View Full Version : What do you all prefer as a weapon in a Street Fight?

04-11-2001, 08:03 PM
Okay, first off....I am NOT all for weapons in a street fight, but when i am challenged to a fight by some stupid jock, and he shows up after school with about forty of his jock friends, each, may i point out, are carrying baseball bats, i tend to reach for a weapon. Well, actually, I run, but a weapon is another good choise.
I like pipes, but they are hard to find in the area that i live around.
Can you guys tell me some of your choises, because this ass is really getting on my nerves, and i feel a fight abrewing, even though i am totally against it.

Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
Fear is my ally

Martial Joe
04-11-2001, 08:22 PM
Hmmm...40 big jocks with baseball bats.

You should stay away.But if there was a weapon to choose id say a knife or some type of pipe.I hate how poeple have to do this.Why does a man need all his freinds and weapons to go after one person.It makes me sick.All those fuksticks are doing is declaring they are wussies.

04-11-2001, 09:01 PM
My favorite? Car. Firearms for backup.

In your case, strategically mounted video camera. Come back for the tape then prosecute and sue all the involved parties.

Martial Joe
04-12-2001, 04:24 AM

04-12-2001, 06:36 AM
Two torpedoes I know out of Chi Town. They'll feed a fella "buckwheats" for the right price.

K. Mark Hoover

Martial Joe
04-12-2001, 08:52 PM
I cant beleave i didnt think of this before...
...A patton,one of the ones that fold out like a toy lite saber from star wars.

04-13-2001, 06:34 AM
Bradley fighting vehicle.

04-13-2001, 02:27 PM
A communications device.

"Scotty, Beam me up"

04-14-2001, 02:40 AM
dude if you like pipes go buy an asp they are what the cops as using to beat people with now a days. jennifer lopez used one in the
movie "out of sight" they are retractable so they are easy to conceal and carry. you can pick one up at any gun store, but if you
gonna fight 40 dude with bats i'd pick up something of the fully automatic variety.

"Civilize the mind but make savage the body"

04-14-2001, 05:22 AM
Pipes do more damage than Asps. Police HTH weapons are designed to minimize damage.

04-14-2001, 08:27 AM
bats are serious clubs, that people are trained to use for maximum power. I suggest a taser/spear head on a staff. Just one touch. ;)

don't worry be happy

04-14-2001, 08:30 AM
This situation reminded me of the gang scene in Hong Kong. Because gun is not as easily available, swords are used more often.

If you had seen some of the Fox caught-on-video police series, you'll realize the thugs could have easily killed their unarmed and outnumbered victims w/ just baseball bats. In U.S., I always worried about possible concealed firearm. Remember American Most Wanted? Many of the gang banger who shot someone in a parking lot during a verbal argument didn't have any previous record; they were just provoked(or dared) and happened to be packing. A friend of mine did some time because he was present during a gang bout w/ a Samuri sword. The sword was still in its scabbard and he did not participate in the fight. I think he wasn't found to have gang connection, or else he would had been charged w/ more serious crime.

Given that this is some kind of after school fight, what do you guys think they would react if you carried a bigger stick, something like an one-man-army Da Kwan Dao? Take your pick: ;)

<p align="center">http://gungfu.com/pics/pics_z-other/stand_long_weapons.jpg

<img align="left" src="http://people.we.mediaone.net/arttsai/images/yyang.gif"><FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="mailto:arttsai@mailandnews.com">
<input type="submit" VALUE="arttsai@mailandnews.com">
</FORM>"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

[This message was edited by Art T on 04-14-01 at 11:44 PM.]

[This message was edited by Art T on 04-14-01 at 11:45 PM.]

04-14-2001, 07:53 PM
Sometimes,when faced with multiple-attackers with ball bats,the best weapon is one that will truly intimidate their 'group' as a whole,I accomplished this and avoided conflict altogether by showing them that i have a weapon also;the weapon I 'whipped-out' was an Italian Stilleto (switch-blade),not just any switch-blade,but one that had a 17 inch blade and was 37 inches long when 'open'.Needless to say,nobody wanted any of that! lol. Only problem is,that knife was expensive ($750.00),but it saved my azz. With 3 feet o' knife,someone's gonna get cut. :)

04-15-2001, 12:29 AM
An M60 machine gun with several hundred rounds. Bring a friend along to feed ammo.

