View Full Version : Daily Workout: Sept 2

Ford Prefect
09-02-2003, 08:52 AM
Hi all,

I thought it might be fun to have a daily workout thread every few days to see what everybody is doing and give each other ideas for our own workouts. This is what I did this morning:

Sprint 1600m
Stretch 10:00

-Pull-ups 3x15
-Sit&Tuck 3x20 (to each side)

Sprint 2 miles on Bike

-Chin-ups 3x15
-Atomic Sit-ups 3x20

Sprint 2 miles on Bike

BW Squats 3x20
BW Lunges 3x10 (ea leg)
BW Calf Raises 3x20

Bench Press 1x8, 1x6, 1x4, 1x2, 1x8
-Superset last set with incline db flies

Tri-Superset x 2:
-DB Curls (strip set to 15 lbs)
-Tricep Pull-downs (strip set to 10 lbs)
-Forearm Flexion and Extensions

Sprint 2 miles on Bike

Stretch 10:00

It was a pretty low-intensity day since I had trouble dragging myself out of bed so early after the long weekend.

Ford Prefect
09-02-2003, 12:22 PM
Anybody else?

09-02-2003, 12:34 PM
wtf? You did all that in the same workout?

How do you bench press in between bike sprints? did you ride to the gym, or were you riding a bike at the gym?


Ford Prefect
09-02-2003, 12:40 PM
I did the life cycle on a level 5. I only ride to the gym on weekends. :) The workout didn't take too long. Most of the stuff was supersets with no rest between exercises and sets, so the only thing I rested for was between bench sets. I stretched for longer than 10:00 due to the blonde hottie in the stretching room though. I think it went from 7:30 to 9:00 total for the whole thing.

Cheese Dog
09-02-2003, 09:45 PM
Cool idea Ford.

Anyway, this was my workout this morning:

8:00-Started with some light stretching and slow shadow-boxing for warm up.
8:10-Exercise Bike--11/2 minutes slow, 10 minutes at 28 mph on lvl 5, 11/2 minutes slow.
8:25-Knuckle pushups, 10 sets. When the second hand hits 12 I start each set, do one rep shy of failure on each set.
8:35-Pullups, 5 sets. Same style as above.
8:40-Tri-set: Incline reverse crunches, Decline full twist situps, and back hyperextensions. 3 sets, reps varied.
8:46-Stance training, 13 minutes total.
9:00-light stretching and then hit the shower

Not doing any squats or lunges right now due to sore knees.

09-03-2003, 10:05 AM
yesterday I only did some KB floor pullovers, rack holds, and ab work. On Monday I did my EDT-style weighted pistols with a 53 lb. kettlebell, totalling 18 reps each leg in 15 minutes, a new PR. My ass is still recovering from that one. Also did rack holds and some pushups on the kettlebell handles, and a few stiff-legged deadlifts with 2 KBs. Today I was planning to do a long set of jerks with 2 KBs at the park, followed by circuit training with short jogs in between sets. However, it looks like my butt is still too sore from the pistols and I will push this workout to tomorrow. I did this last week, here's how the workout will go:
Farmer's walk from car to spot for warmup
1 x 15 jerks (2 KB)
wait for heartrate to come back to Earth
jog 150 meters (slow)
5/5 one-arm snatch
jog 150 meters
1 x 5 pullups BW
jog 150 meters
1 x 7 dips BW
jog 150 meters
5 long cycle clean and jerk (2 KBs)
jog 150 meters
10 2-armed swings (1 KB)
jog 150 meters
repeat Circuit
Rack hold walk, till I drop the KBs
Farmer's walk remainder of distance to my car

I'm not strict about the order of exercises, but I try not to do a pull followed by another pull, or a push followed my another push. Anything goes, basically, I'm trying to work out the whole body while keeping the cardio up - but I will take 10-30 breaks if I feel I need it. So last time, for instance, I threw in some deck squats. Other possiblities would be KB windmills, pushups, figure 8 under the leg passes, etc.

Generally I do my workouts by feel, but alternate between cardio-intensive and non cardio intensive.

BTW, you guys'z workouts sound cool.

Cheese Dog
09-04-2003, 12:51 AM
I've been wanting to get some kettlebells for some time. Money's a little tight right now though. Someday (sigh!)

Anyway, this is what I'm planning for tomorrow:

1. Light stretching and shadow boxing to warm up, about 10 minutes.
2. Tri-set--Plyometric pushups-(explode off the deck, clap chest) 5x5
Pull up holds-pullup to top position, lift legs to parellel, hold as
long as possible. 5x3-5
Bike Sprints-1,2,3,2,1 minutes
Keep rest periods between these as short as possible.
3. Iron Staff--I use the steel bar from my Olympic weight set, it weighs 45 lbs
I have 8 different patterns I use (just basic staff patterns).
The key is to use the core muscles to move the staff, all while
holding as low a stance as practical.
4. Chishi--a traditional Okinawan strength training device, I use a 15 lb.
weight attached to the end of an old dumbell bar. The exercises
are more thrusting type with footwork. (more core work!)
5. Tri-set--Wrist roller, Neck Extension with a neck harness, gripping jar
(I use a big olive jar from a place I used to bartend)
6. Triset--side crunches, twist crunches, and crunchs on a slant board
3 sets, reps will vary.

