View Full Version : Seeking knowledge and opinions

Searing Palm
09-05-2003, 09:53 AM
Greetings fellow artists of both internal and external forms:

I am new to this forum and, like many of you, have a great interest in martial arts, though I've not been able to practice them much due to various aspects of life. However, I now have the time and drive to learn a martial art and am currently conducting research on various forms. One form I am interested in is Haipkido, and please forgive me if I have misspelled this. I do not like butchering names. In general, I am interested in martial arts forms that have a system of circular arm and hand movements that contain palm strikes, shoulder strikes and elbow strikes. For defense, I am in search of a system that utilizes various locks as well. In terms of kicking, I would like to learn to utilize kicks that are not only effective in real combat, but also enable me to enter, trap, counter and parry effectively.

I would like anyone to offer their opinion on what they believe to be a good martial arts form that provides these aspects. Please feel free to be completely honest. I am looking for an art that is less aesthetically pleasing and more effective in "real world" situations. One important aspect I am in search of is Fa-Jing. From what I have learned and observed, Fa-Jing is quite effective if used properly. The release of energy makes for an effective strike and I definitely want to learn this aspect. I thank you all for your time and appreciate any and all response. Peace unto you all :-)

Searing Palm

09-05-2003, 05:48 PM
.....You might try break-dancing's poping and locking. Add to your training once you have great skill at it. connecting with soft things to condition your arms or the backs of your hands whichever your first contact area is. When you can pop'n'lock and connect with hard things with one area of your arms develop another area. Later practice deflecting or avoiding then delivering fa-jin(g) from one of the areas you developed.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan has Fa-jin(g) but it might be a characteristic of development not solely to any one Kung-Fu.

Hapkido seems to have much of that for which you are looking. You might have to go throughforms in order building skills to better do the form that has all the things you like. When you develop understanding enough to effectively fa-jin(g) you can do the earlier forms with the fa-jin(g) added. Play-with-it. Perhaps. Get the feel~.-ish

Jook Lum
09-05-2003, 06:49 PM
What schools and styles are available to you where you live?
Someone may suggest a style to you,but if it is not available to you it will not do much good.If you could list the styles that you have access to people could give you more information on that style.

09-05-2003, 07:50 PM
Perhaps you should have a look at some of thesse in your area:

- bagua?
- taijiquan?
- choy lay fut?

Whatever you choose to do, don't just choose a system, choose a school... watch some training sessions at the places you're considering and factor what you see into your decision.

Searing Palm
09-07-2003, 06:36 PM
Greetings No_Know:

That's a very interesting viewpoint and I used to break dance back in the day LOL That has been quite some time but it's never too late to recover that skill, right? ;) Perhaps Capoiera is what I should pursue lol Thanks again and I'll see what I can develop. Peace :)

Searing Palm