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View Full Version : House/Reality Fighting

05-24-2001, 05:57 PM
O.K., you come home from a hard day at work and your wife/girlfriend says "I'm leaving you for Ralek 'cause he grapples me just right. And I'm taking the car, the dog, and the house, so get out"

What do you do?

05-24-2001, 07:10 PM
Get a lawyer with a blackbelt in Fuk-U-Do :D

<IMG SRC="http://machagrande.com/images/aMao1.JPG" border=0 height=116 width=100>

old jong
05-24-2001, 11:58 PM
Well...Maybe you should use the soft way!...Get out but leave them the morgage and the car payments! :rolleyes:

C'est la vie!

05-26-2001, 07:05 AM
First of all, any woman who wanted that cowardly, spindly, weak-kneed, muddle-headed, Reader's Digest reading, UFC-tape-watching troll who spends most of his time beating off to grappling pics with a pair of tweezers after he's spent an afternoon calling up kwoons and dojos only to scream incoherently into the phone's mouthpiece is welcome to him.

But she's gonna have to stand in line behind the fellows from NAMBLA who already have dibs on certain orifices of his body...

K. Mark Hoover

05-26-2001, 02:52 PM
Let her have what she wants. If she is that much of a biatch then she deserves Ralek. But before you go, total the car, screw the dog, and sh!t on the carpet.

You have no chance to survive - make your time.

Martial Joe
05-26-2001, 08:03 PM
Tell her the truth about Rolls.Just say hes gay.
And then tell her to get the ****k out and your keeping the car just for making such a silly comment.

05-28-2001, 08:54 AM
Really though, I would


"Life is hard, but so am I." -- The Eels.