View Full Version : The Variant Training Thread.

09-26-2003, 09:30 AM
This thread is for variations on normal workouts, that either make them "better" or work different groups of muscles.
One of my favorites-
Pole vaulter style pull ups-
Hang from the bar, and raise legs towards the sky, so that your abs to legs make a 90 degree angle towards the sky, pull up until your chest touches the bar. Extend your legs all the way out, until you are perpindicular to the ground(or as close as you can get). Lower back into 90 degree angle, lower yourself from the bar, repeat.

09-29-2003, 10:24 AM
Jeez, 23 views and no suggestions. You guys are lame.
What about incline pushups? Extended pull ups? Wrist pushups? "flying" with weights?
I know theres plenty out there... Id like some new interesting ways to train.

09-29-2003, 09:28 PM
Since no one is posting I'll throw this at ya
How about,
Sandbag work: fill up a old punching bag with zip locs to X weight.
Bear hug,or shoulder it up stairs,in sets.Goal is to over head it all the way up the stairs.
BTW like you PV Pull Ups.