04-15-2001, 12:31 AM
I have a spetznaz shovel in my jeep. If anybody asks, it is for camping. ;)

"Luminous beings are we."

04-15-2001, 08:02 PM
I got a nightstick from the UK in the trunk of my car. Its an oak nightstick with a stainless-steel rod in the hollowed middle.

Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
Fear is my ally

04-15-2001, 10:29 PM
Old chinese weapon Wolf Teeth Club. that'll scare the sh!t out of anyone

well, if there are 40 guys w/ bats, run toward a construction site or playground and kick their asses Jackie Chan style.

04-15-2001, 10:39 PM
I personally carry a really good folding knife, but if they have bats I might as well just use my hands. If you can take the bat(or other weapon) from the closest guy to you. Then you really Fu him up. Rip off his ears, splatter his nose,poke out his eyes, break his arm, simply take him out so nastily and so quickly that no one else wants to fight you. You will very quickly change the "group mentality" to ohhhh sh.

04-16-2001, 12:16 AM
my feet.

"Deep down inside of all of us is the power to accomplish what we want to, if we'll just stop looking elsewhere."

04-17-2001, 05:43 AM
1) A submachinegun, preferably an MP5 or an Uzi. Or else a bayonet-fitted assault rifle.

2) A car

3) Two feet with running shoes.

4) "Heeeeeeeeelp!"

I carry a steering lock in my car. I can disassemble it into two parts in around 5 seconds, but I wouldn't take my chances against 40 m0th3rf_ck3r$.

04-18-2001, 09:28 PM
Hey Weapon Maker, long time no see.

Wanna make a Manriki Gusari? My offer still stands.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

04-20-2001, 11:51 PM
....Or a McMillan .50 BMG,bolt-action rifle with the cool Thermal/Daylight/Night-vision capable scope. This gun is my absolute favorite of all my guns,not only will this thing destroy vehicles,machinery,equipment etc...it will get the job done right if human targets are preferred--1 shot would more than 'do it'. If someone were out to get me,this is what they would get.
Has anyone ever considered carrying a 1.5 inch diameter ball-bearing as a weapon? This is an excellent choice,I'll give you several reasons why : it's heavy and small (back-hand someone with that b-b in your hand! you'll love the results,my personal guarantee). It's conceilable (if done right). If you throw it at someone at very close range and very hard,you might even kill them,you'll stop them at the very least. Knife vs Ball-Bearing = BB wins. Ball-bearing vs ball bat= Ball-bearing wins again. BB vs nunchakus=lol@nunchakus.BB vs unarmed man=BB hands-down.BB vs Sword=haven't tried that yet,but my guess would be that both fighters would be hurtin'.I carry 4 1.5 inch ball-bearings,practically everywhere,I also made a custom 'sheath' for them,it's like a pistol magazine in design and I can 'draw and throw' a bb as fast as I can draw and shoot my .45.

04-21-2001, 12:52 AM
When I was 7 years old.

good to see that there is no shortage of freaky psycopaths on this forum.

YOu have a holster!!!! I would to if I were a pimp or a hooker, but please....are you a postman or something? Why on earth would you cary this around?

I'm imagining a flail here, but what exactly is a ball bearing. I'm thinking of a tiny ball.

Since this is a streetfighting forum I will add this. I've only used what I was armed with in a streetfight once. I had a leather thong as a belt and used it to whip and tie up another kid with a knife when I was in 5th or 6th grade (bad neighborhood) The rest of the time I would run 20 feet, get a mop and kick some ass. I could usually find a pole or a rock nearby. Or I would run behind a car and when they went one way, I would to another until they were tired and then I would run strait 180 degrees and they would have to get all the way over or around the car, giving me enough time to flip over a fence to safety.

