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shaolin kungfu
09-26-2003, 06:31 PM
I dont think I ever really thanked you for pointing me towards the bjj school up here.


Volcano Admim
09-27-2003, 06:46 AM
gay vibe

09-27-2003, 07:08 AM
You're welcome.

Volcano Admin, I've not bothered ever to respond to you because quite frankly, you don't matter you insignificant little worm. You run your big fat mouth all day long and never contribute anything useful. However, today I'm tired and in a foul mood.

Go drink a great big glass of shut the **** up. Your herpes riddled lips write checks the whole world knows you can't cash.

Helloooooooooo Ignore List.

chen zhen
09-27-2003, 08:21 AM

09-27-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Merryprankster
Volcano Admin, I've not bothered ever to respond to you because quite frankly, you don't matter you insignificant little worm. You run your big fat mouth all day long and never contribute anything useful. However, today I'm tired and in a foul mood.

Go drink a great big glass of shut the **** up. Your herpes riddled lips write checks the whole world knows you can't cash.

uh sorry how is this not responding.

hehe jk.

09-27-2003, 10:13 AM
helloooooo no sense of humor :D

chen zhen
09-27-2003, 12:30 PM
yeh, pleezbaleevit

I could as well mention that I also started BJJ. Machado style. as well as MT.

CZ entered the world of MMA;)

09-27-2003, 04:51 PM

Just kidding. My friend's Jujitsu teacher (mostly BJJ and some boxing/MT, judo throws, etc.) has offered me jujitsu lessons in exchange for guitar lessons. I'd take him up on it, but I don't have much time to give him lessons, and also with all the taiji I'm doing it's hard to find time for JJ, even once a week. Still, their class is fun, and I might join it.

MP, maybe you've met my friend's teacher. I don't know his last name, but his name is Albert. He's black (fairly light-skinned), has a shaved head, and some say he looks like a bald Lenny Kravitz (though I'm not too sure about that one...). I think he trains at Yamasaki's.

09-27-2003, 07:58 PM
Yeah, I think I know him. Is he a purple or a blue? There are two largish fellows from Yamasaki that fit that description.

chen zhen
09-28-2003, 02:30 AM

I still practice Xingyi Quan;)

09-29-2003, 07:59 AM
I know Albert.- "Al"?. He was/is? a blue belt.