View Full Version : Weighted Vest

09-05-2003, 08:33 AM
Anyone here have a weighted vest? Any comments on it?
Anyone know some good excercises while wearing it? (yes I know anything works in it, but I want some specific workouts)

Dark Knight
09-05-2003, 08:51 AM
I have one and the weights that go on the thighs.

I run with both on. (Gives you that DBZ feeling) It helps overall. I bought both at title boxing http://www.titleboxing.com/ The weights for the thighs are not on the site. Order the catalog.

Try shadow boxing with them on.

I run sprints with it on, it helps my speed and explosivness.

Judge Pen
09-05-2003, 08:56 AM
Jumping rope. Stance work. Running uphill. Heavy bag work. The possibilities are endless.

09-05-2003, 09:04 AM
Like JP said the possibilities for working out w/a weight vest are nearly endless. I've worn two different types. The first had the weight situated in your lower back. This sucked and made moving w/the thing on a serious biatch. The other sits the weight at chest height. This is much better for moving. Just going through your material w/the extra weight is tough. Pull-ups, push-ups, etc. are fun w/it on too. Just be careful, and move w/good form or you'll damage yourself. :cool:

09-05-2003, 09:05 AM
Awww... Cmon guys... No weight vest specific excersises? I already do all whats mentioned... except uphill running. Plan on getting some heavy weights and making a sled to pull for that...

Jumping rope with weights works great.. Helps vertical a lot.

Dark Knight
09-05-2003, 09:24 AM
Buy the video on running for speed on that site. It will give you a ton of other exersizes.

Jotaro Joestar
09-05-2003, 09:31 AM
I am planning on getting a vest from here. I have not yet because they are a little pricey.


09-05-2003, 09:47 AM
40lb weightvest there = 169$

40lb weightvest at academy here in town = 69$

Ground Dragon
09-05-2003, 12:23 PM
I love my weight vest, I think it's a great training tool. The one I have has 50 lbs of weight.
I do a lot of heavy bag work with my vest on.
An example might be to practice a certain kick (roundhouse for example), maybe 20 or so for each leg total, then do a set of pushups, then side kicks, then a set of crunches, then front kicks, then a set of squats etc. I like to alternate with a set of practicing a certain kick or some punches, or punching or kicking combos, then immediately do a set of pushups or any other type of bodyweight excercise.
I like to practice shooting in on the bag, like I'm going for a takedown. Do 20 or so of those, then some conditioning. I will also do rounds of shadow boxing at the end.
I would like to hear other people's ideas as well.

09-05-2003, 01:37 PM
I'd like a weighted vest.
Is there an easy way to make one?

09-05-2003, 01:45 PM
SC - I tried to make a weight vest. It was way more trouble than it was worth. For practicality and durability the right materials just aren't available at your local sewing notions outlet. I'd like to get a look at the one SD can get for $40. That's a killer deal. My instructor paid $150 for the one we use.

09-05-2003, 01:48 PM
No academy near by?
Not 40,60$
still a killer deal however... Ill look at what brand it is next time Im in there, and post the link.

09-05-2003, 01:57 PM
both of u guys.

09-05-2003, 02:01 PM
Cool SD, Thanks. You never said...you coming to tournament on the 20th? It'd be cool to meet ya.

09-05-2003, 02:19 PM
I have the weight vest from weightvest.com, and let me tell you it is worth every penny. With conventional weight vests they tend to sag and shift weight as you move. They also KILL your traps!!! If you lean forward the weight shifts to the front and tends to pull you to the ground. The one I have makes you feel like your body wieghs 50 lbs more and there is no noticible perception of where the weight rides. You can do forms while wearing this without it throwing you around. (Best use of a weight vest in my opinion) I'll have my weight vest in my trunk at the SD tournament this month if you want to try it on. Once you do, you will fall in love with it.

I also purchased the cool pack inserts which helps in this hot humid weather we are having in Ky, in Texas that would be a necessity. I also have the hydration pack, which is a lifesaver. You can drink on the move. The only drawback is you can't do any rolls or situps with it on or you will crush the water pack.

What can you use a weight vest for? Use it for everything you do without a weight vest. We had a traditional weight vest training class a few summers ago. Traditional as in Master Green had a braided whip/black jack, that he used to 'motivate' us when we showed signs of weakness. Let me tell you that thing HURT!! The time before this class was taught he had 24 students begin the class and only one finished. If we did show any weakness, ie. not getting low enough in our stances or crying out in pain, or passing out before we were supposed to, we got a fingernail painted bright red. We had to leave it painted all summer long and if we ever removed it or covered it up he would never teach us again. For every show of weakness we had we got another nail painted. If you got 10 you were out. I finished with 3. This was very humiliating because I was taking classes that summer and I learned to walk with my fingers cupped. Unfortunatly I didn't have the weightvest from www,weightvest.com at the time. It would have made life a lot easier. The worst exercise was the inclined situps with 50lbs strapped to you, and 5 lbs on each wrist. We had another student sit on our feet as we hung upside down off of a deck. With the cheap vests they tended to slide down while you were upside down and choke your airway. It was a killer. Other exercises included our normal class warm ups. Running through many of our forms. Lots of frog jumps. Lots of two footed jumps over obsticles. We also did pushups where you slap your hands together on the up push, ate a lot of mud from that one. Did one legged knee bends. And oh yeah, if we did really good our reward was long periods of standing in stances while holding our hands out with weights on them. After a couple of months of that things got really hard. :)

09-05-2003, 02:27 PM
Cool :)
Yeah, the cheap one seems like it may slide a bit... The Weightvest.com ones look very snug and well made...

09-05-2003, 02:55 PM
there's a weight vest thread or two somewhere in the training forum, if you search. I listed several places where you could buy them, and some others were telling their experiences with them, if I remember correctly.