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Laughing Cow
09-16-2003, 10:27 PM
Hi Guys and Gals.

Chck the clip below:


Apparently the guy does this type of performance all the time and is famous for it.

SanSoo Student
09-16-2003, 10:30 PM
Didn't we already have a thread like this with the funny soccer pics?

09-16-2003, 10:31 PM

Laughing Cow
09-16-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by SanSoo Student
Didn't we already have a thread like this with the funny soccer pics?

Obviously you didn't watch the Video. :D

09-16-2003, 10:36 PM
Well if that wasn't flaming, I don't know what is.

Though they are everywhere, just let them be.

Laughing Cow
09-16-2003, 10:37 PM

He is a Brazilian refree that is becoming pretty famous due to his performances.
People call him Margarida.
Actually he is not gay (not that I know of) but he kinda stole both the nickname and the performance from another referee from the 80`s. The original Margarida used to be a gay rights activist and behaved pretty much like the guy in the video (a little less ballet-like, though) during the matches. He died with AIDS in the early 90`s.

Internal Boxer
09-17-2003, 04:22 AM
That was superb, LMFAO, by the way Laughing Cow, its called football, the word "soccer" is for the benefit of americans.

By the way I think you should pay a visit to any bar down Manc during a match and declare football is gay! I am sure you would have fun picking beer glass out of your face and stanley blades from your guts;)

Laughing Cow
09-17-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Internal Boxer
That was superb, LMFAO, by the way Laughing Cow, its called football, the word "soccer" is for the benefit of americans.

I know we need to keep spoon-feeding those americans so that they can communicate with rest of the english speaking world.

By the way I think you should pay a visit to any bar down Manc during a match and declare football is gay! I am sure you would have fun picking beer glass out of your face and stanley blades from your guts;)

If I am up Manchester way I won't be talking "football" but "music".
Stanley blades are bad for my health.

kwaichang kaned
09-17-2003, 06:25 AM
Internal Boxer,
When you say Manchester i assume you mean City and not Utd.
We all know that the Man U supporters live in the Shires.
Footballs not gay! Just ask Sol Cambell.He'll set you straight

09-17-2003, 08:02 AM
laughing cow, if you wanted to pick a fight with all the brits why didn't you just set up a challenge match instead of taking this angle. english folks are notoriously dangerous when it comes to thier football.:p

09-17-2003, 08:06 AM
lofl @ soccer hooligans.

Soccer is a sissy sport compared to american football.
(no way could I handle all the running tho...)

kwaichang kaned
09-17-2003, 08:46 AM
Nail smack on the head .
FOOTBALL is the only thing that the English are allowed to get passionate about.
There seems to be an overiding sense here that if you are proud or passionate about your country,you are a racist.Being proud to be english is just not the done thing.
Infact some local councils have banned the St Georges cross from being flown in certain areas incase it offend minorities.
While i can sort of see the reasoning behind this (it became closely related to a right wing political group in the 70's called the National Front) It's like asking the Americans not to fly the Stars and Stripes .You can love your country without hating the citizen of others.
So we throw our weight behind supporting the national side or the divisional side you follow.Which tends to be
A, the team your dad followed
B,the nearest team to your home
With the exception of Man Utd supporters who mostly hail from london.
c0ckney Reds as they are affectionatly known (ahem)

Any slur on your team or the national side is seen as a personal slight and dealt with accordingly.Hense Beer Glasses and Stanley blades as mentioned by I.B.But the people involved in this sort of activity all know each other and will even go so far as to set up fights between rival "firms" long before match day via Email and Txt.
No rioting on the terraces,No innocent bystanders caught up in the action anymore.
Ahhhh! how i miss those days;)

Repulsive Monkey
09-17-2003, 08:50 AM
We're not the soft effeminate types that need to pad themselves out into infinity in case they get a little ickle bruisey woosey or tiny baby scrath on their faces?

Why can you match us and play like we play rugby too, or are you afraid of getting hurt?

kwaichang kaned
09-17-2003, 08:53 AM
Ballet for the working classes my friend!

