View Full Version : Taekwondo and Southern Styled Kungfu

Ging Mo Fighter
09-23-2003, 06:45 AM
Anyone else had any luck in blending the knowledge of these two distinctive styles of martial arts together?

I'm fortunate enough, living in Western Australia, to have some rather experienced masters teaching here, and have been learning taekwondo and kungfu for most of my teenage and adult life here.

I've found the two almost to blend perfectly together, almost like two musical instruments, although my kungfu instructors are rather disciplinary when it comes to the application of kicks, ie SPARINGLY. Naturally low kicks are emphasised much more strongly, if not 100%

Taekwondo on the otherhand has given me the freedom to apply almost all of my kungfu knowledge together with taekwondo sparring to see how it works against taekwondo fighters, naturally giving an extreme advantage... and is very enlightening and powerful to say the least... (Expecially when you grab them haha) :)

Anyway I love learning/trying to master all I can about these two martial arts, and they both have very deep levels of understanding...

Good luck in your studies and hopeing to hear more from other readers


09-23-2003, 04:32 PM
One of the best fighters I ever trained with blended the two. The Southern hands with the TKD kicks made for an awesome combination.

09-24-2003, 05:37 AM

One of the people I trained with dropped southern kung fu to train in tae kwon do. He said that the reverse sweep kicks catch southern kung fu people off guard every time. He said that they underestimate the leg sweeping techniques thinking that their stances are very strong.

The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick. You have the height, forward momentum, reach and power. The leg is much stronger than the arm and has a much longer reach. I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Obviously they don't because people walk with their legs and speak through their mouths. So obviously the leg is much stronger. It's obvious isn't it. I mean it goes without saying unless you're brain damaged or something.

09-24-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick. You have the height, forward momentum, reach and power. The leg is much stronger than the arm and has a much longer reach. I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Obviously they don't because people walk with their legs and speak through their mouths. So obviously the leg is much stronger. It's obvious isn't it. I mean it goes without saying unless you're brain damaged or something.I'm not trying to refute your claim, but the way how I see it, hands are naturally designed for manipulating the environment (eating, lifting things, etc.) and very few people have the dexterity to use their feet on tasks which are habitually meant for the hands. Sure, legs are more powerful compared to hands, but they are merely meant for walking and maneuvering in general. We should use our hands as primary tools for upper level execution, while our feet serve as an expertise in maneuvering. Lifting the feet above the waistline is an unconventional execution and anatomically unfavorable for the body. On the other hand, everyone can use their hands in a considerably free fashion - whether it be on the head or abdominal level. Nevertheless, high kicks can be effective when executed properly with correct timing, but they can also, on the contrary, expose many weak points to the opponent.

David Jamieson
09-24-2003, 09:28 AM
well, I was taught North Shaolin (Bak Sil Lum) in tandem with Southern Shaolin black Tiger in my kungfu training. They both complimented each other quite nicely.

I have also learned Tae Kwon Do and must say it is imo contradictory in principles to southern Kungfu. I say this because tkd while highly mobile does not spend the time encouraging root in the practitioner where southern kungfu does.

North Shaolin will teach you the principles of lightning fast kicks and has in it some very flashy kicks, but,it also focuses on root, jings, structural alignment etc more strongly than tkd.

I would be very careful about the way I went about the merging of tkd with a southern cma, imo that could bite you in the @ss in regards to the correct development of either.

so just be very mindful when you find the obvious contradictions and think about how they fit and how they don't.


09-24-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

One of the people I trained with dropped southern kung fu to train in tae kwon do. He said that the reverse sweep kicks catch southern kung fu people off guard every time. He said that they underestimate the leg sweeping techniques thinking that their stances are very strong.

The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick. You have the height, forward momentum, reach and power. The leg is much stronger than the arm and has a much longer reach. I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Obviously they don't because people walk with their legs and speak through their mouths. So obviously the leg is much stronger. It's obvious isn't it. I mean it goes without saying unless you're brain damaged or something.

Ahh, but if he had learned his southern kung fu properly then he would have known that the power in his hands comes from his legs, and the power in his legs should come from good structure. ;)

As a wheelchair-bound person, you of all people should understand how strong you can make your arms, and in fact sometimes people can learn to make their arms strong enough to walk on them almost as efficiently as on legs. As for talking out of your butt, only you would know about that :D

09-24-2003, 06:20 PM
"The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick."
* Actualy technicaly speaking (and this has been proven) the most powerfull kick is a forward walking spinning back kick. It combines the power of a sidekick (already a powerfull movement) with rotational force and also forwards momentum.

The flying sidekick is actualy a comparitivly weak kick, due to the body not being on the ground the only way to power the kick is with the limb and the added bonus of landing into your opponent with it.

If you dont believe me then have a look at some of the breaking records and you will notice that people dont break large amounts with flying sidekicks, they tend to jump obsitcles and then break single boards. A regular sidekick can probarly do far more damage if its proparly done than a flying sidekick.

Just from the few years i put into TKD.

09-25-2003, 02:40 AM

In any case both are good against southern kung fu. The spinning back kick would take a southern kung fu master by surprise. How about a jumping spinning back kick - that would be even be more powerful. Being rooted to the ground in a horse stance makes the southern kung fu master rather immobile. Southern kung fu came to being in small villages which did not allow much movement sideways. Farmers tend to just slug it out with the 2 to 3 techniques they knew. Jumping kicks were too advanced for them because the weren't taught how to jump over swords.

09-25-2003, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

In any case both are good against southern kung fu. The spinning back kick would take a southern kung fu master by surprise. How about a jumping spinning back kick - that would be even be more powerful. Being rooted to the ground in a horse stance makes the southern kung fu master rather immobile. Southern kung fu came to being in small villages which did not allow much movement sideways. Farmers tend to just slug it out with the 2 to 3 techniques they knew. Jumping kicks were too advanced for them because the weren't taught how to jump over swords.

good grief...

09-25-2003, 04:33 AM
You're full of ****e Ego!!! TKD tought as sport is also a load of ****e!!! high kicks may look good but once you're in close they ain't do nothing but get you into trouble. I dont know where you guys/girls got your info from coz Southern styles are very mobile. they do not practice 1&3 step sparring which teaches nothing let alone self defence.

In CMA a lot of the basics are taught through forms and 2 person sets not forwards and backwards and side to side as in TKD forms etc. It really annoys me that a person with 18 months training (generally poor at that can be given a black belt and told to go forth and spread the art!!!!! what a load of rubbish!!!) This is probably why a once decent martial art turned into a load of crap. I really pity the poor buggers who think they can defend themselves with this and I abhor the people who tell them they can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems to me the only thing the people teahing this are concerned with is how much they will get out of it financially. Sad is all I can say.

Most people whom I've sparred with who trained in TKD (and some Karate) fight from the back foot and when pressed will move backwards. they're fine if they're attacking but if they end up on the receiving end very few will think to attack from the side or get behind the opponent. The idea with CMA is not to go toe to toe but to get in there fast and finish the job the quickest and safest way possible which is generally the side which is hardest to protect. Bagua and Taiji is a classic example of this! Thai boxing is very good but very hard on the body which is why you won't find many people training after 30.

Another point to consider is why is it you see a lot of the kicking styles have a majority of people with knee injuries??? And I'm not talking about old people either. This comes down to not having the experience (i.e. black belt in 18 months) teaching the correct way to kick without injury to oneself.

Yeah I know I'm ranting and raving but it's my opinion so live with it or bugger off!!!


09-25-2003, 07:33 AM

Need I remind you that Tai Chi and Bagua are northern styles as opposed to the stuff that peasents fight with in the south. Needless to say northern styles have superior mobility compared to tae kwan do which has superior mobility compared to southern kung fu.

As much as you dislike 2 or 3 step sparring, compare this to the wing chun alternative which is to spar against a wooden dummy. What would your friends say if they find out that you're learning slef defence and your sparring parner is a hunk of wood (with 3 hands and one leg). For starters they might say you'll be the last man standing on the day of the Triffids.

Some southern kung fu styles like pak hok pai don't even spar at all. Others learn choreographed moves though form after form.

As much as you critise the fast belt system in TKD, the southern styles have also adopted belt systems where the master would extract money from students over a long period of time. If anything, TKD is less dishonest about things.

Coming back to mobility, there is absolutely no way that a wing chun master can avoid a jumping reverse back kick. If the kick misses, the TKD master would come crashing down on to the wing chun like a ton of bricks. Wing Chun foot work is not prepared for that. Farmers are generally slower and less agile people and do not often need to jump over swords to stay alive. Their kung fu is reflective of their physical attributes and their simple mentality.

09-25-2003, 08:01 AM
SPAR against a wooden dummy?????????? I've never seen that in Wing Chun! In WC you spar against people!

09-25-2003, 03:24 PM
Ego is a troll. Don't get too worked up over stuff he says. I used to get annoyed by him, but now he amuses me. You will find that he basically says the same thing over and over, just in different ways. I sit back and eagerly await the newest way for him to try and put down Southern arts. :D

09-26-2003, 07:22 AM
G'day Jodoe

Your right, Ego is a Troll but as I said this is my opinion so if he don't like it he can bugger off!! Stupid bugger does't even realise I was talking abouth CMA not north/south whohaaa. With regards to his idea of using spinning back jumping kick with a lemon twist or whatever it was, it dont mean nothing if the person ain't there to hit with it!! Try doing this in a night club with 150+ people standing around you. It would look kind of funny seeing someone trying to do this and going a$$ over t1t though wouldn't it. Be a real crowd pleaser :D

09-26-2003, 07:52 PM
Buddah Fist.

Come on don't pretend that wing chun doesn't spar against wooden dummies. What about all those forms where wing chun blocks those wooden arms and hits the dummies? But when they step into a boxing ring or UFC they get creamed. I admit to some, I have an image problem on this forum but you would agree that the problem with wing chun lies in its substance.


You do seem to be the sort of person who would pick fights in a night club. You're also incorrect in not having made a distinction between northern and southern kung fu. Like i said before and Buddah Fist would now agree that wing chun's sparring against wooden dummies do not allow the practitioner to move behind the dummy because its bolted agaisnt the wall. It teaches you to slub it out against a tree with 4 branches growing out of its trunk.

David Jamieson
09-26-2003, 09:12 PM
mook jong is not for sparring.

it has different reason for being trained with.

but it does help to focus on the centreline which is important to the wing chun style.

09-26-2003, 11:36 PM
I've never met a wooden man that I didn't like.

09-27-2003, 07:09 AM

As per usual you seem to judge without knowing the full story!! I do not remember telling anyone that I practiced Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) or even if I inferred this! You stuffed up again!!! Have you not heard the saying thast if you ASSUME anything it will make as A$$ out of you and me both!!!!

Wing Chun is a vey effective style if you have the right teacher as with any other style (North or South). If you work hard at training and understand the applications then you should have no problems putting thought into practice. You may want to readjust your attitude and think about putting your mind in gear before putting your mouth in action!!!


09-27-2003, 08:07 AM
!:mad: !:mad: !:mad: !:mad: !:mad: !:mad:

09-27-2003, 08:13 AM

If you don't practice wing chun, then how can you say that it is an effective style unless your sorry butt has been hauled by enough wing chun practitioners for you to draw that conclusion.

Wing chun is a style that loses to boxing and next to useless in UFC. If one claims that it is effective for self defence than why should it lose to sports orientated martial arts? Wing chun cannot deal with the round punches or when someone buries down on to you. It is a sad limitation of that style.

Some people still maintain the belief that wing chun doesn't spar against wooden dummies, they must as well be doing so at least that may be more valuable than sparring with a person like yourself.

David Jamieson
09-27-2003, 10:21 AM

please post a video of your encounter with a wing chun stylist.

Wing Chun, is likely the most widely practiced and most popular style of Kungfu practiced in the world. If that bothers you, maybe you should look inside yourself to find out why.

