View Full Version : Tried out BJJ today

chen zhen
09-03-2003, 11:40 AM
We started warming up, with some breakfalls & sh!t..(I did it better than the others:rolleyes: )
then we worked the rest of the time with different techniques & escapes from the mount, rolling, striking from the mount, avoiding groin-shots, etc. it was fun. then in the end we did freestyle sparring (they started sparring on the knees, seemes unrealistic to me. Never did we train takedowns). I did pretty well overall, considering I never grappled properly before, and didnt wear a gi (:D). they were ALL white-belts, since its the first school in DK.

So, i might start it if I decide to stop JKD after this month. I liked it.

What struck me was:

1:they train pre-arranged movement drills
2:they start a drill by lying down, waiting for the other to get on top (unrealistic? that is what they use to say about different KF drills)
3:their sparring is in a safe buffer-zone one might say, because it is in THEIR OWN RULES, and USING THEIR OWN TECHNIQUES, what is different from what they say about CMA sparring in their own safe-environment?

so, BJJ is basically just as realistic/unrealistic as CMA might be.

thank u for listening.


Former castleva
09-03-2003, 01:11 PM
You are SO in flames. ;)

chen zhen
09-03-2003, 01:12 PM
I always love a good discussion:D

Hey, I said I liked it, that cant be bad:)

09-03-2003, 03:08 PM

the "they" that you constantly refer to are a bunch of trolls. real bjj people do not have MA misconceptions. people everywhere, regardless of what style they claim to do or learn or whatever understand that good solid training is good solid training.

trolls come in all labels.


chen zhen
09-04-2003, 07:32 AM
Im aware of that. I talk of THOSE bjj people who talk like this. Most of them I rolled with had former MA backgrounds, in Aikido, Karate, some were even WT instructors. They had no prejudices.

09-05-2003, 04:38 AM
Sounds fun.. My next Shuai Chiao class is next week. I've missed it alot.

Kempo Guy
09-09-2003, 05:07 PM
The BJJ I've done usually follows a format of:

introduction of skill - where you may learn a specific technique with cooperation from your partner.

drilling the particular skill - where you take the technique you've been introduced to and work against resistance without introducing other variables.

integration of skill - where you try to set up the technique against resistance in a sparring situation (but focusing on setting up and using the skill learned)

My teachers are always telling us to do 'this' or 'that' if it is for the street vs. competition. However, the way the skills are introduced remain constant.

As you have experienced, most of the training start from the knees as it will teach you something about breaking the opponents balance without having to actually throw. I think throwing is fun but it's pretty tough on your body as if BJJ rolling isn't tough enough on your body already... :rolleyes:

It is one of the only styles I've practiced that works against near or full resistance in every class/workout.