View Full Version : Full Vid Clip of Ba Bu Session 4

09-08-2003, 01:35 PM

After posting a link to a vid clip for my friend, Grim, it was requested by others that I post the full clip if possible. I don't mind posting the entire clip for those who are curious. I will attach the link to the file at the end of this posting. You will need a fast connection... this clip is 10 megs.

For those who believe that showing a form demonstration is giving out secret information, I have to say that forms should by no means be thought of as secret information. They are merely vessels which the martial artist uses to develop his abilities, which would include true "secrets". These secrets are information passed on from teachers to students which involve deeper study and practice to gain the true strength of the system. These secrets do not only have information on the strengths, but more importantly the weakness, which have to be guarded carefully. No one should be an open book to their systems beliefs and knowledge, but then they should not be so paranoid as to consider forms secret knowledge themselves. (Remember the Chinese fable of the cat teaching the tiger how to hunt his prey and you will understand this!)

So, if anyone would like to comment on these ideas of what is secret and what is not, or would like to compare my demo of session four to their version of session four, or just ask questions as my friend, Grim had done, feel free to post them. I think that it would be interesting to hear these things. I hope you enjoy the clip of this form. *By the way, this form has been changed somewhat according to what the teachers at the 8 step school in Taiwan agree is close to Grandmaster Wei's teachings. Just take this form as it is!


Ba Bu Session 4 (http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/c00ff81c/bc/Clips/Session+Four.mpg?BCDtOX_ADyM9rzbV)

09-08-2003, 04:30 PM
The link does not work.