Are you a UFC entrant? I doubt it. In fact I doubt you've done any full contact fighting or even sparring in your short time on the planet and your mere few trips around the sun. It is shown in your posts again and again that you are ill informed about a great deal of things in regards to chinese martial arts. So perhaps you should train instead of picking here and there at websites.

UFC is only the measure of those who enter it. There are some terrific fighters in there to be sure, but how come they can't make it in the world boxing circles? what does that say about ufc? or nhb? Do they all suck compared to a trained boxer?

Think about what you say, before you say it and realize that some things are not the measure of all things but only the measure of themselves and their own sphere of influence.

You would think that after being rebuffed in your misperceptions time and again you would "get it" by now. Perhaps you are unable to learn from this. Too bad for you man.


yu shan
09-27-2003, 08:15 PM
If there was a choice, tkd would be my first, a very simplified system. Nothing more nothing less, very limited! I love to hit these soft a$$ tkd guys, they no nothing of conditioning! I have no respect for tkd, a crap of a style, I`m speaking from experience. To me the easiest style to fight. PM me if you want to hook up.

09-27-2003, 08:24 PM
Kung Lek,

I don't have video clips or pictures of my encounters with wing chun and other stylist. When I had been training kung fu, it never occurred to me as a big thing to go from school to school defeating the senior students and the masters. Then it occurred to me that they were from southern kung fu schools. The quality of the matches if you can call it was not that profound that needed to be documented on film. It was actually quite easy, their lack of footwork and over relaince on hand speed were their sown fall. I mean even Bruce Lee who is supposed to be a reputable fighter did not document many of his key contests on film. I'm not big on self promotion and would not post pictures of myself on the internet to show how good I am. I just know from my experience that southern kung fu is lousy and some people on this forum seem to have trouble taking that in.

UFC was beginning to be a growing sport at that time when I was stopped training kung fu. I hadn't a chance to go into those matches. I do have sparred against BJJ and kick boxers. I would say that in combination they're very good but norhern kung fu can hold its own aganist those styles. They (especially wrestlers) have tight footwork and body movement simimar to northern kung fu. I ahve seen 8 step mantis and tai chi faring quite well in UFC conditions. I have also seen wing chun getting smacked down - I always have a good laugh when that happens but at the same time feel sorry for the student who thought they were learning self defence.

I hope my posts on this forum is an education to you all. Think of me as your next Bruce Lee wihtout the acting.

09-27-2003, 08:46 PM
The Hell? I mean, I considered myself a rather accomplished troll, a-hole, male chavunist pig-dog, and a general egotistical sumbich, but . . . d@mn. I am humbled.

At least my humble OMA will guide me . . .


09-27-2003, 09:40 PM
Also, there is good, useful TKD out there. Worked out with this little fire plug of a man a few years back. I was 12, and a good 4" taller than him. Still, we did a few basic forms, then we sparred, did bagwork, sparred, did hella conditioning, sparred, the usual.

Course, he's the only good TKD I've seen.

David Jamieson
09-28-2003, 06:22 AM

you simply do not kow what you are talking about. I woudl like to know more about this "experience" you claim to have. you say one thing but your posts declare your intent as other.


well, I'm stopping here, you are just some armchair critic clearly and have no kungfu background whatsever apparently. In fact, I would go so far as to say, you likely have 0 training in any style period. Because if you had even 1 days training, you probably wouldn't be chattering the bs that you are.


09-28-2003, 09:02 AM
Kung Lek: Master Observationist ;)

blooming lotus
09-28-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Vash
Also, there is good, useful TKD out there. Worked out with this little fire plug of a man a few years back. I was 12, and a good 4" taller than him. Still, we did a few basic forms, then we sparred, did bagwork, sparred, did hella conditioning, sparred, the usual.

Course, he's the only good TKD I've seen.

I am loving tdk also for kicks (lol)

I dont practice for comps though, I just like it because I love to make my body work as well as l know how to make it, but on researching and training different styles you've gotta wonder when you have good dim mak knowledge and application ....

my problem now though, is not going straight for a death move, which facilitates the need to find styles to best protect those points ( which some branches dont even employ) but I guess it comes back to the objective of the fight). I guess this is why I chose not to fight. Really, who wants serious blood on their hands or to just disclose and by stepping down ALLOWING (PLS SEE KARMA) someone else to have blood on theirs?

and dont be shy because I know some othersof you feel the same.

09-29-2003, 02:06 AM
blooming lotus

I agree with you that dim mak is deadly. However, it is impractical. This is because unlike a willing patient subjecting themselves to accupuncture, you are now dealing with a moving target. It's much harder to hit their death points.

Even if you do, you need to hit it with enough force as opposed to skimming a bit of skin with your finger nails. When that happens, your oppoent would just clobber you with a simple punch.

You may need to hit a series of points in quick successions. That may not be easy for the reasons described and when that fails you'll have to start all over again. Chances are by that time your opponent would have landed a series of punches on to you.

Some times you need to strike a set of points simultanously on different parts of their body - like a pianist covering the octaves on the key board, you may need to use both hands to attack- say their head and foot. Needless to say if you miss, this would leave you in a vulnerable position to be clobbered by simple punches big time.

Furthermore, dim mak is developed according to chinese time. It was not much of a problem when people who practice kf were all in china in the old days. However, for example - if you're say in India etc, you need to know what the local time translates to in chinese time so that you can attack the correct succession of points. It's not practical having to check your special watch everytime you're about to defend yourself.

Some times death points are closely adjacent to health points. The worse case is if you miss the death point and hit the health points for example a succession of points to cause death at 2.00pm may be A,C,D,A,E but at 2.00am the ame combo gives em unlimited life. real bummer if you get your time of day wrong. They would clobber you big time with very powerful punches.

The dimmak effects is also related to what the opponent has eaten, certain foods have chi giving properties, accordingly death points may in fact give em health points or vice versa. and of cause if that fails you'll be clobbered by simple punches

Accordingly the outcome of a dimmak attack is actually quite unpredictable and not that effective as a percentage strike. It's not surprising that few styles bother to develop counters for this type of attacks - except to clobber simmak specialist with simple punches.

09-29-2003, 02:35 AM
ROFL this thread is getting truely funny.

The worse case is if you miss the death point and hit the health points for example a succession of points to cause death at 2.00pm may be A,C,D,A,E but at 2.00am the ame combo gives em unlimited life. (ego on the pro's and cons of death touch at various times of the day)

my problem now though, is not going straight for a death move, (blooming lotus discussing why he cant fight)

well, I'm stopping here, you are just some armchair critic ( Kung Lek sticking it to ego... who is wheelchair bound - apparently)

To me the easiest style to fight. PM me if you want to hook up. (yu shan proving he is an internet warrior)

This thread is priceless, a true goldmine:cool:

09-29-2003, 04:39 AM
Ego, you surprise me!!

Here I thought you were just another idiot on the internet with no practical knowledge! I stand corrected! This in no way means I agree with everything you say though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Dim Mak is deadly but I disagree with the impractical part as is this not we all work towards? As I've got older (and wiser!!) I no longer see the point in going toe to toe with anyone for the simple reason I may get hurt. This isn't to say I don't enjoy a good scrap or that I go looking for a fight. What it does mean is that if necessary I will use whatever means at my disposal to end the fight as quickly as possible. Ever heard of the KISS method???? (keep it simple stupid)!!!!

Yes you are right that point location is hard to hit but if it didn't work why use it?????????? You can still hit a person around certain points and disable them without hitting a number of them to do the same thing. THink about it for a minute objectively and reason why so much importance is placed upon point striking. You being of a Northern persuasion should be aware of this as it is a major factor of their arts. It's a bit like saying acupuncture doesn't work because you don't believe in it. It doe not change the fact that it does!

You appear to have problems with Southern styles, is this because at one time you had a bad teacher whom you studied with and you had like many people an inflated ego of oneself (no pun intended!!). Most people will go through this stage regardless of style especially if you're young and ****y!! Get over it!!

Any style if taught correctly (and interpreted correctly!) will give you the basics to progress onto bigger and better things. If you can tell me honestly that you know all there is to know about your chosen style, I will take my hat off to you. If you don't then I suggest you get back to some serious training or find a better teacher.


Ging Mo Fighter
09-29-2003, 07:11 AM
can we try keep on topic

EGO : you sound full of sh1t

dont bring disrespect to northern arts students through your disrespectful attitude in this thread please...


09-29-2003, 07:31 AM

I'm not saying acupuncture doesn't work. I'm saying that it's impractical in a fighting situation. If you want to kill a person - it might take 40 yrs of training with a needle or 4 days of training with a knife.

You can learn to throw an accupuncture needle but it only works well at short range and even then if its windy it would blow it off course from it's pin point target. Pretty useless. An ax or knife would be much better.

You of all person should know. A red neck outback jack from WA. you should have learned from crocodile dundee. It would look so stupid if he pulled out a needle instead of his bowie knife.

The point I'm making about southern kung fu is not that I trained with a bad teacher but the teachers and advance students from many southern schools crumble at the might of northern kung fu. Maybe the non existent southern kung fu style is good - I accept that.

Although I don't practice kung fu anymore but theres still some fight in this crippled old dog. Even tody southern kung fu people issue challenges, I accept and they fade away. some days I wait around Central Park but they're always a no show.

Ging Mo Fighter
09-29-2003, 07:37 AM
just read your own posts

you are a beginner, not even an amatuer

learn humbleness first, and respect


09-29-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

I'm not big on self promotion and would not post pictures of myself on the internet to show how good I am.


blooming lotus
09-29-2003, 08:25 PM
Maybe I wasnt clear and didn't consider my reply properly. I practice dim mak in conjunction with my tkd foundation, apsects of aikido and ninjitsu ( which I am seriously loving) combined with qigong and what little boxing styles know. I am now in china trying to find a good branch of shaolin and maybe some hung gar to incorporate but as we have already said in these forums minimal training in certain combinations defeats 30 yrs training in an incomplete art. You feeling me here or what? All I say is that with vigilant practice, dim mak is surely worth incorporating and not only is it effective but it also opens up a whole new spectrum of possible moves.

whatever works dude. check it out again

09-30-2003, 06:00 AM
Blooming Lotus:

I suggest you not go to china, with your intellect, some monk will get you practicing iron crotch from day one. I understood you perfectly the first time round and now I understand why you said what you said. The reason is because you have sh1t for brains. A dog came round and crapped into your empty skull when you were asleep. correct?

Ging Mo Figher:

I have humbled enough southern styles in my time to know the respect they deserve. If you are truely a northern kung fu practitioner you would be doing the same.

Ging Mo does not train people to fight. It is a nostalgic way of preserving chinese culture following the cultural revolution. Those nostalgic old f@rts were more concerned about this then promoting fighting skills.

Fu -Pa:

what do you find so funny boy? I didn't give you permission to laugh.

TIger Hand
09-30-2003, 12:51 PM
No pictures....!!!!..............kelvin..........???? ???

10-01-2003, 12:51 AM
This is true comedy.

blooming lotus
10-02-2003, 01:28 AM
yo ego...

newsflash dip****...

happen to pull one of the highest iq's in my country but lets not go there shall we..

really dude, get a grip and you know what.. I reckon its about time to trade up some of that ego for some perspective..

10-03-2003, 05:37 AM
Well, I dont usually browse this section as I study WC so the first time I look in here, I bump into this Ego - ****wit whose dissing my style in a very disrespectful way. Ego - whatever your name is, if your going to diss other styles please do so in a respectful manner......

After reading your posts it is obvious you can talk the talk, but I am in no doubt you are a **** fighter with probably no real MA experience, trust me the way you go on says it all! And no! I won't go all the way to Central Park to kick your ass! But share your views in the Wing Chun section and I am sure that people will be forming an orderly que.

