system.
Meihuaquan (of northern and southern) varieties are different systems.
Huaquan (Flower Fist) : Gan Feng Chi origins.
Huaquan (Magnificent(China) Fist) : Cai Family origins.

All the above differ.

Meihuazhuang is a taste of good traditional martial arts from the regions of Hebei (the most famous area for martial practice). whether Da Jia Zi or Xiao Jia Zi they are all excellent methods of study. Like older traditional styles emphasis on quality practicability and the attached philosophy or theory,essential to 'complete' martial knowledge.

Wu Chan Long

08-29-2003, 08:30 AM

It's not so much that people like picking apart what other people say (though in some cases, that's it). It's more that we're all martial artists here. So saying something is "sophisticated" or "high level" is kinda meaningless. Most of us are going to believe that our chosen art is sophisticated and high level. Many of us are going to believe that most arts are sophisticated and high level. I don't, for example, think that the theories and concepts of wing chun are any more or less profound than those of western boxing.

That's what people are getting at. "Sophisticated" and "high level" are marketing. They don't actually say anything about the art. They're just rhetoric. Like saying a used car "runs great." And just like a mechanic who buys a used car probably isn't going to be too impressed by the words "runs great", most people here aren't going to be won over by "sophisticated."

That's all. Nothing personal.

Stuart B.

08-29-2003, 08:32 AM
wing chun are any more or less profound than those of western boxing.

my wingchun will defeat your inferior boxing.

08-29-2003, 08:35 AM
Your wing chun is nothing compared to my ving tsun, for only it is the true lineage.

(wait... I dont study ving tsun.)
:eek: :eek:

08-29-2003, 08:37 AM
no, my lineage hold's the trademark to the one true spelling of wing chun (tm) and all others are inferior, including Boxing (tm).

08-29-2003, 08:52 AM
Ving Tsun
Copywrite 1962, Yip Man Inc.
You have been proven in fallacy!
Behold, My true VT!!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!

I bet jumping from post to post would make you have killer azz balance. Or standing atop one.

08-29-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by red5angel

my wingchun will defeat your inferior boxing.

Well, you might be right about that. :)

08-29-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin Master
Meihuazhuang is as very authentic and traditional system.
Meihuaquan (of northern and southern) varieties are different systems.
Huaquan (Flower Fist) : Gan Feng Chi origins.
Huaquan (Magnificent(China) Fist) : Cai Family origins.

All the above differ.
Shaolin Master,
Do you have any information on Hua (Essence) Boxing?