View Full Version : first taiji experience... :-)

09-20-2003, 09:06 AM
i had my first taiji class yesterday n it still hurts... well, i gotta say, it was fun. better than i had expected actually. after doing the infamous low stance of chen style for about 2 hours (more or less) left me with sore legs... btw, they're still sore. great exercise for thighs, hip flexors, hip, and butt :eek: .
we did some stance training; moving the weight around like the number 8. i first started out in a mid level stance, after that got a lil painful, i stood more upright, then after i couldnt take that anymore, the lower one suprisingly proved the best. i was just wondering though... how come i'm all sore now? i figure it might be cause i used muscles i didnt know i had before, or might it be simply that i dont know how to relax yet?

what do u think?

09-20-2003, 01:54 PM
Lactic acid, Try stretching a bit after you work out. ;)

09-20-2003, 03:04 PM
Maybe you have to relax your muscles more.But I think it`s because you must not be used to working those specific areas.In my first class,I wasn`t all that sore,but we do different exercises.Anyhow,I think you`lljust have to adapt,that`s all.