Wing Chun like all styles has its faults but I feel that the fact that there a very few people around that talk about it the way you do proves it is no pushover, even people from other styles who constantly pick out its alleged inadequecies recognise that no matter what they throw at him a good Wing Chun artist will not get easily "creamed" especially in close quarters.

Please update me on your relevent MA experience, I am genuinely interested for some reason.


10-03-2003, 05:34 PM
I would just like to point out that alot of pressure points can bestruck incredibly easily in graplng situations and by just striking.
I'm not saying it#s easy.It will take decades of trainign to become effeicent.BUt when mastered...........

10-04-2003, 07:04 PM
Yo everyone,

Look what we have heare, a sh1t for brains by the name of blooming lotus blowing his own horn!

"happen to pull one of the highest iq's in my country but lets not go there shall we.."

Let me tell you something blooming lotus, it doesn't matter if you've got the highest IQ in your whole g@dd@mn inbred village in the country side, you still have sh1t for brains. I'll tell you why. It was a top dog that crapped in your skull as opposed to your country men who was crapped in by underdogs.


Precisely my point and you still do not see the implications. Before you can strike that point, you'll be creamed by basic punches.


At least you're the first to own up and admit that you study wing chun. Honest boy as you are it doesn't make you smart does it? Let me ask you this - is the UFC - wrestling type styles long range or short range. If wing chun is supposedly built for the kill at short range, why did wing chun masters get creamed big time in UFC?

Let me tell you this, I'm already giving wing chun more respect than it deserves.

10-05-2003, 11:02 AM
Ego_Extrodinaire, I have seen some of the UFC stuff and although I'm Martial Arts mad and would usually love that type of thing, I had to change TV channels, I was bored stiff, nearly every fight turned into to a couple of guys having a loving roll on the canvas (boring).

I haven't seen any Wing Chun people in UFC and to be honest I think if any have entered into it they're fookin nuts! Its just not a Wing Chun mans arena, its for grapplers and wrestlers.

why did wing chun masters get creamed big time in UFC?

I really don't think a Wing Chun "Master" has entered into UFC. If I'm wrong please give me a name.

If Wing Chun fighters do enter into UFC and they get creamed I'm not suprised, but I am willing to bet that most other styles of Kung Fu, Karate, TKD etc do too.

I think Wing Chun is very effective in the street against the drunken thickhead shouting "oi! wot are you staring at!" and insulting your Wife, it keeps me in good condition and makes me feel safe and its theorys and principles make sense to me, infact apart from the flat footwork I can't think of anything else that gets critisized reguarly about the style, I don't think I will ever have to turn to WC against a fighter of any other Martial Art as that situation is a rareity because of the respect Martial Artists have for eachother, this is something you have a total lack of.

Ego, your obviously getting a kick out of winding everybody up and fair play to you, I look forward to your reply.

btw If I have said anything inaccurate about UFC then I apologise, I only know what I have seen on the TV.



10-05-2003, 03:45 PM
[annoyingly large text for purpose of distraction from b!tching]I AM SO GREAT!
[/annoyingly large text for purpose of distraction from b!tching]

10-06-2003, 01:30 AM
in blending hung-gar and tkd i found it best to use hung-gar as my base but try and surprise my opponent by busting out a round house or back-kick just out of the blue. these day i mainly stick with a low stance and mostly fight with my arms, thus a sudden roundhouse kick can catch someone off guard. i always retreat back into horse or bow-and-arrow stance after though.

blooming lotus
10-07-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
Yo everyone,

Look what we have heare, a sh1t for brains by the name of blooming lotus blowing his own horn!

"happen to pull one of the highest iq's in my country but lets not go there shall we.."

Let me tell you something blooming lotus, it doesn't matter if you've got the highest IQ in your whole g@dd@mn inbred village in the country side, you still have sh1t for brains. I'll tell you why. It was a top dog that crapped in your skull as opposed to your country men who was crapped in by underdogs.


Precisely my point and you still do not see the implications. Before you can strike that point, you'll be creamed by basic punches.


At least you're the first to own up and admit that you study wing chun. Honest boy as you are it doesn't make you smart does it? Let me ask you this - is the UFC - wrestling type styles long range or short range. If wing chun is supposedly built for the kill at short range, why did wing chun masters get creamed big time in UFC?

Let me tell you this, I'm already giving wing chun more respect than it deserves.

let me tell you something ego....
until you let go of that "master ego" of yours and find out why your anger is compriomising your art..

you are studying tongzigong my friend ...tong zi gong

10-07-2003, 04:51 AM

Ok, if that's how you want to play it. Fine! I might be a bit over the top in my comments, but they do add color and draw attention but now that i've got your attention....

If wing chun is truely close range, I would expect there to be plenty more throw and grappling moves like in tai chi or other northern styles - the lack of suggest that it is not close range.

I also don't think that you can have good hand work without good footwork. For example the gateing theory in wing chun would work insofar as you are facing an opponent front on. That may not be possible if your opponent is at your flank though better footwork.

I look forward to your comments.

Blooming Lotus,

I take it that learning tong zi kung may not be a good thing. what the hell is that anyway, some silly ole jok that only you and your inbred villagers know? Let me tell you something, it is ego not angr that drives me. I am ego maximus-extrodinaire, not anger maximus-extrodiniare. You're probably sh1t for brains maximus-extrodinaire- tongzikong beat that IQ boy, chic or whatever!

10-07-2003, 07:01 AM
Yes I think your right as I believe that unlike my own school, Grappling and throwing is not practised in most Wing Chun schools. I would think that in this situation a Wing Chun fighter would be using trapping techniques and incase you are not familiar with this concept I provide an explanation from atrue master of the art Hawkins Cheung.

Trapping is the heart of wing chun. Sun Tzu wrote that all warfare is based upon deception, and to trap an opponent is to deceive him. Says Cheung, "When I trap your hand, your leg, or your body, your mind instantly freezes and considers the options. There is a psychological breakdown, and my opponent begins to lose his sense of confidence. When I don't allow you the time to solve your immediate problem, I frustrate you, and therefore trap your emotions. You then have two opponents against you-- me and yourself.
"If your opponent is fast, you be slow. If he is slow, you be fast. You must always keep in control of a fighting situation," warns Cheung.
"If I can trick you, I am controlling your mind if I make you believe there's no pressure in my right hand, you may believe I'm not paying attention and want to attack there. But since I'm deceiving you, I want to draw your response so I can set up the next shot," ----- Hawkins Cheung

The thing is Wing Chun is very scientific and good fighters and masters of the style think in this way, instead of just thinking, this technique then that technique and so on, they understand the science, I myself (like most I might add) am still at a novice stage because in fighting situations I am mainly thinking about what technique can solve my current problem, the real WC fighters think in the way Cheung thinks above and their techniques are just the tools to do the job. Although I understand what Cheung is saying I am not experienced enough to think scientifically while I am fighting or sparring.

It is just obvious from your posts that your understanding of Wing Chun and the way its artists think is very limited, as is well known and as it is obvious you have noticed Wing Chun has very few techniques, it is a very scientific art.

gateing theory in wing chun would work insofar as you are facing an opponent front on. That may not be possible if your opponent is at your flank though better footwork.

The above once again I feel shows your lack of knowledge of Wing Chun, The gates you talk about are a very basic thing, it just sort of tries to improve the new students understanding of the centreline theory sort of what is guarding what part of the body. Although I admit I find it difficult to explain to you, dealing with angles and with oppenents that move away from the centre is something I find very easy to deal with, now maybe its just me maybe I'm just good at it but I am always using my Wing Chun footwork nothing else, nothing different, my usual combinations of quick side stepping and forward movement.

Please remember that Wing Chun was famously practised by the likes of Hawkins Cheung, William Cheung and Wong Shun Leung all three of which were Street Fighters! in Hong Kong, the latter never lost a fight! And as these street fights were in Hong Kong they were fighting against accomplished fighters of other styles from western boxers to Preying Mantis, not just drunken thugs.

If and when you come up against or witness a real Wing Chun Fighter in action you will understand, my guess is that you won't know whats hit you. But you have only come up against or seen people like me who although they have practised WC for a fair while are still at the beginning of their journey. But I have sparred with my Sifu and I know what an accomplished WC fighter feels like, they are not "easily" creamed by anyone.


10-17-2003, 10:21 AM
Would like know how advanced was this person you dropped with reverse sweep multiple times
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

One of the people I trained with dropped southern kung fu to train in tae kwon do. He said that the reverse sweep kicks catch southern kung fu people off guard every time. He said that they underestimate the leg sweeping techniques thinking that their stances are very strong.

The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick. You have the height, forward momentum, reach and power. The leg is much stronger than the arm and has a much longer reach. I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Obviously they don't because people walk with their legs and speak through their mouths. So obviously the leg is much stronger. It's obvious isn't it. I mean it goes without saying unless you're brain damaged or something. :p

10-17-2003, 10:21 AM
Would like know how advanced was this person you dropped with reverse sweep multiple times
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

One of the people I trained with dropped southern kung fu to train in tae kwon do. He said that the reverse sweep kicks catch southern kung fu people off guard every time. He said that they underestimate the leg sweeping techniques thinking that their stances are very strong.

The most powerful kick is the jumping side kick. You have the height, forward momentum, reach and power. The leg is much stronger than the arm and has a much longer reach. I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Obviously they don't because people walk with their legs and speak through their mouths. So obviously the leg is much stronger. It's obvious isn't it. I mean it goes without saying unless you're brain damaged or something. :p

10-17-2003, 10:42 AM
At one point I thought you was very intelligent, but then I soon realized, which didn't take long, what a true idiot of martial arts you are. Actually, your the king of Idiot Martial Arts. I bet your your the type of guy who goes around picking fights with beginner students, cause you can't handle anybody stronger, just so you can hold your nuts high. The way I see it, you must be one of them scary local boy, with no car and not enough pocket change to cross the river by train. What I really think is you did go to a couple true Southern Kung Fu schools and the head instructor laugh you right out their school. As you said, Bruce Lee didn't record his fights, but neither did he boast about them either.[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
Kung Lek,

I don't have video clips or pictures of my encounters with wing chun and other stylist. When I had been training kung fu, it never occurred to me as a big thing to go from school to school defeating the senior students and the masters. Then it occurred to me that they were from southern kung fu schools. The quality of the matches if you can call it was not that profound that needed to be documented on film. It was actually quite easy, their lack of footwork and over relaince on hand speed were their sown fall. I mean even Bruce Lee who is supposed to be a reputable fighter did not document many of his key contests on film. I'm not big on self promotion and would not post pictures of myself on the internet to show how good I am. I just know from my experience that southern kung fu is lousy and some people on this forum seem to have trouble taking that in. [/QOUTE]

10-17-2003, 11:45 AM
I mean if the hands were stronger than people would be walking on their hands and talking through their butts won't they! Hehe, I'm expecting people on this thread to start walking on their hands any second now, the other requirement having been well fulfilled.

If you're repeatedly beating the same guy with the same sweep, he's an idiot regardless of his style.

A standing kick will nearly always be more powerful than a jumping kick, since the power is transmitted directly from the ground. Additionally, you open yourself up more for a counterattack when jumping. It's also difficult to change direction in midair once you've committed yourself to a jump.

I'm not saying acupuncture doesn't work. I'm saying that it's impractical in a fighting situation. If you want to kill a person - it might take 40 yrs of training with a needle or 4 days of training with a knife.

You can learn to throw an accupuncture needle but it only works well at short range and even then if its windy it would blow it off course from it's pin point target. Pretty useless. An ax or knife would be much better.