Running away isnt' enough, you have to know how to run away

don't worry be happy

04-21-2001, 09:32 PM
"Freaky psychopath"? Well,everyone's entitled to their own opinion. "What is a ball-bearing"?,you ask : It's a very hard,heavy steel ball (the 1.5" diameter bearings I carry weigh more than a pound--each),if thrown hard enough and accurately enough,they can crush your attacker's skull,thus ending the confrontation quickly.Now,if this seems a bit 'harsh' to you,perhaps 'street/reality fighting' is not for you.Anyone who has ever attacked me did not care about morality or 'rules',so I took it upon myself to make my own rules.
I know first hand how cruel the streets can be,I've been shot,stabbed,beat-down,beat-up and attacked by more than 1 assailant on numerous occasions.Anyone who has not had experiences like these is at a wicked disadvantage when fighting someone who has (most of you 'dojo heros' don't like to hear this,but it's true).Love me or hate me,it doesn't matter,what matters is on the 'street' I could defend myself quite well against any blackbelt or any so-called 'fighter' on this forum.The sad thing is,these martial arts schools usually never teach their students how to deal with a guy like me,thus giving everyone in the class a fatally false sense of security.I know that alot of what I say sounds insane,but it takes insanity to defeat insanity sometimes.
I reply to this forum in an attempt to open your eyes to the 'real world',if you choose not to listen that's just fine,it's your life--preserve it any way you see fit,and I'll continue preserving mine--------MY way.One day,your 'training' will be put to the test,then you will know who has been bull****ting you,I just hope whoever is training you doesn't have to come to your funeral one day.Have a nice day.

04-21-2001, 10:18 PM
I am well aware, too aware or what streetfighting is, but to go around with steal balls "Just in case" if your so scared, why don't you just get a decent fighting knife, thats enough to take out 5 huge thugs. Why the super hero weapons? Thats like those metal playing cards....You be gambit and I'll get adamantium claws and be wolverine.

BTW "Streetfighting is about using your environment, the one time you will be attacked you wont have your utility belt....batman.

Then its time to remember that staff set as you grab a mob off of someone's porch as they are gaining on you, do serious damage and run some more. Or have some knowleg of "soft weapons" as you grab a dog leash or a rusted chain.

In any case I didn't mean to offend you, not that I cared either way when I wrote it, just a question though....do you wear a lot of black

don't worry be happy

04-22-2001, 05:51 AM
8step : I do just fine without my utility belt,I also know how to use 'soft' weapons,after all,with a nic' like weapon-maker I gotta know somethin'.If you say you meant no offense to me,then I will not argue with you,I actually prefer a peaceful debate over a belligerent one.BTW, I make knives and collect them,I have over 160 of them,everything from khukuris to giant stilettos. JWT,how ya doin' man? The reason you haven't seen me around is my job is workin' me ta death,I have the machinery now,only problem is that I'm never home.It takes me about 3 months to make 1 knife,with my work schedule;and I've been too tired to mess with it lately.One good thing about this job is : I make plenty of money and don't need extra-income anymore.The bad thing is : I don't have time to make any weapons,and I know people would like what I made.I'll be around though,maybe the wall-board plant will slow down a little and give me time to make somethin' (which I've been dyin' to do).

04-22-2001, 05:48 PM
Well then here's to hoping the economy goes to crap, industry stops needing a machinist and you need my money. ;)


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

Repulsive Monkey
04-22-2001, 06:12 PM
Being able to do it in the way Sun Tzu quotes " ...before the sword is unsheathed, the battle is won."

04-25-2001, 12:14 AM
Son Goku,

40 guys with baseball bats? You don't sound very popular - was it something you said? :D

04-26-2001, 01:27 AM
My favorite weapons right now, are the rope dart and the 9-section whip chain. Easily concealed, definitely lethal, and certainly impressive. I know that if I were gonna attack some one and they pulled out a whip chain, I'd reconsider.
There's an awesome book out called "Soft Weapons: 9-Section Whip Chain and Rope Dart". Get it at www.wle.com. (http://www.wle.com.) It's great for beginners.
Anway, that's what I'd be using if some moron decided to attack me. Against 40 guys with bats though? Guns for sure.

If they come back, you didn't hit them hard enough.

Black Jack
04-26-2001, 04:48 PM
Weapon Maker that is the coolest idea for a concealed weapon that I have ever heard, congrats on such a great idea.

