View Full Version : a sifu's death and the mourning period

09-11-2003, 04:47 PM
less than happy subject, but i was curious to know more about the traditions involved when someone's sifu passes away. my understanding thus far is that immediate students (todaimui) wear a black armband around one arm for a certain period (one year or three, i cannot remember, and i don't know which arm), and that grandstudents (tosuen) where a white armband, but i do not know the typical period, or if one is set.

can someone give further explanation on this?

thanks. :)

04-09-2021, 09:47 AM
When tragedy strikes. READ On Coping With The Death Of Your Sifu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1587) by Aaron Trumm


04-09-2021, 04:25 PM
When tragedy strikes. READ On Coping With The Death Of Your Sifu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1587) by Aaron Trumm

Sorry to hear of his passing. I learned the 108 Wu tai chi form that he used to teach. Please let us know if any YouTubes of the form are out there now...

04-15-2021, 08:09 PM
Sorry to hear of his passing. I learned the 108 Wu tai chi form that he used to teach. Please let us know if any YouTubes of the form are out there now...

Wow, you already mastered them all? I haven't mastered all of them and I'm still trying to do practice every day. Goodluck myself :)

04-16-2021, 11:45 AM
Wow, you already mastered them all? I haven't mastered all of them and I'm still trying to do practice every day. Goodluck myself :)

I even found some ancient music that syncs pretty close to it. What I love about Chinese history, is that it is so massive, if you just look long enough for a soundtrack to a form, you will probably find it, or some remix of it...