LOL, this beautiful! I'm going to incorporate acupuncture needle techniques into my sparring starting tonight. Then I'll develop a form and name it "Pincushion fist!" (Zhen Zhen Quan) Do not cross hands with me, or I will drastically improve your kidney function!

blooming lotus
10-17-2003, 07:36 PM
lol, we'll look forward to seeing that

10-18-2003, 11:26 AM
You sound pretty young in your kung fu waundering, I hope you progress fast and will be able to look back at some of your early post and realize how misguided and uninformed they sound. I believe these forums are for bringing people of different styles and art together for the purpose of exchanging knowledge and ideas not belittling individuals or their chosen style or art.

10-21-2003, 12:09 AM
I didn't read the whole thread b/c it wouldtake too long and really don't have much to say on this subject other that whatever works for you, works. Doesn't make a difference about the style, as I'm sure 3/4 ofthe people on this forum, including myself, have been in one martial art style and have at least once accidentally done something from the last style in class.

Other than that, I see our cripple troll friend is back. Had a nice vacation, EGO? Missed the flame wars over whether southern styles are legit? I certainly don't. Anyhow Ego, doesn't this ever get tiring or boring? and oh yeah, what do you know about footwork? aren't you crippled and in a wheelchair? I'm sorry but I think the only footwork you can do is ROLLING in random directions.

See y'all

10-22-2003, 05:47 AM
L@zylee: If wing chun is so good at grappling it should have topped UFC but instead they got their butts handed on a plate. Wing Chun grappling is pure hand play, doesn't get the body into it. I don't know about the so called wing chun street fighters you mentioned. Based on my experience with other wing chun instructors - it seems their reputation is pure southern kung fu myth. As for wing chun foot work - even Bruce Lee the actor found it difficient. please don't try to defend what is indefensible. do you agree?

ProdigicalOne13: As for that person, I think he was standard southern carp. You know those students who have trained for 30 yrs and think they can fight and look so serious in their traditional chinese uniform.

Tak: I agree, he's probably an idiot otherwise he wouln't be training southern style kung fu. As for accupunture needles, death touch has a delayed action. They might die over the course of 48hrs but it doen't mean they can beat the crap out of you in the mean time.

canglong: Kung fu wandering - are you a fan of David Caradine. Grasshopper can I call you that?

HopGar: I have not always been a cripple. I for one know how frustrating it is to move like a cripple. The I look at someone doing southern kung fu and realise that there are worse ways of moving than being a cripple. I then speak to them and realise that it their minds are also crippled.

10-23-2003, 12:32 AM
Sure, Ego, whatever. It's ok that you got paralyzed while starting Choy Lay Fut and therefore you think that southern styles suck because that's when you got hurt. It almost seems to me that you expected your training to save you from a car, I think it was. Don't think so. We'll forgive you for your silliness.

And for a change, quit using the UFC as proof that southern kung fu sucks and look at real-life situations. This is the same tiring arguement that certain grapplers use to show that kung fu is not a good martial art.

And for the record, there are ups and down in both northern and southern. Ok so you think southern styles rely on stances too much. fine. think that. It's your right. Do I agree? no, for my own reasons that are not important at this time (has to do with my martial arts training and experiences.) Now, look at northern styles. Those styles use jumps - bad idea in a real fight because you aren't connected to anything, a badly timed jump kick against a well timed punch or standard kick can real easily wind up with the guy in the air on the floor, ground whatever surface. In this aspect, I'd rather be a southern stylist because at least I'm on the ground. On the other hand, a well timed jump kick against someone who is too rooted to the ground wil have the same result as above. I realize these are not good examples but that's what came to my mind first.

As for Wing Chun not having grappling, whoop-dee-doo. Ever think that the trapping instead of grappling (if someone traps your arm, you immediately start wondering what to do)?

Have a nice day everyone

10-23-2003, 04:17 AM
i cannot believe what i am reading.

Ego i hope you really are as good as you make yourself out to be.

I'd like to see you in fight with a real chinese master, most great masters would not waste their time.but i am sure whether it be a southern or nothern style master you would get broken in two.

There will always be people who criticise one style after another.from the point of view of a martial artist, whatever your intentions are from learning, its better to do less talking and more training.

There is too much trash talking on this forum these days.I thought we were all here to discuss KUNG FU and not throw insults here and there and disrespect traditions.

10-24-2003, 02:08 AM
L@zylee: If wing chun is so good at grappling it should have topped UFC but instead they got their butts handed on a plate. Wing Chun grappling is pure hand play, doesn't get the body into it. I don't know about the so called wing chun street fighters you mentioned. Based on my experience with other wing chun instructors - it seems their reputation is pure southern kung fu myth. As for wing chun foot work - even Bruce Lee the actor found it difficient. please don't try to defend what is indefensible. do you agree?

Do I agree?..............NO!

EGO:......The fact that you don't know about the famous street fighters I mentioned says even more about you. Let me promise you they are not myth! Look in the Wing Chun section and look in the Jeet kune do section they are and were real fighters! there illegal street fights are even documented in the Hong Kong press of the time, so don't give me your myth shiit! we are not talking thousands of years ago here.

I'm not trying to defend the indefensible, I am quite happy that what I do works so Fuk off! Infact I would now love the chance to try it out on you!

I gave you the chance to have a meaningful, constructive conversation on our beloved Martial Arts. You have done nothing but talk absolute shiit! I'm beginning to think you are doing it on purpose! as you have now succeded in fukin piissing me off!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-24-2003, 05:00 AM

You have disappointed me yet again!! Here I was thinking you finally had started to use the grey matter called a brain. I'm at a loss!

Do you really think that standing in se ping ma and using your arms only is all that southern styles do?????????????? Grow up ya silly bugger! I did credit you with a little more knowledge and practical knowhow but it appears I was mistaken.

The idea of a fight is to win! no more no less. I don't know about you but if I think I may be hurt bad in an unprovoked attack, I will do what I have to do to win!! This includes biting, headbutts, gouging etc. If we're talking multiple attackers then I would even run them down (with a car that is, not what they're wearing!!!). You gotta look at the situation realistically. Your life or theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!

What would you do Ego????????????????

You really got to get past this crap re north/south cos it don't cut the mustard!!! You need an art that is practical in the here and now. This means no flashy kicks and poncy moves but hardcore self defence. In your northern styles do you still practice weapons forms??? Southern styles do but this is mainly to pass on the original system. They are good to learn for co-ordination and movement but a lot of the times they are not practical as no one carries a spear, sword etc on them these days.

Don't judge an art by it's followers but by a teacher who fully understands his art.

Ego, just try to understand that all styles are good if you put in the effort and have a good teacher. You make the art what you want! Only you can get the best out of the art thru diligent practice and understanding and a teacher who is prepared to pass the knowledge on.

Good luck with your search


10-24-2003, 05:54 AM
Hop Gar:

You state the obvious again. Of course timing is important so is moving up or down front or back etc. Except that wing chun is so lacking in the basics its not funny. Bruce Lee had to bring in boxing footwork can you believe it - boxing and fencing (sports) into his self defence. That says alot about traditional wingchun.

Yes trapping some one's hand makes them go all numbe and stiff. Like I can't move my body because Mr. Spock has got me in a vulcan neck hold.

If you are asking me to quit comparing wing chun agaisnt UFC then why are you comparing grappling against trapping. I'm getting a sense of southern double standards here. Put it simply - wing chun has failed against grapplers and failed against strikers like boxers. Maybe it would work agaisnt grandma unless she is carrying a hand bag because wing chun cannot defend agaisnt a swinging hand back. It contradicts its gate theory which only works front on.


Oh the Hong Kong press sreports street fights in such detail like the wing chun master vs the hung gar master on the roof top (illigally). Is it complete with pictures like those storm rider comics you read?

I can see you're really in love with your wing chun. Perhaps you can't handle the truth that wing chun has been cheating on you all this time. She doesn't love you l@zyee. all the time you spent with wing chun is in vain. Her feelings for you are all a sham. What a shame but although the truth hurts, you are beginning to see the truth.

Are you thinking of challennging me. I would accept if you are. But let me tell you this - you're greatest advesary at the moment is youself. I am a friend whom you'll learn to respect and honor like your sifu.


I agree when the situation gets serious and you fight for your life you'll use all those methods you described about. Lets say one person has been trained to uses those methods while the second one hasn't. all thigs being equal - who would fair better? the problem with southern kung fu is that it doesn't teach you how to deal with street fights and in such a sitaution you'll be a raving mad man with all that you have learned thrown out the window. If you however learned northern kung fu you'll be a raving mad man with methods. do you understand because Joker this is no laughing matter.

If you can't improvise what you have learned with traditional weapons means that the purpose of your training is to pass down the superficiality of a system - that in your words is what southern kung fu is all about, nut I would add it is not limited to only its weapons.

Don't you agree with me that lion dance is absolutely useless and so is dressing up in traditional costumes as it adds nothing to self defence.

10-24-2003, 06:23 AM

You presume I, or the people I train with, have not learnt how to use the methods I described. The basis of north/south still fare no better if you have a poor teacher. Please tell me (giving an unbiased opinion) which is better, day or night?? you can only base this on your opinion taking into consideration your own personal feelings. They both have their value and without one or the other we would perish. This is fact!

As i mentioned previously, you are what you are taught and how you apply it. This does not reflect on system or style but on how much you absorb and put into practice. If you do not ask the reason for a certain movement or cannot figure it out yourself then you will not progress. This is also fact!

I agree with you, even though it pains me to do so, that if you can't improvise what you have learned with traditional weapons means that the purpose of your training is to pass down the superficiality of a system! Howver i did not agree that this is a southern trait! What I said was all styles, regardless of where they are from, will look to teach you the basics of a weapon. Anything can be picked up and utilised for those particular weapons but this is not something we carry around with us. Try walking down the street with a Fong Ting Gig or Gow Wan Do and not get arrested!!!!!! This is not a weapon that you will find laying around in your neighbourbood!! Other weapons like brooms, sticks, garden hose etc would be a likely choice and could be interpreted for the traditional weapons. This does not mean all can be utilised in this way however.

I dont agree with the Lion Dance part as this is a very big part in strength training, footwork, stamina and general fitness. Costumes is a waste of time as is the belt system as I'm sure you will agree.

look forward to your next enlightening comments!!!


10-24-2003, 06:48 AM
Ego: No I am not challenging you, I would just like to use you instead of my Mook Jong one day thats all. Do you think I'd go all the way over to the US just to give you a slap?

Your opinions of Wing Chun and everything else you have commented on are completley uneducated.

Please, for everyone you have been arguing with on this forum be kind enough to detail your Martial Art Experience in your next post.

Why don't you spend more of your time training instead of wasting your day winding us up. The only time I come on this forum is during my time at work in the office. When I get home I train. Try it you might get good.

I can see you're really in love with your wing chun. Perhaps you can't handle the truth that wing chun has been cheating on you all this time. She doesn't love you l@zyee. all the time you spent with wing chun is in vain. Her feelings for you are all a sham. What a shame but although the truth hurts, you are beginning to see the truth.

There is no need for that kind of shiit. How old are you?


:o Yawn

10-24-2003, 04:32 PM
Perhaps i should ask you a similar question. which is better dead or alive? The fact is I've had gone through so many southern kung fu practictioners leads me to believe that southern style is rubbish. To me, your statement that all styles are good is unproven. I agree we're all limited by our experiences. Maybe I'm just a talented sob and I would kick butt no matter what style I did. I can talk trash all day pick fights and win. I used to be a real badd @ss but I've mellowed down alot over the years.

I agree on the importance of strength training, stance work etc... If you can find excercises that can accomplish these, shouldn't lion dancing be ditched? What about old traditional chinese customs - there're pretty useless aren't they? don't you agree they should too be ditched?

you should thank me for proving mental stimulation to your otherwise boring job in a dead end career. You should concentrate on your work instead of thinking aout your love affair with wing chun all day.

I've already elaborated on my martial arts experience in the past. It is not me to keep blowing my own horn and certainly not for your account.