By the way since you collect blades and I have a interest as well, can you tell me what the blade was in Young Guns 2 that the Indian character Chavez (Lou Diamond Philips)was using agasint Christin Slater's Toothpick?

Was that the spanish Navaja? The knife had twin fixed blades on each hand and some king of custom thumb guard grip where he could twirl it.



04-26-2001, 05:10 PM

Where do you get these ball-bearings?
Great Idea!


"Me want cookie!" Cookie Monster

04-28-2001, 01:48 PM
I have two questions:

1) Why are you not dead already?

2)What's your style? Because it seems 40 blokes are real scared of you.

PS If you don't reply I'll assume they got you.

PSS Which school you go to?

04-28-2001, 06:41 PM
I get the ball-bearings from work,if I find one lying around,I ask the boss if I can have it;he always says yes because he likes my idea also. You can find them at an 'industrial bearing' supplies store,or,an equivalent would be those steel 'exer-balls' that some people use to exercise or de-stress their hands with. It's been years since I've seen young guns,I can't remember that knife,I'll have to see the movie again.I have lots of 'ideas'(bein' a machinist and inventor and all),I make weapons as well as collect them,I specialize in 'covert' and exotic weaponry (most of my best stuff will never be discussed here,for obvious reasons).I just recently equipped my car with an 'anti-tailgating' device of my own design,you 'aim' it from the driver's seat via closed-circuit television screen and servo motors. (it flattens the tires of the tailgater instantly).I'll only use this device if I feel the tailgater is going to slam me.The whole device cost around $700.00 to make,and that's including the small tv camera and monitor.I modified the monitor slightly,adding 'cross-hairs'.Hehehe

04-28-2001, 10:00 PM
When I get rich and I'm fighitng crime, I sooooo want to you build my batmobile.

I also heard on some anarchy web site that you can set it up so a stream of motor oil with run along your muffler sending out clouds of black smoke. I like this idea because then you can claim engine trouble.

Weaponmaker: I think you should invest in road rage, maybe making a ben hur device for passing wars.

don't worry be happy

04-29-2001, 07:50 AM
8stepsifu : If you have a problem with me,my work address is :
National Gypsum Company
12979 US Hwy 41 S.
Gibsonton,Fl 33633
Stop by sometime,talking **** on the computer is useless,say it to my face or shut the **** up.

04-29-2001, 11:27 PM
I think the tire shoot out is a good idea.

geez, learn to take an apology and a compliment.

don't worry be happy

04-30-2001, 02:48 PM
1) Why are you not dead already?

** Because i know how to fight

2)What's your style? Because it seems 40 blokes are real scared of you.

** Kung-Fu; I have been a black blet for the past four years now.

PS If you don't reply I'll assume they got you.

** No, they didn't :D

PSS Which school you go to?

** ACHS: Antioch Community High School, Antioch ILL

Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
Fear is my ally

04-30-2001, 04:35 PM
Everything you've said to me on this forum has sounded sarcastic,8step.
If I'm wrong about that,it wouldn't be the first time.In fact,if I was smart,I would try to sell some of this stuff as movie-props or something,but the country needs wall-board and missle-parts so my 2 jobs keep me tied-up to the point where I can't make much of anything anymore.
Anyways,I don't wish to argue with you (or mis-read),but you now know that I will 'step up to the plate' if called upon to do so (for credibility's sake).
At least that way you can't call me a coward,right? No hard feelings here,I am "relaxed". :)

04-30-2001, 05:42 PM
Weapon Maker,
Do you have any idea why sheet rock is so friggin expensive right now? My father in law and I are building a house for my sister and it's friggin ridiculous.

If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

05-01-2001, 07:01 AM
I wouldn't go head on with them. They'd beat the shiet otta me. Last week, there was a fight in a mall, 20 guys on 1. I didn't see any weapons but it is better to not get into gang fights that are not ur problem around here.
Anyways, I think the best weapon is to whip out ur cell phone or whatever and call for whoever backs u up.

If you do not have anyone to back u up with 200 people, then, lets see.... use ur belt.

