View Full Version : Stance training with posts

08-28-2003, 10:04 PM
Yo, I'm thinking of putting posts on into the ground and using them to train my stances. what do yall think, too much work?

08-28-2003, 10:13 PM
Yo, here's what I know about that.

1. There's no need to make them high like in the movies. I hear you'll get just as much benefit from 2 or 3" posts as you will from 2 or 3 foot posts. And it will hurt less if you fall.

2. Someone said like empty coffee cans with sand or something will work, too. I dunno.

3. If you want to train stance stability, you could try holding a stance on the edge of bricks. The long edge first, and then when you get good, you can stand them up the tall way and stand on them. If you direct your force even a little to the size, the brick will fall and so will you.

4. If you put up poles, take a picture and show us cuz they're cool.

Good luck,


08-29-2003, 04:33 PM
good idea with the brick thanx:D

yu shan
08-31-2003, 03:22 PM
A great training avenue and well worth the investment and sweat diggen the friggen holes.

Learned pole work while training in Wah Lum, they are really big on this. Never saw 3" poles though, our`s ranged between 3' to sometimes 7 feet. There is also the diameter of the pole to think about and the space between. From what I remember, the thicker poles were the short ones, and got narrower as the pole got higher. Movement in the higher poles is a factor. These poles are not only for stance training, try doing moving in and out of stances, going up and down the poles. Then you can do two-person hand-drills with stance training(while moving). Try doing one of your 7* forms on your poles. Pole work is exellent for stength, balance, awareness, and just plain being scared of falling.

08-31-2003, 04:31 PM
where can i get some of these jong poles? i tried looking on google and ebay but no such luck.

yu shan
08-31-2003, 08:07 PM
Good luck friend, the larger poles were telephone pole size, then of course, they got smaller in diameter the higher they went...as for where to obtain, good question. This might take a little effort on your part. Well worth it!