I don't think you have a sparring partner at all besides your Mook Jong. That's where you learn all your footwork and your trapping techniques against a poor representation of a person. The person who came up with the mook jong was drunk. since when does a person have 3 hands and one leg. stupid wing chun practitioner.

10-25-2003, 03:05 AM

You have failed to see the point yet again!

Your art is what you make of it. You fail to see the benefits of traditional training. This isn't to say it is perfect as you must strive to improve your art and evolve with the current times. Hence the reason why I said weapons training is sometimes impractical. It is not something you will find handy at any given time, however saying this I also see the benefits of movement and balance using weapons will give you.

You may have gone thru a lot of people who have studied southern styles but you do not mention how skilled they were or how long they trained. I have sparred with a lot of various styles (full and semi contact) as well as quite a few street encounters during my training and so far have done pretty **** good. Yes you are correct in the fact that if you are naturally talented the style will not matter provided you understand the principles behind it.

I don't agree with ditching lion dancing as it has it's place. Yes you can find alternatives to strenghten your body etc but a lot of the exercise equipment (especially machines) restrict natural body movement and in my opinion is detrimental to your training.

What style do you currently practice??? You obviously like CMA or you wouldn't be on this forum. You also like to stir the pot!!!! I don't have a problem with this provided your comments are sensible and promote thinking.

What else have you got to say Ego???


TIger Hand
10-25-2003, 03:11 AM
Ego is not in the US nor is he crippled.

Don't let this, goofy kid fool ya!

Hi, kelvin :D

10-25-2003, 03:12 AM

Forgot to answer your first question Ego!

Alive or dead? I would rather be alive than dead anyday and if push comes to shove I will do what I have to do to walk outta there in one piece!!

I have no problems at all with killing someone who messes with me or my family. I would worry about the consequences after the fact and yes I would feel remorse but better them than me or mine!!!!!


10-25-2003, 03:15 AM
I used to be a real badd @ss but I've mellowed down alot over the years.

lol! YAWN YAWN YAWN:rolleyes: :o :rolleyes: :o :rolleyes: :o :rolleyes:

How many times have I come accross a complete numbskull like you?

Your the bloke @ school who was a blackbelt in Karate (and got creamed by a girl), You are also the bloke down the pub who was in the SAS, And your the one who is in training to be an astronaut.....................YOU! are full of shiit!

Don't reply because I ain't coming back in here while your around.



10-25-2003, 01:40 PM
i passed by this foruma nd found it rather interesting and just wnated to add my two cents worth.

I think as many poeple are bitter towards Ego he has an interesting point. I'm not saying that it is completely right or anything, but it does have some validity.

Not many people have the time to practice martial arts as hard as they used to, in my opinion, its more like a hobby now. And since the chance of getting into a life or death fight is relatively low, we probably have less of a chance of even using whatever we have learned and martial arts in general is becoming 'watered down'. TThats not to say that theres no good kung fu anymore, I'm sure theres some old masters somewhere in Asia that can beat the hell out of anyone of us, including Ego(i only mention you since you've claimed ot have challenged several kung fu guys)

yeah okay, so martial arts is to improve you as a person but if i'm going to learn a martial art I should be able to use it not only as a means to cultivate myself, but also as a martial art I can use if i really need to.

On the other hand, my opinion of UFC is that kung fu doesn't fit in a place where there are rules. I don't think you can gouge someones eyes or tear his throat out or knee him in the nads or in the face. So you can't really draw a conclusion from watching a kungfu guy in UFC since there are no rules in kungfu. besides I don't think you coudl find a "real" martial arts practioner in UFC since theres only several types of people that would want to join UFC... namely testorone driven mucleheads .. whcih are probably not thepeople that have the patience to learn kung fu anyway

yeah so my two cents worth

10-25-2003, 02:51 PM
Ego, it was not a comparision;I was making a point that maybe one is in place of the other. Ever think of that? As for the trapping/ vulcan whatever the hell you're talking about, I was not refering to numbing someone's arm, rather it's more of an incertainty of what to do

I don't actually care if you use the UFC to prove whatever you're trying to prove; I was just informing you that your line of argument gets tiring after a while.

As for Bruce Lee, ok, so he thought something was lacking. Does it mean it is? Absolutely not.

ok, it's midnight here, I'm going to bed, enjoy y'all

10-25-2003, 07:13 PM

I don't practice kung fu anymore after the car accident that has left me crippled. But it doesn't mean I have forgotten about what good kung fu is all about.

You can substitute the stupid looking lion's head with something else. I didn't equate modern excercises with machines. There are many more sensible things one can do besides lion dancing with the stupid fancy costumes and the drums and Sh1t.

I agree I would have done the same in a real ife encounter. But I would add that all thingsd being equal northern kung fu would have better prepared me than southern kung fu. If training doesn't matter than why train at all.


Your point was a comparison. I mean we have on one hand someone who is prepared to grapple the body and on the other someone who plays with hands.

In any case are you daring to say Brue Lee was wrong? Even with all his adaptations to make wing chun a respectible fighting style he was carred on the shoulders like a baby by a judo player.

Can you grapple with this thought?


I acknowledge what you say but you still sound rather stupid. Don't you think the UFC player would eye gouge, groin kick etc if there rules were removed. I don't think most kung fu styles will fare much better in fact they'll get hurt even more - especially that wing chun player who was creamed.

UFC players actually achieve a higher level of kung fu than most kung fu masters because the training is much more practical. They train a lot harder and without the useless chinese tradition baggage.


I don't call what you do kung fu. You're just playing with wooden dummies. Is that what you tell people in the bar. At least I can say I was a marine who was wounded in action but ensured that the women and children reached safety.

TIger Hand:

I'm in the US, crippled and not kelvin.


Of course what do you expect in a southern kung fu tournerment in SE Asia. It's not like its NE Asian tournie is it! Surely the best of the worse will come out on top. But what you said goes to show that CLF is a better style than wing chun. This is because wing chun cannot deal with round hits or hits where the full body weight is beind it. In any case, none of those "champions" dared step foot in a UFC ring and neither did their students. Take your pick bad kung fu or bad teachers or both.

I'm a real bad dude I go to the bar everynight.

10-25-2003, 08:15 PM
Hi Ego,

Sorry to hear that you're paralyzed, although I doubt you'd want sympathy from anyone.

Yeah good point, I'm sure UFC fighters would proably gouge and do all sorts of "dirty" fighting if they could. However I wonder whether they would charge in to grapple if they knew that the other guy was going to knee him in the face or stick his fingers in his eyes. Besides most UFC always ends on the ground, most chinese martial arts assume you fight when you're standing and you know you're distance. UFC is a sport and you can't do anythign "dirty". So that means we probably will never see a kungfu guy beat the hell out of that Shamrock guy in the UFC. In real life, unless if the kung fu guy was at the level of Wong Fei Hong maybe he woudl have a chance.

As for the SE Asian competitions, they took place in SouthEast Asia (not Southeast China, i think in Malaysia) and I believe they were open to any martial art (i.e southern or northern arts). they stopped these competitions because people kept dyign or seomthing.

If anyone has a video of one of these competitions, please pm me. i'd like to see what theyy were like.

10-26-2003, 04:54 AM

Are you a paraplegic or a quadraplegic????? Coz if you're a paraplegic it does not mean you cannot train or is this just an excuse not to????

My Wife is reading this and for your info she is blind as a bat, 20 cents short of a dollar, an extreme one-eyed feminist who has had to train with many different teachers (as she puts it "male chauvanist pigs"). Her last 2 teachers were northern style by the way and even she does not speak as much shiit as you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind you for all this talk she handles herself very well and coulda flogged you at her worst on her PMT days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next point is if you think northern is so superior why the fuk did they get so good if they didn't train traditional methods as most still do or are they gearing up for the next UFC??????? As for lion heads is there not a northern head also or have you overlooked this???? Do not northern styles stilll practice these methods or did they pass it over for the UFC also????? I bet you're a Gracie fan aren't ya??

Back to the same ole same ole. You sound like my youngest boy and his mates at primary school (grade 2) braggin about whose dad is bigger and better. Get a life and give me something constructive to discuss or bugger off!

10-27-2003, 01:18 AM
ok ego, whatever you say. It wasn't what I meant, but you can't change someone's opinion if they wont listen in the 1st place.

In any case, y'all won't see too much of me around here b/c I am in Israel and am in the middle of several things at the moment and so I'm short on time.

See y'all and best of luck

10-27-2003, 10:03 AM
As much as I love ego and his trolling efforts, he accidentally stumbled on some correctness here:

"I acknowledge what you say but you still sound rather stupid. Don't you think the UFC player would eye gouge, groin kick etc if there rules were removed. I don't think most kung fu styles will fare much better in fact they'll get hurt even more - especially that wing chun player who was creamed.

UFC players actually achieve a higher level of kung fu than most kung fu masters because the training is much more practical. They train a lot harder and without the useless chinese tradition baggage."

In the early UFCs, eye gouging was not outlawed. If you eyegouged someone, you would get penalized, not disqualified. If you eye gouged someone, you would be penalized, but if they couldn't continue, you would still win. Royce himself told me this.

Also, give it some thought... If both of use are standing, I can parry, move my head, etc... eye gouging me will be hard. However, if I have you on the ground, immobile - it will be MUCH easier to eye gouge you.

As for his second statement, he's right again, for one reason... competition. They are always testing themselves, so they are always training hard and getting better. Not to say there aren't TCMA schools that train hard... there are plenty. but the drive for competition is what gives sport fighters that edge to train incredibly hard.

10-28-2003, 05:20 AM

The fact that people die often in those stupid malaysian competitions shows that it is fought by untrained fighters. Well trained fighters would know how to roll with the punch and evade -although they'll still get hurt. Reminds me of the tough man contest we have in the States - people die. And you want to get footage of this crap!


Don't take it out on me just because you're little more than a hen pecked husband. Hope the sex is good to make up for the bad attitude you have to put up with 24 7. I guess there're worse things in life than southern kung fu. Maybe the joke's on you!


Have a good time in Israel. I'm sure to hear from you again.


You love my "trolling". I'm so pleased that I have the moderator on my side. all you people who hate me can just bugger off. Ego is the moderator's pet.

I would add the way they train allows them to achieve almost all the kung fu qualities without having studied kung fu - such as strength, speed, timing, balance, endurence etc. It takes a very small adaptation for them to adjust to a "no rules" situation.

If these people are training so hard just for a sport, then how much harder do you think one would train when their life's depended on it. I'm now talking about the emperial body guards and the chinese troops who train in northern kung fu.

In such an environment there is no room for redundent moves and certain none of this lion dance garbage. In fact lion dance originated in the southern part of china as a result of certain beliefs. The traitional way in which northern kung fu was trained excluded lion dancing crap.

Sevenstar can I be a moderator? since I'm so smart, so insightful and I know you're my biggest fan. Otherwise I would have been banned a long long time ago. How can I suck up to you more to become a moderator to punish all those who have crossed me?

Bak Kuei
10-28-2003, 05:43 AM
Hello Ego. In reference to the Malaysian tournaments mentioned, they were not discontinued due to people dying. The tournaments still take place. Any deaths that have happened are not necessarily due to unskilled participants. Deaths happen in boxing as well, even when two opponents are highly skilled. Peace.

11-18-2003, 12:51 PM
I will kill all of you... :D


11-18-2003, 02:46 PM
It is a myth that high kicks do not work in "real life". It all depends on the situation and the context and the ppl involved.

A good kicker can kick high. A good kicker can land high kicks if the opponent has a lesser skill. A good kicker can land a high kick on an opponent who does not expose himself to high kicks in training. A good kicker cannot kick when there is tight space. A good kicker can kick with adequate space.

Why do ppl continually say the mantra that high kicks don't work? It depends. I have seen many ppl getting kicked in the head. I havse kicked many in the head. I have myself been kicked in the head. I have seen many traditional kung fu practioners have a hard time dealing with fighters with mobile stances like TKD and with good kickers. I have seen many good kickers and I know high kicks can and do work. Not 100% of the time but when the context is right. The same can be said of any technique.

