View Full Version : On Negative Energy

09-09-2003, 02:33 PM
How do you deal with negative energy directed towards you, in your lives. This negative energy for instance could come from conflicting ideas from others that you do not subascribe towards, or it could be that you are placed in a situation that you would rather not be in, maybe an arguement with a friend etc.. I think it might be best if i leave it as vague as possible without being too obscure.

I find that when I resist negative energy and put up a struggle , even if I win i feel depleted of my own energy. When I don't struggle and accept things I find that it compromises myself.

Has anyone found a way to deal with such things from either a martial arts point of view or a socio-political one, and otherwise if any



09-10-2003, 06:23 AM
I try to deal with everything as it comes. It is difficult, when I make mistakes I try to appologise and amend the wrong. I try to look at the good in people. I try to learn from everything. When I impose my political views I feel a loss in energy, I get angry, and I seperate myself from fellow humans. When I dont speak my mind I feel as if the truth is not getting said, but truth is different to each indivisual. Interacting with others is where qigong practice for virtues is supposed to pay off. I've improved however nowhere near perfect. Very good post, keep it coming.:)

09-10-2003, 01:41 PM
Human energy outside of the physical is a psychic atribute, just not visable to the five senses as they are normally used.

Force on force in martial arts theroy goes as follows:

Somebody strikes, the hit is counter struck and in theroy could break the bone of the attacker. the bone is broke and allthough you have sucsessfully stoped the attack you could still be bruised or hurt by the force you have applied.

The same is true of thought forms or psychic force. If you counter these emotions of feelings with harsh defensive mind state then even if the attacking thought has gone away, your mind will be hurt. You could feel sick, have a head ache, be in a negitive mood ect....

The math of the mind battle would equate a victory as absorbing the negitive from the antagonist and transmuting its atribute into a postive force, or at least disolving its action with out giving up any of your energy to do so.

Its no so much accept the situation as it is recognize the other partys projection and understand they are really fighting a part of there own ego that disturbs them, also try to recognize why you have atracted these vibrations to you.

Hold no ill will towards the attackers and use your defense instead only to do away with the attack.


09-10-2003, 08:15 PM
thank you both.

09-11-2003, 06:11 AM

At its very core, Energy is neutral.. it is we, our ideas, beliefs, and concepts that attach positive or negative meaning to a situation.. adjust your perspective and it all becomes just another experience that "you" have created.. in accepting the directed energy as neutral, we can remain calm and respond appropriately..

Be well..

09-11-2003, 08:02 PM
k, thanks ,
you be well also

09-22-2003, 08:20 AM
Resisting seems a negative-ish thing. Conflicting ideas: They are the same concept~perspective of a situation~. If they are wrong, you are wrong. You see how you see things. TRhey see how they see things. both or all might be missing one or more significant factors to have an absolutely correct say.

Be aware that you might not agree but that they likely think they are right too. Even if they are not correct~ it's not about who's correct~ (You might get caught-up in that), It's about efficiency and getting it done.

Keep in mind the task you both have an opinion on and instead of blame or credit, resolution should be your focus.

Ray Pina
09-26-2003, 06:57 AM
When I'm out with friends who are drinking (I'll have a glass or two of wine at most, or some sake) and people start talking smack or being negative, I just remain silent.

After a while I think they hear themselves and realise what a bummer they're being.

Cheese Dog
10-02-2003, 12:25 AM
Go with the energy and gently redirect it into more positive areas. Doesn't always work but it's worth the effort. Many people resist if the redirection is obvious.

10-04-2003, 11:28 AM
this is coming from a complete novice in the subject, but from what i know about taoism and other philosophies, life is just a big circle. (Tao) i think handling stresses in your life is just a matter of realizing that whatever is going on is part of that circle and will happen no matter what you do. dont see it as a positive or a negative. just see it.

of course, i am guilty of falling into the trap of my own self-destruction. for example, something might happen stressful at work and my mind just naturally conforms to the negative thought process resulting from that one negative experience. i think everyone is guilty of it to some degree.

anyway, my point is, once you get to the realization that life is life and there isnt much you can do, everything gets a lot easier.

that was my point, right?


10-16-2003, 11:11 AM
My practical advice on how to resist the negativity influence. Works pretty well for us:
-don't listen to angry music.
-careful what information you give out.
-keep negative people out of the house.
-don't go out with the negative people, even if they want to buy you dinner and give give you free stuff.
-avoid TV.
-frequent community-run rather than corporate establishments.
-take the backroads rather than the main roads.
-set a good example, as suggested by EvolutionFist- this is really key based on my observations. We have a friend whose inner peace and positive energy radiates such that people who would normally behave very badly take notice and modify their boorish behaviors.