09-17-2003, 09:38 AM
hetero soccer (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/bcbss001.html) ;)

09-17-2003, 09:42 AM
The pads are because you have a 300 lb gorilla trying to crush you. Not a 140 lb guy kicking a ball at you.
And rugby is tight, but rugby is not soccer, now is it?

09-17-2003, 11:12 AM
soccer/football also doesn't allow what american football does -- hard-ass tackles and hits. soccer players do get beat up pretty solidly over the course of 90 minutes, but american football players hand out or get handed contact that would get them banned in any other sport. and they're supposed to hit hard. soccer players can be brutal, but they don't have the same level of contact. hence the pads. i'm not saying american football is more macho -- it just has a higher level of contact which is compensated for with pads. anyone that thinks pads makes it a wussy sport really needs to put the pads on and hop on the field.

09-17-2003, 11:12 AM
Rugby is also Austrailian...I think....:confused:

Real American Football is just too hardcore for other nations. The only country to even try it is Canada, but they failed here in the States.
What other sport will you have a 6'5 300lbs man fall on you crushing your bones? not "futbol".

norther practitioner
09-17-2003, 11:31 AM
Rub, SD, watch some lower level soccer matches, and tell me the tackles aren't brutal... not NFL, but you need to get up, and do it for 89 more min.... NFL only goes like 5 seconds a play. That being said, I think football is the new national past time.:D

09-17-2003, 12:19 PM
I know plenty of college soccer players... Ill still tell them soccer is a sissy sport.
"soccer moms"
says it all right there.

Dark Knight
09-17-2003, 12:40 PM
"soccer moms"

Yep, I love soccor for that reason alone


09-17-2003, 01:07 PM
As long as we're judging the "manliness" of sport this way, I suppose that sumo wrestling must be the manliest sport of all.

09-17-2003, 01:23 PM
soccer moms is an american concept, so what does That tell u.

and whats up with the leotards? come on now get real !!!

a pantyhose and a helmet ? and you call "soccer" gay?

by the way football implies using your feet not hands. :p

but i think we had this debate before :D

Chang Style Novice
09-17-2003, 01:26 PM
Can't we just all agree that golfers are a bunch of pu$$ies and move on in our lives?

09-17-2003, 01:29 PM
" I suppose that sumo wrestling must be the manliest sport of all."

If its not, then its d@mn close. :)

"pantyhose and a helmet "

Short shorts and ***gish haircuts? Any better?

Soccer moms are hot sometimes.... sometimes they are just flat out nasty.

"Can't we just all agree that golfers are a bunch of pu$$ies and move on in our lives?"

Yes. And chicks in tennis skirts are hot.

09-17-2003, 01:32 PM
American football in unknow in the world, and even second division argentinian soccer( real football) players can be stars in the NFL.

09-17-2003, 01:33 PM
A song just popped into my head with that comment...
Ever heard "the lonesome kicker"?

09-17-2003, 01:42 PM
Is golf even a sport?

as a golfer can you really look within yourself and call yourself an "athlete".

can a golfer really feel good , standing beside a hockey player, and think theyre on the same level.

golf and chess should be in the same category.

norther practitioner
09-17-2003, 01:53 PM
Well not all, but a lot of the golfers on the pga right now are in excellent condition (have you looked at Tigers forearms lately).

09-17-2003, 02:25 PM
NP has molested the correct with a sharp stick.

09-17-2003, 02:36 PM
NP -- you renob, i specifically said:

soccer players can be brutal :p

there's no question about the toughness of soccer players. my point was that football has a higher degree of contact that warrants the use of pads. if football players hit each other just as hard but did it without pads, concussions would skyrocket, and deaths on the field would no longer be limited to basic spinal injuries. football has specific rules dictating how you can level someone -- not to the back unless they have the ball, and you cannot attack helmet-first. beyond that, almost anything goes. try the same stuff in soccer, and it's a red card, a suspension and, quite likely, a ban.

GOLF -- by definition, it's still a sport, because a higher degree of athleticism improves your game. however, if one looks at a lot of the players on the tour, other than the ability to walk a few miles and swing a stick accurately, there's not much athleticism required. can athleticism improve your golf game? yes. is being an athlete required to be a pro golfer, even on the PGA tour? **** no.