11-18-2003, 10:14 PM
:) :( :o :p ;) :D :cool: :rolleyes: :mad:

11-19-2003, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by EmptyCup
It is a myth that high kicks do not work in "real life". It all depends on the situation and the context and the ppl involved.

A good kicker can kick high. A good kicker can land high kicks if the opponent has a lesser skill. A good kicker can land a high kick on an opponent who does not expose himself to high kicks in training. A good kicker cannot kick when there is tight space. A good kicker can kick with adequate space.

Why do ppl continually say the mantra that high kicks don't work? It depends. I have seen many ppl getting kicked in the head. I havse kicked many in the head. I have myself been kicked in the head. I have seen many traditional kung fu practioners have a hard time dealing with fighters with mobile stances like TKD and with good kickers. I have seen many good kickers and I know high kicks can and do work. Not 100% of the time but when the context is right. The same can be said of any technique.

good post. With correct timing, high kicks can definitely work.

11-21-2003, 12:05 PM
Besides timing, mobility is a big factor. Southern kung fu is rooted in their horse stance. The fight in a static position or else shuffling forward and back. This makes it easy for the tkd to land the high kicks. followed by the low sweep kicks they'll fall on their backs like helpless turtles.

11-22-2003, 11:55 PM
Heh, heh. Oh yeah, I'm sure Kwong Wing Lam or his top students would just be "helpless turtles" against you, heh, heh. With your badass TKD & sweeping techniques (of course a Hung Gar guy would NEVER think of sweeping his opponent, heh, heh :p ). All hail Tae Kwon Do (snicker).:p

11-24-2003, 06:53 AM
Yes you're right. The Hung Gar player would think of using the sweep kick because it works so well. He'll be tempted to play the tkd game rather than stick to what he does best. As long as you're not fazed by the tiger claws or the crane beak hook or the penther's paw you should do ok.

A favourite techique amongst hung gar is to have the arms outstretched like the crane's wings and standing with one leg raised. It's tempting to just charge in. actually it does work. the frontal kick is not very strong. you just have to check it and use your momentum to take that bird down. You use a submission hold from wrestling or bjj to finish the job.

It is my contribution that has made an otherwise boring topic so popular. Do you know that I'm the moderator's pet. I suck up to the moderator.

Ging Mo Fighter
11-24-2003, 08:40 AM
of course its important to remember that the most retarded fighting technique, such as a haymaker, or "push" can be extremely effective if understood, and utalised at the right moment.

I wouldn't go around emphasising a particular style or technique, or critising them either

everything has its place, nothing is "superior" because if it were used constantly it would become predictable

end rant :rolleyes:

11-24-2003, 12:03 PM
When in doubt...




11-24-2003, 02:27 PM
Actualy Ego old friend the lion dance that most see these days is the northern lion.

Hows the arms?

11-25-2003, 04:31 AM
Ging Mo Fighter:

The Hay Maker is better than doing form after forms in Ging Mo Kune. One solid techiques is better than 100 dance moves.


Tkd does this in style to which southern kung fu has no defence against.


I guess the northern lion is more popular as a dance style. It's a good thing that northern kung fu is taught as seperate and distinct from lion dancing. In the south the 2 are confused. A Hung Gar master once told me - know lion know kung fu. I smacked him across the mouth for talking trash. I guess arms are good.

11-25-2003, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
blooming lotus

Furthermore, dim mak is developed according to chinese time.... Some times death points are closely adjacent to health points. The worse case is if you miss the death point and hit the health points for example a succession of points to cause death at 2.00pm may be A,C,D,A,E but at 2.00am the ame combo gives em unlimited life. real bummer if you get your time of day wrong. They would clobber you big time with very powerful punches.

The dimmak effects is also related to what the opponent has eaten, certain foods have chi giving properties, accordingly death points may in fact give em health points or vice versa. and of cause if that fails you'll be clobbered by simple punches

Hey Ego,
I was reading this Dim Mak forum and this Northern master posted that if you eat a lightbulb then shove your right thumb up your anus at 2:15am Chinese-time you get a +50 Qi-point bonus and unlimited health points, (God mode! :eek: ). Furthermore if you squeeze your left testicle while simultaeneously poking yourself in the right eye with your left pinky at 3:16pm Grenich Mean Time all the Southern Stylists within a six-mile radius collapse and die within 24 hours. Try this it REALLY works!!

11-25-2003, 06:14 AM
Wow! Ego, I didn't realize the extent of your ignorance regarding Hung Gar! First, sweeping isn't a TKD thing that Hung Gar would try, sweeping is a traditional Hung Gar technique. And to say that Hung Gar stylists stand on one leg with their arms outstretched...my god man, did you learn everything you know about Hung Gar just from seeing a photo of the double hand block & kick? That's what that technique is you know...well, actually, I guess you didn't know. That's like someone seeing a pic of a TKD guy doing a high side kick & thinking that they stand like that with their leg extended waiting for someone to attack! ROFLMAO!:p :p So, you have hereby established that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Hung Gar. Thank You! Next thread please.

11-25-2003, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
Ging Mo Fighter:


Tkd does this in style to which southern kung fu has no defence against.

Errr... I was joking...


11-26-2003, 05:54 AM

Only you would be stupid enough to try. As a friend, don't believe everything that a northern kung fu master tells you when he knows you're a southern kung fu student - hence stupid.


I just picked out some stupid stance from Karate Kid and I can't believe that Hung Gar actually holds one leg in the air with arms out stretched.

Do you know that Hung Gar originated from Red Boats which are little more than travelling caravans hosting their freak shows at unsuspecting towns.

It's impossible for Hung Gar to do sweep kicks because their stance is so darn low and rooted to the ground. They can hardly move.

11-26-2003, 05:56 AM
You know, Ego... this whole "My kung fu is better than your kung fu" bit is getting kinda old. In fact... it's been old for quite some time now.


11-26-2003, 06:24 AM
Maybe I can get some advice from you. Perhaps if I combine meridians 1, 3, 4 and 16 at 3:36 Eastern Standard time after living on a strict diet of sencha tea and mung beans for a month I will gain 10 health points and 50 IQ points, raising my intelligence from that of a poor red-boat-travelling Southern farmer to that of a l33t imperial Northern practitioner, so I too can pull off helicopter kicks in a fight. Or by doing the combination you mentioned I can gain "unlimited health". Then I can do combo 336 to get unlimited magic points and upgrade my status to "Gandalf the Trollrooter" - 6th level qi-wizard.

11-27-2003, 04:31 AM

Ego has met his match...


11-27-2003, 06:48 AM

Well said and I have no problems agreeing with you. But at this stage you're still "a poor red-boat-travelling Southern farmer".

I would add that for a person like you, you should not aspire to such heights as it would end in disappointment. Accept your place in life as a lowly red boat farmer or freak show curiosity like the Hung Gar ancestors that handed you their style.


I have yet to meet my match.

11-27-2003, 06:02 PM

11-27-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by nofx

;) 'nuff said :D

11-28-2003, 05:33 AM
People from Southern Kung Fu have a habit of hiding behind the goktimus banner when they are in trouble as their argument fails. It's like you think that your goktimus would protect you.


I think you'll prove less of a challenge in real life. You have let your words entrap you as would your techniques against northern kung fu. This is so typical of Southern Kung Fu, the more they struggle the more they get entangled. Stupid red boat farmers, please don't aspire to more than being a crop harvester.

11-28-2003, 05:33 AM
People from Southern Kung Fu have a habit of hiding behind the goktimus banner when they are in trouble as their argument fails. It's like you think that your goktimus would protect you.


I think you'll prove less of a challenge in real life. You have let your words entrap you as would your techniques against northern kung fu. This is so typical of Southern Kung Fu, the more they struggle the more they get entangled. Stupid red boat farmers, please don't aspire to more than being a crop harvester.

11-29-2003, 08:33 AM
Ego if the southern Chinese were poor farmers why is it that they were able to resist against the Mongol invasion circa 1230–1279 of longer than their Northern countrymen did and also during the Qing Dynasty the rebellion of three feudatories 1673–1681, the Tai Ping rebellion 1851–1864 so judging by your poor southern farmer theory not a bad result.

Ben Gash
11-29-2003, 11:24 AM
And Ego questions our taste :rolleyes:

Ben Gash
11-29-2003, 11:27 AM
Oh look, a feeble northern stylist descended from scrawny academics, off balance on one leg and flayling his arms around pointlessly :p

11-29-2003, 04:06 PM

The dumb farmers don't know that they were beaten so they struggled for 10 years, fighting to the last man rather than resigning from a military post and doing some thing else like a lot of soldiers did. Once the political system had collapse, why bother fighting and losing one's life. Soldiers are professional fighters which means they could chage professions if times are tough.


I know you take comfort from goktimus web site, but secretly you probably try to become like him

11-29-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
People from Southern Kung Fu have a habit of hiding behind the goktimus banner when they are in trouble as their argument fails. It's like you think that your goktimus would protect you.
Heheheh... argument where? There is never any intelligent argumentation when you're around ego.

You have let your words entrap you as would your techniques against northern kung fu.
Why do I need to waste precious wit and energy when someone like nofx saves me all that time by posting your site? My words have not trapped me at all. WHo needs words when we've got pictures.

....blah..blah... egotistical drivel... blah blah... please don't aspire to more than being a crop harvester.
A crop harvester is a powerful machine and the cause of many workplace-related injuries (including lost limbs) and countless lawsuits. Obviously you have not seen my Southern Combine-harvester-fist form.

11-29-2003, 06:46 PM
. . . Royce would choke him out.

11-30-2003, 03:22 AM

Please don't assume I have given you the credit that your argument is intellegent. As i said I just know what you do when it fails and that is to hide behind your savior goktimus.

So when you're lost for words, you bring out the pictures I see. btw that's not my web site.

Yes stupid farmers stick their heads in crop harvesters. They must have over-rated their suthern kung fu.


You can continue hanging your head in shame.

11-30-2003, 10:22 AM
Ego I seriously suggest you do some proper research on the Chinese military the majority of Chinese soldiers were recruited from the peasant farmer classes North and South.
That also includes a few of their generals and other officers who worked their way up the ranks.

11-30-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire


You can continue hanging your head in shame.

Two things . . . :D

One: Extrordinaire is misspelled in your name.

Two: Royce would choke TKD out.


11-30-2003, 07:37 PM
But goktimus, uh I mean Ego, is the world's most bestest Taekwondo guy, in like...the world, ya know? I bet he's even got a green belt and everything, heh, heh, heh.
Yo, goktimus, I mean Ego, you look like a ballet dancer in your pics. I hear you guys really stand around on one leg with your wrists limp waiting for someone to attack you (well, that's what you're doing in your photos anyway :p ). Nice spinning ballet kick you're doing there :p LOL!

11-30-2003, 07:39 PM
This whole discussion has moved from petty to downright silly. If a mod does support these types of arguments, then he or she is not doing much credit to this board.


12-01-2003, 05:05 AM

Oviously the military does it recruitment from some where and they get trained to be soldiers. Prior to becoming a soldier they could be farmers, doctors, silk merchants, male prostitutes what ever! It is the training that makes the difference. Southern farmers who haven't been to the military learn styles like wing chun.


No its not, my name is not mispeled. Who's royce, is he you bigger brother from head locks you till you black out.


TKD is a great style. It gets much more lift than southern kung fu. What would you do when an ax kick comes crushing down on to you and you're unable to move because of poor footwork. Greenbelt in TKD is worth 5 years in southern kungfu.


I agree, this post is petty and silly. But this is southern kungfu is all about. It is one of the most widely read and well responded todate. I am giving stupid farmers what they can understand and that includes you.