Chen Wuan
05-02-2001, 05:52 AM
What ever is convient. ;)

05-03-2001, 12:30 PM
I can relate,working in a metal trade with
an imagination can have its benifits.

Ever worked with frequency or sound weapons?

I was in an unamed country roating with an unamed
unit and they all came back sick.
Just temp though,found out latter on that other unamed country across the claymore okrie patch
had been messing around with low frequency noise.
Talk about passing the tumes.

Great book I used to have(lent it out never to see again),its dated but still has good info is
"Ninja 1990"

Ever come across that one?
Fun with chemisry was one of my favorite chapters.

Son Goku
Best Weapon???
Your Mind.

05-17-2001, 02:37 AM
Take one off your ball bearings and stick it in a black widow catapult (uk small folding catapult)
it,ll go through a fridge door or car body panel no problem

do without doing

05-17-2001, 04:04 PM
Well. If it was 39 guys just with really big sticks I'd say you have a shot. But 40 with baseball bats means that you probably should take the cowards way out.

05-30-2001, 05:17 AM
Sorry about the late post (work schedule). 'Frequency weapons'-no i've never had the pleasure;about the closest thing i have to that is my Taser. :)
'taser with a laser',it's loads o' fun.
'Catapults'-me and a friend built one years ago,that thing was too much fun.
JWT-wallboard is excessively priced because the market for it has peaked.It should be a lot cheaper in a few months (maybe).Maybe sooner.US GYPSUM is the 'king o' wallboard',my company is a distant second,USG might be cheaper to buy,i haven't done a shopping-comparison of the 2,i'm just guessing that the leader in the industry would have the better price. (of course,this isn't true many of times).

unclaimed effort
06-04-2001, 04:15 AM
A street fight????? Prefered Weapon??? In a street fight, you either run or grap ANYTHING close to you and TRY to protect yourself. Maybe possible but 40 people, you kidding right? Don't act big and try some movie screen Jackie Chan, Wong Fei Hung, Jet Li stuff. :)

If two tigers fight, the result will be one injured tiger.

Stillness in stillness is not real stillness. Stillness in motion is real stillness.

MonkeySlap Too
06-05-2001, 07:37 PM
The one I have.

I am a big beleiver in luck. The more I work, the more luck I have.

06-12-2001, 02:50 AM
are yo insane???? 40 people? s eriously speaking if you don't have like a machine gun I'd say if they were really after you you'd be dead then. 40 people with baseball bats...nasty. If they wanted to get you they will. You are just way too outnumberd. Even if you mess one of them up really bad they might still get you.

one thing I'd do is run!!!!. Probably in to the nearest cop place or public place...in to school and the head teachers office or something like that.

Man I've read some really good weapons idea:)

about the catapult isn't it hard to aim accurately???

"Bye 4 now; not 4 ever"

06-12-2001, 02:18 PM
'40 dudes with ball-bats'-The funny thing about this scenerio is : 35 of the 40 wouldn't have the balls to hit somebody with their bat.Never in my life of 35 years has anyone ever helped me in a fight,even my useless friends,I always fought alone.What kind of -ussy needs 40 people to back him up in a fight against 1 man?! -ucking coward.

Celestial Amiboshi
06-12-2001, 07:21 PM
40 people showed up to fight you? That's a bit difficult to believe. Are you exaggerating?

Anyway, if it really is 40 people, isn't the solution obvious? Leave the area. Other than that, I couldn't really recommend anything else. I tend to avoid "the street" in order to limit my contact with the commoners and the riff-raff.


"Apres Moi; le deluge."

06-12-2001, 07:40 PM
Wong Fei Hung was down with the ball bearing tech in "Once Upon A Time In China"(the first one I think). He was defending himself against the dirty Americans and found a musket bearing, he then proceded to launch it clear through the main guys forehead.
Also in Dracula 2000(horrible movie), Omar Epps throws a biggin at some guy and it appered to emit some kind of tear gas or sleeping powder or something on impact. I not sure about that one I was falling asleep.
Once Upon ...China 2 had another oddly lethal weapon-a wet towel.

