View Full Version : Weekly Workouts - Sept 29th

Ford Prefect
09-29-2003, 10:06 AM
Hi all. yet another workout thread. I'll post mine from yesterday and today, so jump in if you want:

Sunday - Max Effort Lowerbody

Max Effort Exercise

Deadlift 8x5 (I almost pulled my old 1RM for 5 reps!)
Goodmornings 8x5

Supplemental Exercise

Pull Throughs 7x8

Accessory Work

Pull-down Abs 6x8
Dragon Flags 4xfail

Natural Glute-Ham Raise/Calf Raise Supersets x 4

Ford Prefect
09-29-2003, 10:10 AM
Monday - Max Effort Upperbody

Max Effort Exercise

3-board Press 8x5 (did 105% bench 1rm for 5 reps!)

Supplemental Exercise

Skull Crushers 6x10
Pull-ups 3xfail

Accessory Work

Face Pulls 3x8
Shrugs/DB Curl Strip Supersets x2 (usually do 3; was tired)
Barbell Front Raise/Seated DB Clean Supersets x2 (usually 3)

No cardio the past couple days. I had a family thing yesterday and woke late today. I'll jump on it tomorrow with some sprinting and sled work. Maybe some swimming too.

09-29-2003, 10:29 AM
Hey dude, heres my current workout. I need to add some legs in there, so Im fixin to add squats. Any other suggestiong would be great.
(keep in mind, this is post kung fu every day, so Im already kinda worn)
30 lb dumb bell -
10 curls, 10 pushups
8 curls, 10 pushups
5 curls, 10 pushups
20 lb. dumb bell -
10 curls, 10 pushups
10 curls, 10 pushups
8 curls, 10 pushups
8 curls, 10 pushups
5 curls, 10 pushups
As many curls as I can, as many pushups as I can

3 to 5 3 minute rounds on the bag
As many times as I can with wrist thingy (piece of wood with string and weights to wind up) (20 lbs)
5 sets of 10 with giant spring for pecs
As long as I can hold giant Ozarka jug filled with water
40 thai style shin kicks on "ghetto thai pad"
5 sets of static ab work with weights
Iron palm (rolling a 50 lb bar down your shins 200 times is a killer workout for the back/triceps) :)

09-30-2003, 10:15 AM
last night started with two classes, followed up with a couple-mile run, then my basic leg work:

10 pistols each leg
10 good mornings, slow
100 single-leg calf raises each leg, fast

10 pistols each leg
10 good mornings, slow
40 single-leg calf raises, 1 count up, 3 count down

10 pistols each leg
10 good mornings, slow
40 single-leg calf raises, 1 count up, 3 count down

i know i should do the running after the strength work, but i wuss out on running and other cardio too easily, so i made myself do it first and get it done with.

dunno what tonight will be. i'll figure that out when i'm done with class.

Ford Prefect
10-02-2003, 07:23 AM
Alright. Almost finishing up the week...


GPP Workout

Sled Dragging:
Bench Press x 2:00
Upright Row x 2:00
Tricep Extension x 3:00
Bicep Curls x 3:00
External Rotators x 2:00
Internal Rotators x 2:00
Front Raise x 2:00

Built up Interval Running 25 minutes (1:30 jog/1:00 sprint with a steadily increasing incline through the workout)


Dynamic Effort Lower Body

Low Box Squat 12x2 (60% 1RM)
Deadlift 8x1 (50% 1RM)

Dimmel DL 4x15

Pull down Abs 6x8
Natural Glute-ham raise 4x6
Ab Wheel 4x8

Light plyometrics

Anyone else?

10-02-2003, 08:28 AM
I've got a sore elbow, so I took a week off from weights; all I've been doing is running wind sprints. I've been alternately sprinting a lap around my yard, then jogging a lap around my yard, then sprinting again, etc. Did 8 laps (of sprinting, so 16 laps total) on Friday, 9 on Monday, and 10 yesterday... I need to get a tape measure and figure out how much distance I'm actually covering.

10-02-2003, 11:53 AM
Front squat with 2 x 53 lb KBs

4 x5 , 3 X 4, 1 x5 = 8 sets 37 reps

I started a new set every 3 minutes after the first set was completed.

10-02-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
GPP Workout

Sled Dragging:
Bench Press x 2:00
Upright Row x 2:00
Tricep Extension x 3:00
Bicep Curls x 3:00
External Rotators x 2:00
Internal Rotators x 2:00
Front Raise x 2:00

Huh? That's a time. I don't get this one.

10-02-2003, 12:07 PM
This week

I just finished a weight lifting cycle so I'm taking a few days off. I've been shadow boxing and doing some cardio stuff in very short rounds cuz I have zero endurance right now. I've lost 2lbs in 4 days. This cardio stuff sucks ass. Now I have to eat even more.

Ford Prefect
10-02-2003, 12:28 PM
Yeah. The times are for how long I dragged the sled like that.

For example, for bench press x 2:00, I:

hold a rope that is attached to the sled - one handle in each hand. (coming off the sled it is like a "Y". The two ends are handles and the bottom is where it is attached to the sled)

I'll then step forward until there is no slack in the rope, and my hands are positioned like the bottom of a bench press. I'll press out like benching to drag the sled. Then I'll walk a few steps forward, so there is no slack in the rope, and press out. Repeat for 2:00. ;)

Keep it coming guys. Keep eating IF!