You know the southern kung fu community is running low on arguments when they bring out goktimus the whipping boy. Quite franky, I find the goktimus site quite funny and sad. So whip him as much as you like, he aint Ego.

12-01-2003, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire


I agree, this post is petty and silly. But this is southern kungfu is all about. It is one of the most widely read and well responded todate. I am giving stupid farmers what they can understand and that includes you.



12-01-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire


No its not, my name is not mispeled. Who's royce, is he you bigger brother from head locks you till you black out.
Welcome to the real world goktimus. In the real world you are not a Northern kung fu master called Ego_Extrodinaire - in fact that is NOT your real name, but an alias you made up (and misspelled - duh "extraordinaire") and later convinced yourself was your name. In the real world you are a geeky kid who has a green belt in TKD, and knows virtually nothing of Chinese martial arts. However your success in the real world thus far has been nonexistant. Your social ineptitude is evidenced by the ugliness of your ex-girlfriend - that is if she is real. So you pursue escapist pastimes such as role playing games or retreating to a forum devoted to a topic you know virtually nothing about and trying to annoy people, in order to at least get a reaction os some sort from someone else - something that escapes you in real life. Here you find comfort in the fact that your arguments seem to defeat those of the people around you - however you do not realise that everyone who has been around here long enough to know you for what you are doesn't even attempt to argue with you... they are in fact humouring you and playing with you, and baiting you to troll more by perpetuating the silly game you began. No-one attempts to put an argument before you because they realise that you are a troll and arguing with a troll is futile (see GDA'a avatar and custom status). This is the real world Goktimus, a world you have created... (guess you should've taken the green pill eh?).

PS - Vash is corect: ROyce Gracie would choke you out... ooowwned :D :D :D

12-02-2003, 01:14 AM
LOL! Anton has used his Southern Kung Fu sweeping leg maneuver upon the correct, followed by a downward Hung Gar iron palm to it's chest and is grimly watching it's life ebb away ;) . Yo, goktimus ego, go do some "kicks only" Olympic style sparring in your weak-azz "walking stance" heh, heh :p :p . Trolls should remain under the bridge :D .

12-02-2003, 05:11 AM

You stupid farmer. cows...go...mooo


You've said alot to justify what you think is my fantasy or is it to justify your own reality. Here you've created an imaginary ego. In your mind you hope he is goktimus, or he is a geek or a green belt tae kwon do. Don't be frightened little boy, the "troll" you fret about is in your mind, but don't go around picking fights, the practicality of southern kung fu is also make belief.


Anton is a sick little puppy, stop giving him ideas, he might think that he can pick on other kids in the playground. You might have been watching too many Shaw Brothers movies.

TIger Hand
12-02-2003, 05:28 AM
C'mon Kelvy...

Would you stop trying to pretend you are something of significance.

Your lame a$$, postures all out of balance and unable to issue power speaks for themselves.

Ben Gash
12-02-2003, 06:27 AM
Ego, your ignorance is as large as your ***** is small.

Ben Gash
12-02-2003, 06:37 AM
I mean this isn't even amusing anymore. The guy is a complete moron, and seriously disturbed to boot. This is a guy who pretends to be in a wheelchair and then fantasises about sponge baths! He brings nothing remotely meaningful to the table and just sounds like a broken record (a bad one at that). To make it even worse, he's a high school languages teacher! This man must PAY!!!!!!!!
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Ben!!! J'ai douze ans!!!!!!!!!! DIE M*****F*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, where was I?
Anyway, how about something meaningful Ego? How is the southern Mantis in a wheelchair working out? Do you do Jook Lum, Chow Gar or a less well known lineage? What forms have you learned? What modifications have you had to make? What are the attack and defence principles of your system? Also, what Choy Li Fut forms did you learn before you stopped training in it?

12-02-2003, 06:51 AM
I don't need to justify anything Goki. I left school a long time ago and have been in a few fights since. The total lack of constructive purpose behind your posts shows me you have lots of time to waste on pointless activities and hence no social life. This is confirmed by the lack of respect/etiquette displayed in your posts... You obviously aren't a nice guy to know.
The only possible purpose to your posts is to prove something to yourself. You throw your supposedly authoritative opinions at a bunch of people who are not going to agree with you, and you do it in such a manner that any slightly intelligent person could predict would cause a negative reaction...

Basically you have nothing better to do with your time than somehow affirm yourself to your own highly insecure mind by throwing impotent accusations and insults out into the web... hoping to get any emotional reaction.

This is virtually indisputable and clearly evident from your posts to anyone with a sceric of intelligence. You're such a cliche Goki - a socially inept, insecure geek, who's only way to affirm himself is to flaunt supposed knowledge of some field (fantasy literature/ dungeons and dragons/ death metal music etc...) with random sarcasm-filled outbursts. The funny thing about your situation is you've chosen a field in which a (by definition) physically underdeveloped geek can not possibly excel at or have any valuable practical knowledge of. Honestly - stick to your role playing games, maybe you can get one of your imaginary friends to be your Northern qi-healer and give you "unlimited life" (as you put it) with his meridian combos.

If anything positive comes out of this post, I hope you use it to have an honest look at yourself and "go outside to play with the other kids", so to speak. If you do decide to face reality Goki, I think you'll find the saddest thing about this whole phenomenon is the satisfaction you get from these pointless posts of yours... seriously ask yourself: When did this forum-trolling replace your need for normal social interaction?

12-02-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

You stupid farmer. cows...go...mooo

Ego... are you trying to sound stupid? Who ever said I was a southern style practitioner?
Oh...and get it right...my occupation is soldier, not farmer, thanks.


12-03-2003, 06:56 AM

As far as I know Kelvin Hobbs is your best friend. Imagine having a stuffed tiger named tigger. How's your family, Leopard paw, crane beak, dragon claw and sank head. Done your lion dance lately? Or manybe not for you are all stuffed toys.

Ben Gash,

You have lots of questions for a french boy who lives in UK. Let me ask you this, how many english friends has this french boy made? answer, don't know it's never been tried!


You sure say alot without claiming to justify anything. All you have done is build an edifice of your imagination of Ego to burn. But deep down you know you don't know me and you know that I know that you know this. How's this for some matrix philosophy for you. You come across as a farmer who discovered that his wife has been screwing his life stock. Next time you see Trinity, ask for the chill pill. Stupid farmer gets b1tch slapped by ego again and again.


Ok Private Drake, drop and give me 20 push ups before I give you your marching orders. Got that army boy! shouldn't you be out there killing Iraqis instead of wasting time on the forum. How many Iraqis have you killed? or are you just part of some chicken sh1t outfit. When I was a gunner in Nam, I mowed those charlies down. g@d d@mn charlies.

12-03-2003, 07:03 AM
Ego is showing his age with his spelling (not quite 4th grade level yet). Can you say...TROLL? Yeah, I knew you could. :D

12-03-2003, 07:13 AM
A gunner in nam? Surrrrrrrrrreeee...
And I'm a sergeant, bud. While I am guessing you were just saying that in a childish attempt to get under my skin, you never really know how ignorant a person may be.
And no, I'm not in Iraq... read the **** sidebar next to my posts, under my name. And so you know, the last unit I was in DID go to Iraq, and people I know DID die.
Is there any reason why Ego is even allowed to post messages? He seems to be nothing but a detriment to this board. Instead of constructive discussions, he always turns it into the same old rhetoric with absolutely nothing to back it up.


TIger Hand
12-03-2003, 02:21 PM
Ego is trying to deny kelvy/goktimus is him.

Their was a thread where he actually transform himself from goktimus to Ego.

It was hilarious...

I'll try to find it.

You are such a dope kelvy.

Ben Gash
12-03-2003, 04:27 PM
Ego, I am not French, I am purebred English. I am also a happily married career professional with a wide circle of friends. You however are a geek who can't find anything better to do than dis strangers on the net and run a stalker site about your ex girlfriend.
Yes I have a lot of questions. You unsurprisingly have no answers.

12-03-2003, 04:52 PM
Duty Of Care (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6107&highlight=Care+of+duty)

12-03-2003, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Ben Gash
Yes I have a lot of questions. You unsurprisingly have no answers.


Goki avoids pertinent questions with the grace of a ballet dancer.. and he's scared of getting bruises during kung fu training... perhaps ballet is what you should be doing Goki... At least it'll give you a chance to get out and meet some real people.

12-04-2003, 07:00 AM

What do you take me for. Some goodie geek who gets the spelling right at primary school. I suppose you were that sort of kid who got picked on by a kid like I had been.


Seems like you're a drill sergeant stuck at base camp barking orders. Are you saying that I should be banned from posting because I'm "turning to the same old rhetoric with nothing to back up"? Let me tell you this, your unit has been fighting for our President who has been doing just that. Please don't come up with this double standard cr@p when I'm around. You're a soldier not a politician.

TIger Hand:

If you can find the post, it just goes to show that goki wnats to be like me. I have the blessing of the administrator and have become a pop icon of this forum. Why do you think this post is the most viewed and most responded. Without me you're nothing.

Ben Gash:

You'll be mistaken if you think I answered to you. As you said, you're an english boy doing french in man's oldest profession. Spare me your background I'm not interested.

Furthermore, you shouldn't compare sizes of things too big for you to comprehend.


Clearly goktimus is a novice. Is your kung fu that bad that after all this time you can convince yourselves of one student on this forum that you can get an upper hand?


You're still a very confused puppy. How's the chill pill coming along. No more matrix philosophy from you? beaten by agent smith? farmer anton.

12-04-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire


Seems like you're a drill sergeant stuck at base camp barking orders. Are you saying that I should be banned from posting because I'm "turning to the same old rhetoric with nothing to back up"? Let me tell you this, your unit has been fighting for our President who has been doing just that. Please don't come up with this double standard cr@p when I'm around. You're a soldier not a politician.

First off, your presumptuous nature again has gotten the better of you. I'm not a DI, but rather an instructor at Ft. Huachuca. If you did, by some sheer chance of luck, know anything about the military, you'd have an idea of what branch of the Army I instruct. Secondly, nice turn around, but think for a moment about what you just said. For one, the American citizens elected Bush, not me. I didn't vote that year because I didn't like either candidate. Refer all complaints to him or your congressman/woman. Secondly, you are the one who used politics as a reference, not me. That makes you sound either delirious or just plain stupid. I think you should be banned not so much for your lack of a valid argument or ability to get along with anyone, but rather, your constant rephrasing of a moot point, and your behaviors, which are a poor reflection of your martial art, which I am beginning to doubt you even have.


12-04-2003, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
Some goodie geek who gets the spelling right at primary school. I suppose you were that sort of kid who got picked on by a kid like I had been.
So you admit you're a kid? Or are you judging yourself by those standards because you have the level of intelligence of a primary school kid?

I'm "turning to the same old rhetoric with nothing to back up"? Let me tell you this, your unit has been fighting for our President who has been doing just that. Please don't come up with this double standard cr@p when I'm around. You're a soldier not a politician.
Soldiers do what the politicians (those elected by the people) tell them to do, its not their job to question orders. You on the other hand are acting on your own behalf, so when you continue tospout empty rhetoric you don't have the luxury of a military analogy as justification... only your own stupidity.

I have the blessing of the administrator and have become a pop icon of this forum. Why do you think this post is the most viewed and most responded. Without me you're nothing.
First you admit you're a kid, now you practically admit that this trolling makes you feel important... Looks like your acting consistently with my theories so far...

You'll be mistaken if you think I answered to you.
That's the point dufus, you failed to answer him because you couldn't!

You're still a very confused puppy. How's the chill pill coming along. No more matrix philosophy from you? beaten by agent smith? farmer anton.
Not really philosophy... more like pseudo-psychology... You say I'm confused, but so far your every post proves me right.