06-21-2001, 03:03 PM
A steaming hot cup of Starbuck's coffee when applied to an aggressor's face is rather devastating and effective. :D

06-29-2001, 04:51 AM
Rule 1: 40-1 unless you have a gun...RUN!!!!!
Even Musashi said it's OK to leave if defeat(unfair i.e. 40-1) is imminent.
Rule 2: Cops are good when you in trouble.
But when you have to street fight, grab anything you can. Always look for a weapon and an exit when you enter a new area. Then BEAT the biggest threat BADLY! Take the leader and gouge his eyes, tear off his balls, bite off his throat/ear..then beat him to a pulp! Blood streaming down your mouth will scare the rest of the group. Usually these people are fighting because they feel supported and if shown what can happen will run. If they don't...Get the hell outta there cuz they are gonna KILL you. The threat order: guy with weapon, biggest guy, leader. Try to check in that order for your first target/example.
Now, if I knew I was gonna fight a bunch of armed guys, I have a leather jacket that I can conceal about three knives, a pipe, and a set of brass knuckles in. BTW brass knucks concealed with a glove are fun. Eventually, I'm going to sew some armor into that jacket since temporary duct tape is getting old. Another thing that's good are steel-toe boots. BTW I'm not crazy(well I am, but I'm not a soldier of fortune nut) just a guy who doesn't get along well with angry and armed skin-heads. Remember, WHEN LIVES ARE ON THE LINE, FIGHTING FAIR MAKES YOU DEAD!

06-29-2001, 05:09 PM
I tend to like cats, raccoons, any small animal will do.

But in all seriousness if you must fight this guy and his friends then bring your friends. The next best thing would be a long stick because if you get in close they will probably murder you. :eek:

Dark Knight
07-15-2001, 08:25 PM
1911, after the first couple of shots the rest do not want to be next to be a bullet catcher.

07-20-2001, 01:18 AM
start carrying a 9 section chain whip. works pretty well if you know how to use it. But if you dont have one, use your belt and use the buckle like there's no tomorrow. I'd rather have that than a pipe just because it puts more distance between you and a baseball bat plus it's more flexible and versatile such as trapping your opponent's arms/weapon, choking, sweeping and you don't have to have 2 hands on it

07-20-2001, 09:57 AM
your body and mind are weapons. why not train the mind and the body really hard, get very good, and just fight like that?

07-25-2001, 02:36 PM
8stepsifu, why ball-bearing and not a knife ?

Because a knife is illegal (in most/some places), a ball-bearing is not. Sounds like an excellent weapon, but I would not dare to throw it, I would probably miss and be without a weapon for the rest of the fight...

Oi Punk 77 82
08-10-2001, 08:44 AM
I used to take a cane everywhere that works pretty good. Also a baseball bat in your car helps.


08-10-2001, 07:09 PM
if you need to hurt the guys pride in front of his friends. say something like "what you need all you friends to kick my weak ass, why dont you fight me like a man, and without your friends, or are you afraid??" and one of two things will happen.

1) the more likely would be that he will keep his friends out of it, because if he needs them then he looks weak in there eyes and when it comes to highschool and jocks, thats a big NO NO.

2) or he and his friends will come after you anyway, in which case you procede to pull out your weapon or do whatever you do in that situation. if you do however fight them all, make sure you take out the guy who starts it, to let him know that you shouldnt be fuked with.

08-10-2001, 07:11 PM
Here's one to give a slight advantage to you. A one pound vinyl covered hand weight/dumbell. It's like holding a roll of pennies in your fist but also has the two round ends of the dumbell sticking out the sides of your fist. You can also hold it by one end a give someone a decent shot with it.