09-04-2003, 03:03 AM
Firstly Ford,
Luv your work,Tried your Chin Dip Squat PU ladder rotation and am going to use it regularly.
Daily Stuff
4days a week
Morning 6km Jog with 50 m sprint every 400m(yeah I jog on a Paddock)
7floors stair run x5
Dynamic Leg Swings
TJ set CW and standing(every Day except Climb day)

Squats: Sumo Hindu Bootstrappers Splits 25x 4
Skipping 3min 1x Doubles every 10 count
5x 3min 5doubles every 10 count,1x Knees up 10 count/ 20 sec rest
10 kg DB swing 1min/arm x3 30 sec R
Static 30 sec stretch routine,Bridge
Abs: Vups, Flutter kicks,Crunchies,Butt ups,Jacknife 3x20 10sec R
Plarelette Work L sit L swing

+2 specific Weight routines a week
We should get a Journal feature going.List up some routines that people can try.

Ford Prefect
09-04-2003, 06:39 AM
Good stuff, guys. Keep it coming. It's cool to see what everybody is doing.

Today was a light day for me:

Warm-up Superset x 10 in 5:00:
Jumping Jacks (4 cnt) x 10
Push-ups x 10

Stretch Upperbody

2 Pyramids of Pull-up and Push-up supersets:
-Pyramids = 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 (done twice)
-Pull-ups for front side (2-4-...10) and chin-ups for back side
-Little rest as possible

Goodmornings 5 x 3-5

Leg Press 3 x 10-15

Calf Raises 3 x 15-25


Pretty light day. This only took about 35-40 minutes.

09-04-2003, 09:39 AM
last night:

- knuckle pushups / cable row 3x12 (done with lifeline's tnt cable, standard weight. for pushups, wrap cable around torso just under armpits for added resistance, maybe another 75 lbs.

- single-arm anterior deltoid raise with 30lb. dumbbell, 2x8
- cable lateral deltoid raises, 2 of 3 tnt cables, 2x12
- reverse cable flies, 2 of 3 tnt cables, 2x12

- verticle fist bicep curls, 1x15 with 30 lb. dumbbell
- single-arm skullcrusher, 1x10 with 30 lb.
- palm-up bicep curls, 1x15 with 30 lb.
- single-arm skullcrushers, 1x10 with 30 lb.
- palm-down bicep curls, 1x12 with 30 lb.
- double-arm overhead tricep extension, 30 lb.

that's my typical upper-body workout. sometimes i'll throw in dips or one-arm pushups for ****s 'n giggles. that was after about 1½ hours of class.

Cheese Dog
09-04-2003, 10:19 AM
Alrighty then, just finished the workout I posted above.

Had to take longer rests during the pushup/pullup/sprint tri-set than I wanted. About halfway through I felt the "urge to purge" and had to stop for about a minute. Still a great workout.

Gonna do it again tomorrow!:D:D

Rub, I like the idea of using a cable to add resistance during knuckle pushups. I'm yoinking it!


09-04-2003, 10:27 AM
steal away, my good sir. if your cables aren't taut enough when you're using 'em, try different ways of wrapping them around your torso to get the desired tension. i don't have a bench at home, so for me, cables are a handy substitute.

09-04-2003, 10:38 AM
RTB: I suggest adding a handstand hold against the wall to the end of that workout (or beginning), for extra shoulder stablization, strength, and flexibility.

09-04-2003, 11:18 AM
can't right now, as i'm getting over some random shoulder injury, which makes any exercise in which i push something up over my head painful. i love to do handstand pushups, but i've had to nix those for a few weeks. it's getting better, but i'll hold off another week or two until it gets back to normal. i typically like handstand pushups, but i gotta take care of myself.

Cheese Dog
09-07-2003, 10:01 PM
Hey Ford, Could you post your Chin Dip Squat PU ladder rotation that Ka mentioned? Sounds cool.

Many Thanks,

Cheese Dog

09-09-2003, 01:54 AM
I usually mix it up with ladders and 4x sets of max.Instead of individual laders with a break I now do a circuit with no break,just walk to the apparatus.I am doing this 4 x week at the moment and will continue to cycle it in with 4x max.
So 1-10-1
1 Push Up(every odd I do Hindu) - 1Chin - 1 BW Squat - 1 Dip - 2 Push Up etc etc .....
It feels good.

Today started Sandbag work,on my stair run,I bear huged(at the start) and shouldered a 40kg sandbag(actually a old Punching Bag with lots of zip locks inside it) up the stairs,Heart rate was racing.Eventually want to over head it.Then other stuff as usual.Will post up my Weight routine next time.

Cheese Dog
09-09-2003, 10:41 PM
Today's home workout will be more aerobic based.

8:30--Exercise bike, 30 minutes
9:00--circuit weight training
military press
bench press
bent row

3 circuits for 12-15 reps each, as little rest as possible.

A lighter workout today because I have kempo tonite.