12-05-2003, 05:22 AM

Don't blame the brave citizens of United States for voting our President in. At least they did what they believed. So what does that make you, someone who is in the arm forces serving out the policies that you don't belief in. The word hyprocite comes to mind. Surely a smart man like you in army intellegence could have figured that out.

As for me, I was a private and later a platoon leader. I went to nam to kill charlies and kill charlies I did. I was a big guy so they gave me a big gun and I killed lots of Charlies.


I had been a kid. A bad kid who used to smoke in the bushes. I was born bad and grew up bad. Now I'm a mean old junk yard dog. nam had given me a bad attitude and I drink alot.

Yes I'm acting on my own behalf. That makes me President material with the "rhetoric and baseless arguements".

Trolls only live in the mind of kids. I've never refered to myself as a troll. I've given Tiger Hand a sense of purpose as I have with you. But to me you're all nothing.

Since when have they appointed you as their speaker. You can't speak for yourself except through your own imagination, how can you be speaking for Ben Gash.

Furthermore, you haven't got a hypothesis to proof.

TIger Hand
12-05-2003, 05:36 AM
http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/for...p?threadid=6107 (http://)

TIger Hand
12-05-2003, 05:44 AM
Not sure if the link works.

Gotki. is you Kelvin/Ego..... :D

You are so silly sometimes.

Their is a difference between being popular out of respect and being popular because you are an idiot.

Guess which one you are...LOL

12-05-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

Don't blame the brave citizens of United States for voting our President in. At least they did what they believed. So what does that make you, someone who is in the arm forces serving out the policies that you don't belief in. The word hyprocite comes to mind. Surely a smart man like you in army intellegence could have figured that out.

As for me, I was a private and later a platoon leader. I went to nam to kill charlies and kill charlies I did. I was a big guy so they gave me a big gun and I killed lots of Charlies.

Why on earth are you speaking as if I said what you said? You were the one blasting the pres, not me. Since you'd like to speak of my personal views of the pres, allow me to point out that I'm not in disagreement of what he does and has done. If you ever truly were military, you'd know the phrase "It's not ours to question why, only to do and die." The words presumptuous and confused come to mind. :)
I don't think you were ever in the military. And I don't like liars.
And FYI: *hypocrite, *intelligence, and most importantly, ARMED forces. Whether you like it or not, poor spelling does reflect on you.
Oh, and Ego... I'm done with you... dismissed.


12-05-2003, 04:51 PM
hey everybody, today is ego's birthday!! (supposedly)

12-05-2003, 05:47 PM

The link doen't work, be more careful in your research before drawing conclusions.


So now you're going back to "It's not my bizzo to question.....". Let me tell you this, I have the luxuary to think now that I'm out of the armed forces. Maybe when you're discharged you'll come to the same conclusion. Till then, carry on taking your marching orders from the Pres. You can't dismiss me, I've already already been honourably discharged.

As for my poor spelling, I was never one to get my message across with words when I was in nam or when I did kung fu.


That's very touching that you remembered. I've been feeling down these last few days as people on this forum have been rather unkind. My emotion has been hurt, where's the duty of care, let alone the xmas spirit.

12-05-2003, 10:37 PM
Heh, heh. Oh Goktimus Ego, you're so SMURFY!! :D :p :p

TIger Hand
12-06-2003, 05:30 AM
ok go to bottom, trying the link

TIger Hand
12-06-2003, 05:40 AM

This is where Limp D!ck kelvin, turns from Goktimus to Ego.

True comedy, you are kelvy.

12-06-2003, 11:57 AM
Ego said
As for me, I was a private and later a platoon leader. I went to nam to kill charlies and kill charlies I did. I was a big guy so they gave me a big gun and I killed lots of Charlies.

According to your profile you were born December 5 1960, yet more lies and deception.

TIger Hand
12-06-2003, 12:38 PM
He also said to me he lives in New Jersey, and goes to New York city often; But yet can't name one street in either states.

Hahaha....oh my, he is so idiotic I can't help but keep laughing.

12-07-2003, 06:19 AM

I hate smurfs


I'm sure you would have read that post many times. For the benefit of us all, point exactly to where that transformation take place. We know that the Hung Gar kung fu you train has a fixation on the shape of one's hand, replacing that shape with another, you call it a new animal style.


Your jealous that you couldn't be born in a time of war or have the guts to fight one. I can proudly say that I helped make the world a better place. I was born bad a natural born killer. g@d d@mn charlies. Now I'm educating you all on the deficiencies of southern kung fu.

12-07-2003, 12:00 PM
Ego if you were born in 1960 you were too young to fight in the Vietnam war, which ended in 1975, you were only 15 years of age, and direct U.S. involvement was between 1961-72 and for you to make light of some thing like this just shows how much of a sick b@$t@rd you are considering the people who died in that war, not only the soldiers but also the civilians.

12-07-2003, 04:29 PM
Ego: you ARE a Smurf! :p :p :p

12-08-2003, 06:48 AM

You can believe that I've a) lied about my age then or b) lied about my age now. Either way my concience is clear because I lied for truth and justice. I will not talk about classsified details about my missions here but hear this, all there were alot of combatants who appeared like civilians and we did our best to keep colaterial damage to the absolute minimal. We are a professional outfit and conduct our affairs with pride and honor. Understand this before you mouth of acquisitions again you southern farmer.

You should know that Drake who is probably in army intellegence but without the mandate to think has stopped posting because he agrees with me. I can, have and will talk any southern poster into submission on this forum.


I hate smurfs. g@d d@mn smurfs.

12-08-2003, 10:27 AM
Ego you lied because you are a liar with no credibility what so ever pure and simple.

Ben Gash
12-08-2003, 12:27 PM
Ego, my nationality should be important to you because I'm from a nation of farmers that conquered half the world (we even beat your precious northern Chinese regulars on several occasions).
Oh, and you are a smurf.

12-08-2003, 12:50 PM
My Splashing Hands & Shuai Chiao will destroy TKD!

12-08-2003, 12:51 PM
Stealing Ego's spotlight, have any of you watched Tat Mau Wong's Choy Lay Fut instructional videos? I'm on lunch, so I could only skim through level 4, but so far they have been of exceptional quality (I've already seen 1-3).
And also, have any of you been to any of his schools on the west coast?


12-08-2003, 01:09 PM
I am the supreme being who can defeat anything with a butter knife and a table spoon! I love all this "my style is better than yours" crap. It makes for a very interesting read...sometimes.

12-09-2003, 04:43 AM

I only speak the truth and that's no lie.

Ben Gash,

Your nationality is not important because you weren't part of the conquest. Yes the british empire was great and taught many a backward savage nation how to behave like gentlemen. China at that stage was backward, inward looking and deserving to be conquered. As for you learning French, I'm sorry to say it is not a step in the right direction.


I'm not interested in getting wet with you in a swimming pool. stupid splashing hands.


Shouldn't you be beating up terrorists instead of watching kung fu movies at work? I tried to enlist but they keep turing me down. I wish tey strap a 50 cal to my motorized wheel chair and let me do some mayham in Iraq.

By the way, I also have the videos. They are good quality, but pitty about their contents. Think about it, I have given you permission to think.

12-09-2003, 04:53 AM
Ego still thinks he's Smurfier than anyone else, but then, maybe he is :D .

TIger Hand
12-10-2003, 04:35 AM
Ego/kelvin didn't learn french he learned japanese. He likes everything that is Japanese, and this is coming from a chinese.

He got jilted by a japanese girl who just used him and left him...

poor, poor,......kelvy.....

Only has a ego on the BBS, in real life he is just a geek who doesn't have any self confidence.

12-10-2003, 05:11 AM

smurfs are stupid, they're like lemmings


You're acting like a confused kitten again. I never said I learned french or japanese. Back in nam, I had a vietnamese girl friend. One night I discovered she was a spy for the vietcongs. That absolutely broke my heart. I had her at gun point but let her go hoping that for the sake of our love she would keep what she learned a secret. She didn't and that cost the lives of most of my platoon in subsequent mission. I went mad, you know all those people around me gone, I was the platoon leader and I was the one to blame. I became the baddest @ss in the whole outfit, drank the most, smoked the most, ate deep fried food, swore at everyone and everything and partied the hardest in Hanoi. I became a lone sniper, no partners, just me, my gun and the target. On one night mission, something snapped, I just went beserk, I just kept shooting and shooting, mowed all them Charlies down. I hated them, I hated them all and slaughtered them all like cattle. The whole village was in flames. That's not all, i went awol for 6 months. when they finally discovered me, I had almost gone completely ferral, with the scalps of charlies hanging in a cave I lived. The Charlies were terrified, they called me the GI that cannot die. They would cower in fear crying the jungle took him, the jungle took him. My commanding officer asked how I did what I did. I said instincts man, it just takes over, my dad taught me to hunt, stalking prey in the Rockies as soon as I could walk. I became a wildman. My dad was half American Indian.

12-10-2003, 05:44 AM
Ego's a full-blooded Smurf :p :p ! (Dude, how were you able to handle an M-16? I didn't know they made them small enough for smurfs, heh heh.)

TIger Hand
12-10-2003, 12:55 PM

HAHAHAHAHA........LOL......Oh my god.....now you are posing as a Vietnam Veteran!

You are more of a pus than I took you for!

12-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

smurfs are stupid, they're like lemmings


You're acting like a confused kitten again. I never said I learned french or japanese. Back in nam, I had a vietnamese girl friend. One night I discovered she was a spy for the vietcongs. That absolutely broke my heart. I had her at gun point but let her go hoping that for the sake of our love she would keep what she learned a secret. She didn't and that cost the lives of most of my platoon in subsequent mission. I went mad, you know all those people around me gone, I was the platoon leader and I was the one to blame. I became the baddest @ss in the whole outfit, drank the most, smoked the most, ate deep fried food, swore at everyone and everything and partied the hardest in Hanoi. I became a lone sniper, no partners, just me, my gun and the target. On one night mission, something snapped, I just went beserk, I just kept shooting and shooting, mowed all them Charlies down. I hated them, I hated them all and slaughtered them all like cattle. The whole village was in flames. That's not all, i went awol for 6 months. when they finally discovered me, I had almost gone completely ferral, with the scalps of charlies hanging in a cave I lived. The Charlies were terrified, they called me the GI that cannot die. They would cower in fear crying the jungle took him, the jungle took him. My commanding officer asked how I did what I did. I said instincts man, it just takes over, my dad taught me to hunt, stalking prey in the Rockies as soon as I could walk. I became a wildman. My dad was half American Indian.

I'm trying to figure out which movie(s) this came from. Could be any number of movies I guess :D

12-11-2003, 06:31 AM
Holy sh1t... I think he's finally lost it completely

12-11-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
I became the baddest @ss in the whole outfit, drank the most, smoked the most, ate deep fried food, swore at everyone and everything and partied the hardest in Hanoi.
Yeah deep fried food is probably the worst thing you could have inflicted on yourself. Too much yang; bad for body harmony.

They would cower in fear crying the jungle took him, the jungle took him.Reminds me of "Predator".

Isn't "junior" here a bad-a s s ?! Such an imagination. Who says a modern education isn't as good as a classical one?

Ben Gash
12-11-2003, 10:44 AM
"and partied the hardest in Hanoi"
Hey man, you must have been good if you made it all the way to Hanoi and partied! I mean that was what? 400 miles behind enemy lines? Kelvin, the only time you've ever been to Vietnam is on holiday. Frankly I think this is deeply offensive and devalues those who really were there. You have no knowledge of the military, history or vietnamese geography and you seriously expect us to beilieve you fought there?
I mean are whacking off over this you sick ****? How is this even amusing for you?

TIger Hand
12-11-2003, 01:52 PM
Here is the Vietnam Vet who can't tell the difference between the city of HANOI and SAIGON!

Being a former service man myself, I would KICK YOUR A$$, for talking BS like that.

Too bad your not in the states kelvy.

12-11-2003, 02:18 PM
I think we'll close this one now.