09-17-2003, 02:43 PM
Soccer is full of a bunch of girly men playing glorified kick ball. They need to get into a real sport instead of remaining sissiefied momma boys.

Excuse me ... I'm going to go practice my Tai Chi now. :D

Just teasing, on both accounts.

Laughing Cow
09-17-2003, 02:53 PM

So you reckon that Rugby and Australian rules player should be dropping like the flies on the pitch??

BTW, we all know it is soccer that are the RELLy tough guys.

Now football supporters I hardly ever hear of them getting into a nice rumble.

09-17-2003, 04:06 PM
I have played rugby, soccer, and Australian rules. The one I got injured in the most was soccer, closely followed by rugby. Australian rules is a hard game but more because of the skills involved and the level of fitness required (same with soccer). But my favourite game is rugby.

In rugby, you get 250-300lb players running at you and tackling you at full power without padding. :) And you have to be able to think quickly because the game doesn't stop every 10 seconds so you can decide what you are going to do next.

And don't forget - American football was derived from rugby, so really rugby is the traditional art and American football is the McDojo mish-mash :D :D :D

09-17-2003, 04:15 PM
no, laughing cow, i'm not. the level of contact is greater in american football. they wear pads to compensate. period.

any statements about a greater level of macheesmo amongst the sports don't matter to me.

as far as americans getting into rumbles at sporting events -- it's rare. the only time americans get the same level of enthusiasm other countries do at their sports is during the finals or championship (see 1993 chicago, after the bulls WON).

09-17-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
no, laughing cow, i'm not. the level of contact is greater in american football. they wear pads to compensate. period.

any statements about a greater level of macheesmo amongst the sports don't matter to me.

as far as americans getting into rumbles at sporting events -- it's rare. the only time americans get the same level of enthusiasm other countries do at their sports is during the finals or championship (see 1993 chicago, after the bulls WON).

Nah, Americans go on rampages in the street and destroy shops, cars etc. instead :D

I would argue that the level of contact in rugby is at least as high as that in American football.

Laughing Cow
09-17-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
no, laughing cow, i'm not. the level of contact is greater in american football. they wear pads to compensate. period.

I guess you got some experience playing rugby than?

Volcano Admim
09-17-2003, 04:23 PM
yeah what is a 140lbs weakling soccers guy kick...

do you know how are pro soccer shoes in their lower part?
i dont think you do

well ill just say they have metal parts

try getting kicked with one of those while running at high speed with little to none padding

i can understand joedoes injuries even without the metal parts

Repulsive Monkey
09-18-2003, 03:54 AM
What pleb said that Rugby is Australian?????

If you you don't know about a certain subject then shut up until you learn something!

Internal Boxer
09-18-2003, 04:16 AM
kwaichang kaned

The ole Red bashing again:rolleyes: Well I happen to be a Red and its complete Bull that there are no MAN U fans in Manc out of a family of say 5 brothers 4 will be Reds. The only reason al lot of clubs hate MAN U is down to one simple fact our dominance over the Prem, pure and simple. Back in the 70's & 80's everyone hated Liverpool cause they were so succesful, Jealousy is a sad thing. I have worked down south and it does pi.ss me off to see southerners in MAN U shirts cause the only reason they support Utd is because of our success and that gets on my tits.

I have played Rugby up to my early 20's cause my Dad was the Captain of Ashton RFC and from 9 years old I was put into this sport. I have played for schools, colleges but mainly in bigger leagues plus many internationals, I played Old Aldwininans a well known Manc Club, we were always fighting on and off the pitch, but I must admit the salford boys (Rivals in Manc) are the dirtiest ba.stards I have ever played against, always punching in the scrum, stomping on you all the time, injuries and fights were always guarrenteed.

But having said that I have always prefered footie it is the beautiful Game, and the rest of the world can't be wrong its only the americans who have lost out big time by not taking it as their national sport. They seem to prefer big shoulder pads and helmets, they can't even fight each other they are so protected, bleedin pussies!:D

09-18-2003, 04:18 AM
(ChitownMantis bows in)

Uhhhh. I was funny , and that's it. I don't think soccer is gay or football.

