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View Full Version : taiji at shaolin

09-12-2003, 04:03 PM
does anyone know anything about the taiji at the shaolin temple? I know the style taught there is chen, but i've heard it differs somewhat from the original one. does anyone have any info on this? if its different, how so?

09-12-2003, 04:14 PM
I didn't think taiji was ever taught at Shaolin. Maybe it is now, and if so, it's probably modern wushu.

09-13-2003, 02:32 PM
as far as i know they teach Chen there (not exactly sure which forms), but also have their "Rou" quan or soft form... maybe Gene can tell u more about it?

Looks different to the Chen my school has from Chen Xiao Wang, but i also know that Shi YanZi studied a seminar or too with CXW when he was in the UK so its all good :)

Ask Gene or even ask on Russbo but i dunno if Doc does any of the Taijiquan stuff.


09-14-2003, 07:10 AM
well if Gene would once again be so kind to share some of his profound knowledge about taiji at the shaolin temple i'd appriciate it. since the last reply i got from him really help...

09-14-2003, 08:42 AM
In a recent article in kfq (now kftc) the wandering chen style guy says he taught there for a while. He was like a big chen guy you've heard of. martial brother of ren guanyi- however you say it.

09-14-2003, 08:51 AM
i read that article too. i read this other though, ( cant remember where though..) n i think it said that the chen style taught at shaolin is somewhat different from the regular one. it said something about it was opt for shaolin somehow.
does anyone know what article i'm talking about?

09-14-2003, 10:49 AM
k. i did a little research. n i've found two links demonstration shaolin taiji. if any of you who practice chen style taiji could probably help me out and see the differences (if any at all).

the first link i found was from an austrian shaolin site. it says that shaolin tai chi is akin to chen. hmm. theres a video too.


anyhoe, this is a clip from www.shaolinwolf.com, so if the direct link below dont work, check out shaolinwolf.com. the last two minutes of the clip, Shi Yan Ming demonstarte a form of taiji which to me looks like chen ( I dont do taiji btw (yet)). this clip is a lot different from the first one; more fluidity, and change of speed in motions.


what'd u think??

09-15-2003, 06:47 AM
Chen Village is only a few hours from Shaolin Temple. Why would anyone want to learn Chen Tai Chi at Shaolin Temple?

09-15-2003, 07:40 AM
The video clip (at the front of the website) looks like Chen Zheng Lei (same background he used in his early tapes) about 10 years back and he is demonstrating a combined short form of yi lu and pao chui that is in Feng Zhi Qiang and Chen Xiao Wang's book. Chen Xiao Wang played the form when he first appeared at The Taste of China in the late 1980s.

The Shaolinwolf clip doesn't work.

09-15-2003, 08:38 AM
i notice that the direct link didn't work, and for some reason, the one to the shaolinwolf site didn't work either.. if you can't access the site at http://www.shaolinwolf.com try google. the clip is found at the front page. its a big clip, some 60 mg. that taiji form (whichever it is...) performed by Shi Yan Ming is cool. i dont know much about taiji, but the fluidity in his motions, and the change of speed is just awesome.

let me know what u think

09-15-2003, 01:17 PM
The Shaolinwolf clip is Chen style, with xin jia ("new" frame) and shi ming's own flavor.

09-15-2003, 02:34 PM
alright. cool.
