View Full Version : Am I an exception?

Dragon D
06-19-2001, 02:05 AM
I've been reading alot of nonsense about how kung fu sucks, and it's not realistic, never work etc... I've practiced several martial arts, and for the last 3 years I've been studying kung fu. I've had three fights within the last three years and won each of them, one of them was even agains't a grappler; or someone who attempted to try a grappler type takedown. I'm far from invincible, and I didn't fight no outstanding nhb fighter, but I held my own. I like to think I'm a decent fighter because I train hard and do as much sparring as I can. According to some of the "experts" on these forums though I must suck, because I practice kung fu. Am I some freak exception to the "grapplers are the best rule", or maybe are we all getting a little to bent on style here and quick to stereotype the kung fu practitioner.

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body"

06-19-2001, 02:19 AM
NHB is a lot more than grappling

Martial Joe
06-19-2001, 04:05 AM
Yeah jimmy your right,but when did he metion that?

Dragon,the people who say this are idiots...
...Rolls(relak) is the only guy who is really into saying this on the forum.But I dont care what they say,I study wing chun and I know it works.No one will change my mind when I know something works...

06-19-2001, 04:42 AM
Nah, you're no exception. I have trained grappling, muay thai, karate...most recently northern shaolin which I have been doing for a few years now. I grapple and fight full contact, and have won street fights too. I've also lost my share of grappling and sparring matches. I think we have already come to the conclusion here that it's not what you train in, but how long you train. There is really only one person here who has the CMA sucks mentality, and that guy learn from video tapes and games, and has only had 1 fight in his life, which was a "challenge match" and resulted in a draw - his "opponent" was a san shou stylist. The majority of MMA stylists here agree that KF has its merits, they just disagree with some of the training.

Come not between the dragon and his wrath...

06-19-2001, 07:27 AM
Every1 assumes that since you grappel you are automatically like this.. It is not the case I've seen good Kung-Fu i've seen bad Kung-Fu. I've seen good grappling i've seen bad grappling. If Kung-Fu works for you great. If your so secure in your style then y do you care what other ppl say..

Dragon D
06-19-2001, 01:47 PM
Grappling Insanity, I feel kung fu has been getting a bad rap as of late and I had to voice my opinion.
Jimmy23, I'm aware nhb is alot more than ground fighting, I have alot of respect for nhb fighters
Martial joe, I kinda of new here. Is Ralek a retard?
I must say though, most of the kung fu bashing has been coming from the kung fu forum oddly enough. I only posted here because I was trying to avoid replys from clowns like that conquerer of alaska guy.

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body"

06-19-2001, 02:20 PM
Hey folks, I've been reading these posts for quite some time and decided to jump in.

And for my $0.02 worth, its not the style its the fighter. I practice Kung Fu and Tai Chi myself and have found that both have their nertis and disadvantages, but if I am on my game any given day either can work well.

Anyhow, I'll post more later.

"I try to get a little better every day"

06-19-2001, 03:20 PM
"Is Ralek a retard?" --Dragon D

LOL! That's putting it mildly.

K. Mark Hoover

06-19-2001, 04:42 PM
Dragon D. :

Nice ego trip...did you enjoy it?

Dragon D
06-19-2001, 05:13 PM
I don't follow you lyle. How do you figure this is an ego trip?

06-19-2001, 05:21 PM
"And for my $0.02 worth, its not the style its the fighter. I practice Kung Fu and Tai Chi myself and have found that both have their nertis and disadvantages"

And for my $$0.02, that statement is contradictory. If isn't not the art, then both Taiji and KungFu (Taiji is a KungFu) are irrellevant, as they are styles.