I mean why are you guys have an "Let's wipe out contest" early in the morning. It was funny. That's it

Let's back to an neutral corner ok fellas

Ben Gash
09-18-2003, 04:20 AM
Ever seen a triple compound leg fracture in american football? Remember the speed in soccer is phenomenal (and most players are between 180 and 200). The impact in american football is only such BECAUSE of the padding. You couldn't hurl your head and shoulders at someone without it. Rugby is far nastier (what other ballgame ALLOWS palm strikes to the face?) with a good deal of spinal, head and leg injuries.

09-18-2003, 04:23 AM
Well, the 1993 championship when the bulls won was not an proud moment for me.:mad:

But then this is the same city where you can get you cap pulled back even on sunday.

09-18-2003, 04:25 AM
And don't forget - American football was derived from rugby, so really rugby is the traditional art and American football is the McDojo mish-mash

This is quite true.

It is also true that baseball is a direct rip off of (Britains) rounders and that basketball is a rip of of netball.

Oddly both of the origional games are played almost exclusively by school girls.......not to mention hockey.

Now who's sports starts are gay?

kwaichang kaned
09-18-2003, 04:54 AM
Believe me when i say that the manc ain't top of my ****list.That would be Arsenal( and from that you can probably tell who i follow)
The Mancs second closley followed by Chelscum.
The bashing is nothing personal it just that we ain't won anything of worth for so long we have nothing to crow about (anoher clue?) so it's back to he insults

And whats all this BS about soccer player being p*ssies?
Anyone who knows a little history can tell you about a german goal keeper call Bert Troutman who played a FA cup final , 90mins with a BROKEN NECK!!!
Hard as nails and no need to stuff pillows up the arms of his sweater incase he gats a wickle bruisy

09-18-2003, 04:54 AM
Oddly both of the origional games are played almost exclusively by school girls.......not to mention hockey.

Ice hockey eh? Let's not get started with british hockey (if it even exists) :p

And BTW.. Football is awsome. American style is not. Infact, it pretty much sucks. Period. And the whole debate of what makes what sport more macho etc that's just stupid. Whadda bunch of nuts you are :D It's different sports! Of corz there's a dif bout how there played and rules, protection etc etc.

On the difference between american and regular football, we have armys of hooligans trashing whole citys on our games. I've never heard of american fotball hooligans? It's not a possitive thing, infact many have lost their lives due to the violence surounding this beloved sport.

Oh and golf is NOT a sport :D

kwaichang kaned
09-18-2003, 04:58 AM
Neither is Formula 1

09-18-2003, 05:05 AM
soccer players can be brutal

U think?...On the news yesterday a law student and a mecical student were found guilty of attacking one of our big tough football stars. The tough guy never even got out of his car.

Internal Boxer
09-18-2003, 05:20 AM
kwaichang kaned

The less said about Spurs the better He He ;)

Internal Boxer
09-18-2003, 05:43 AM
They say Football is a Gentleman's Game watched by Hooligans, and Rugby is a Hooligans Game watched by Gentleman.

How can American Football be called "football" surely it should renamed, Padwussball

Laughing Cow
09-18-2003, 05:44 AM
Naah, the truly manly game is:

Crocket. :D :D

09-18-2003, 06:00 AM

that and curling

kwaichang kaned
09-18-2003, 06:08 AM
You ain't kidding:(

Repulsive Monkey
09-18-2003, 07:55 AM
Well played!!
Nice observation there.

09-18-2003, 08:15 AM
We gonna soooo beat Englands ass next year :p

chen zhen
09-18-2003, 08:20 AM

09-18-2003, 08:21 AM

Is Bukkake a sport?:D

09-18-2003, 09:00 AM
the way rugby players do it, yes. :p

i still say the most manly sport on earth is synchronized swimming.

09-18-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by kwaichang kaned
Neither is Formula 1

Motor sports are a gruelling discipline. It is not unusual for drivers to lose 5 or 6 kgs through the course of a race.

Now equestrian and horse racing is sport :D