Rogue, you're an @ss!! Watchman

Adventure is just a romantic name for trouble. It sounds swell when you write about it, but it's hell when you meet it face to face in a dark and lonely place.
Louis L'Amour

BTW, did I mention that Rogue was an @ss? Watchman

08-11-2001, 12:07 AM
i carry a 2 battery maglite with me at all times. sometimes it's in my jacket in the inside left pocket, or sometimes in my belt.

i keep the 4 and sometimes 5 battery versions in my car at all times. good cos i have a mini, so i can say i have it incase it breaks down.

they are pretty **** huge tho, even the 2 battery version - and **** heavy too.

i like the whip chain idea, but i would end up hurting myself more than him, as i've never been taught to use one.

ball bearings are also a good idea, but even tho i think i'm a good shot, with that adrenal dump, i don't want to take my chances, and hit some dude who has nothing to do with it, and then escalate the situation furthermore. holding it in ur hand and laying the smack down with a backfist sounds like a nice idea tho. bit heavy tho.

the maglites suit me fine, and i've used my 2 batt. version in a fight, but it's just too bulky n heavy. if i wanted to goto a club or get it on with a girl, she'd be like, what the feck this this...

can anyone gimme any suggestions? i have no idea where to buy flick knifes from....

Please help.



My anus is superior™

08-11-2001, 01:50 AM
if thats the case then you can get them at martial art/knife store, but you can also get flip open knives that the seals use and other military units have. some of them are even blackened so you cant see them if you pull one out at night.

08-11-2001, 02:31 AM
no i just mean flick knifes or "gravity" knifes. i dunno wher to get em from. you just go into a store n say i want a flick knife, knowing that they're illegal? or do u have to mail order?

i went into the only army shop i know of and all they sold were boots man. altho i think there is one on the strand in london, i will go and check it out.


My anus is superior™

08-12-2001, 04:44 AM
I have not read passed the first page.

Working person's gloves (thick gloves (not necessarily snow gloves(unless they are worn over another glove or somehow reinforced)).

If you're looking to combat bat type weapons, The gloves are easily accessable weapons~. They minimize the blunt damage of baseball bats~.

Any attack type weapon is like the BJJ or wrestling when jumped. It limits your mobility from one opponent to another, ties you up~. My say~.

Empty hands allows versitility. And the don't usually get taken from you and used against you. And they can't be dropped~, and picked up, and used against you.~Perhaps some such.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-12-2001, 06:25 AM
Get a camera and just mount it. Walk up and say you don't want to fight, if someone comes at you, run like a b*tch and come back later. It is considered assault if they raise the bat in an attacking manner (because if you turned, tried to run and ran into say a tree or light pole you didn't realize was behind you, they will be prosecuted because they put fear into you and made you run.) Or just tell the ***** you want him on a one on one match and don't bring any of his lackys with him.


08-14-2001, 01:35 AM
Its kinda hard to keep a jock and his cronies apart in a fight, right? I mean they stay together like sardines in a small lil case, man! And at the High School that I go to, I would get in trouble for recording anything within two-miles of the school's property.
My school's a real *****....

Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
Fear is my ally...


08-18-2001, 04:51 AM
A the martial arts in the world wont help, so that is when I reach into my Coat and put out my Model 1911, I keep 8 spare clips. I'll get a few, the rest should be smart enough to run.

08-19-2001, 05:52 AM
You'd get in trouble for recording on a public place? Ok, go get a cop and tell the cop what the guys are gonna do, then bring the cop and have him stand behind a tree or something, and when the 40 steroid filled, hormone raging jocks come at you, he walks out and can place them all under arrest.

Sounds like my school. At my school, if a guy punches me, I get in trouble. If a guy attacks me, I am suppose to run and if he keeps attacking me (after I run), I gotta just take the beating because if I fight back, suspension and a $500 fine. Even if you did nothing to provoke him, he attacks you, your ƒucked up the ass without vaseline. Kind of stupid because my friend and I were in a resturaunt at lunch when an underclassman who wasn't supposed to be off campus at lunch tried to pick a fight with my friend (my friend would of creamed this guy, I've seen him life a 300 pound girl over his shoulder as if it were nothing). And he knew he'd beat the guy down, because his kid brother beat the same guy down in a fight. But my friend could not do anything, because even though the underclassman wasn't supposed to be off campus at lunch, it is considered "on campus" if you break any rules that apply to school (smoke, have sex with your girlfriend, kissing in a public place, whatever). They would treat it as if it were on campus.

I recommend getting a teacher or officer out there, and then meeting the 40 guys and get them busted. Or just beat the crap out of him when he is alone. I don't recommend any weapons, because if you bring a weapon, you'd be expelled. If there is a stick or tree branch around, you can probably use that as a weapon and just say you were using it for defense. Can't see harm in using that, after all, it's not your fault the school can't keep branches off the ground.


