View Full Version : Question for the computer people

09-01-2003, 11:13 AM
I get these spams at my old aol account that I haven't used in forever. The subject of the email is one of two things. It's either:

1. (My last name) residence preapproved for loan something or other
2. (My street address) residence preapproved for loan...

And then when I open the email, it begins with:

(My dad's name), do you live at (my street address)? Blah blah blah...

Now, somehow it's accessing a phonebook directory, and I know this because my dad's name is abbreviated in the phone book, and that's the way it appears in the email subject.

But how the fcuk did they link a non-primary screen name with a street address???? I would understand if the emails were coming from AOL, but they're coming from some other spammer company.


Ming Yue
09-01-2003, 12:17 PM
AOL sells user information to marketing companies. That may be your answer right there.
otherwise, not sure