08-20-2001, 05:04 PM
Weapons. I keep a very large crescent wrench in the door pocket of my car, weighs about 12 pounds, head is about 6 inches across. I use it to tighten my lugnuts, officer ;)

40 guys with baseball bats?? Feets, do yo stuff!! Straight to the cops, baby, swear out a warrant for assault, then to the lawyers to cook up a fat civil suit complete with restraining orders.

C'mon man, the only 'weapon' that will do you any good against a group of guys intent on burgerizing you is a loaded gun, and then only if they don't have one or more of their own.

08-21-2001, 07:43 PM
Grenades. Three or Four would be all that are necessary. Just roll one over to the group of guys, and they will scatter.

- Nexus

<font size="1">"Time, space, the whole universe - just an illusion! Often said, philosophically verifiable, even scientifically explainable. It's the <font color="blue">'just'</font> which makes the honest mind go crazy and the <font color="blue">ego</font> go berserk." - Hans Taeger</font>

08-23-2001, 03:08 PM
to go there with 80 people with baseball bats.

I didn't read all the pages of the thread, but are you serious with this number? I mean there's really someone who for beating up a guy comes accompanied with 40 persons?

mun hung
08-24-2001, 11:33 PM
5 cans of red bull and my katana (not a bike)

08-25-2001, 05:34 AM
A can of pepper spray... Or a chair.. whatever is closest :)

08-26-2001, 03:06 PM
Heckler and Koch MP-5 with silencer.


08-27-2001, 01:20 AM
Personally, I'd be all for: Either a night stick (so many uses, it's really fun), a bottle (if you've ever seen one used in a fight, they're nasty), or (if you have access to them) deerhorn swords (yeah,thats the correct term sword)

If you have some cash, a cattle prod works wonders! quick story: My friend was picking up half a pound of dank. He always carried a cattle prod in his car. 4 guys tried to take his bud and he whipped this **** out and took em all out pretty quickly. I would think anything that isn't to long, and sharp would be good. Oh yeah, pepper spray wouldn't hurt.

The way of eluding sword and breaking spear. The way of enduring.

08-28-2001, 01:25 AM
26" escrima stick
whip one of these babies out, twirl it a bit like you know how to use it....confidence scares the crap out of bullies like that. I doubt the fight will go much further than that

08-28-2001, 03:34 PM
Yes, use a 26" escrima stick against 40 guys with baseball bats. Oh please, the only good weapon in this kind of fight would be a gun or explosive or law enforcement.

The guys will see the 26" stick, and 3 or 4 will block the stick with the bat while the other 36-37 beat you senseless.


09-03-2001, 02:47 AM
Just reading. Been in a similar situation. I once had the HS football team after me! It wasn't pretty as I was only 4'9" at the time. There was probably maybe 12-13 jocks there, w/ bats, clubs, sticks... Anyways, I met them after school behind this huge mound we have where the schools name is to be displayed (can't see **** unless you are driving by and you couldn't cuz it was all desert). Well I did the pride deal, calling out to the main antagonist and telling him only a wimp needs friends to help, and some other good insults. Needs less to say, he came up, took a swing and I got him good under the chin... next thing I know I got 4 or 5 or well I had alot people on my back... I broke some knees to make an opening, then bolted like a jackrabbit! Next monday ( it was a friday) 5 of the team had not come in and when they did they were screwed up. After that was Juvi time, so it didn't matter.

Call him out first... If they all come, RUN! I had my share of bruises from that day, including a nice fat knot on the back of my head.


PS screw the weapons.. They'll make it ATTEMPT, if they don't bust you on INTENT.

09-04-2001, 02:51 PM
None of them every learn, right?

Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
Fear is my ally...


09-05-2001, 01:03 AM
Yeah they did... Don't screw w/ a long haired 4'9" guy by the name of Rick. Just messing. Yeah actually they learned that Unpredictability in fighting is present. Jocks sometimes tend to think about the field where they do predict scenarios.. Other than that they left me alone, and when I walked by most of them were pretty cool w/ me.