10-02-2003, 03:47 PM
ford -- maybe my imagination is working slowly today, but i'm having difficulty imagining that sled thing being useful for anything other than chest or back stuff. not saying it isn't. i'm saying it's difficult to imagine. can you explain? :confused:

10-02-2003, 07:34 PM
My 2 main workouts at the moment are PTP and intervals.

Monday - Friday
New PTP cycle.
Bench from 87.5-97.5kg
Squat from 97.5-107.5kg
Deadlift from 97.5-107.5kg
Pullups 2x5
2.5kgs increase per day per exercise.

10min warmup (fast walk to oval)
30s on/20s off sprint intervals x 7
10min cooldown (fast walk home)

Tomorrow, more intervals.

When I feel like it - 2-3 times a week
Abs stuff. Janda situps, one-arm deadlifts, Russian ballerina leg raises (I think that's what Pavel calls it).

blooming lotus
10-02-2003, 10:35 PM
"As many times as I can with wrist thingy (piece of wood with string and weights to wind up) (20 lbs)"

sorry , who posted that?

there's this new grip ball thingy available ..same concept but much much smaller and easy to carry for use throughout the day. check it out..fairly cheap, like $40 aus

also to all, check out callesthentics. it eliminates the need for so much time spent on resistence, increases strength and flexiblity in much less time. Matt farley is offering a good one cheap at the moment and a free report for sceptics. I think he's at mattfarley.com but if Im wrong I'll get back to you.

Ford Prefect
10-03-2003, 06:52 AM

I have can attach it to my weight belt and do forward drags and backward drags for legs. Westside guys will actually do these and keep adding plates on the sled until they fail because they are great for the deadlift.

I also have ankle straps where I can do forward and backward drags with those on. You try to keep your legs bent so you are activitating the hips and hamstrings.

You can also use the handles like I previously described and kind of get down in horse stance while holding the rope behind your knees and walk. Great for the hammy's.

You can also to pull throughs with the handles like that. Pull-throughs are a staple exercise at westside barbell and are great for the lower back, glutes, and hammies.

Hold the rope at your chest and face the sled. You can now do the concentric portion of a goodmorning which is the best posterior chain exercise bar none.

Now, face away from the sled and you are doing ab pull-downs.

Use the ankle straps and face sideways and you can do hip abductors and adductors.

Use the handles and hold the rope behind your head with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Now straighten your arms, you are doing a tricep extension.

Face the sled and hold the handles at your waist and curl up, and you are doing bicep curls.

face the sled and hold the handles like you are in botton bench position with bad form (elbows flaring out) and rotate your arms so the stay perpendicular at bicep/forearm to above your head. You are now doing external rotations. Face away from the sled and reverse the motion, you are now doing internal rotations.

Etc etc. The possibilities are limitless. The good thing about the sled, is that there is no eccentric action which is what causes the most "damage" to the muscle and soreness. You do these workouts for 20-50 minutes straight, so it is like doing a light weight workout for that long. The time spent exerting yourself will explode your GPP up and the concentric action will pump blood through your muscle which will aid in recovery and can even increase strength.

10-03-2003, 08:41 AM
sweet! thanks ford. now the big question: where do you do your sledding, and how do you keep the noise down? :p

10-03-2003, 08:44 AM
Today is the usual PtP with bench press, deadlift, and pullups, but now I'm more mindful of proper pressing technique.

Ford, how do statics compare to concentric only workouts like the sled? As I've mentioned before, I do various parallete holds in a separate workout a couple of times a week.

Ford Prefect
10-03-2003, 09:04 AM
Statics can build strength well, but they aren't nearly as good as the concentric-only action. This is because the constant muscle contractions act as a sort of pump that is cycling blood through muscle where in a static contraction the muscle will be flooded with blood until you stop contracting. It's along the same lines as hot/cold contrast therapy.

10-04-2003, 06:42 AM
Yesterday's workout was terrible for some reason. I struggled to deadlift a weight for 5 reps with good form, which should have been easy - still pretty early in the cycle, 20 lbs shy of my last PtP cycle's max. I was hungry during the workout, which I usually try to avoid, but I thought I was well rested.

I'll see how next week goes.

blooming lotus
10-06-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
"As many times as I can with wrist thingy (piece of wood with string and weights to wind up) (20 lbs)"

sorry , who posted that?

there's this new grip ball thingy available ..same concept but much much smaller and easy to carry for use throughout the day. check it out..fairly cheap, like $40 aus

also to all, check out callesthentics. it eliminates the need for so much time spent on resistence, increases strength and flexiblity in much less time. Matt farley is offering a good one cheap at the moment and a free report for sceptics. I think he's at mattfarley.com but if Im wrong I'll get back to you.

I was wrong.. For anyone interested that dudes name is Matt Furey and he is at www.mattfurey.com and Ibf on the gripball..but do a search and check it out...

or dont :D

blooming lotus
10-06-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
Statics can build strength well, but they aren't nearly as good as the concentric-only action. This is because the constant muscle contractions act as a sort of pump that is cycling blood through muscle where in a static contraction the muscle will be flooded with blood until you stop contracting. It's along the same lines as hot/cold contrast therapy.


if that's true then why couldnt you just go isometric and increase contraction rate and speed...what's the diff?

As for my wkout rtn this week I must confess..have unavoidabley done jack. Seriously, just taken on new job ( teaching Enlish to foreign learners and lurving that:D , but assimilating to new schedule and have put in maybe 15 - 20 hrs max. Mainly pull - ups/ callistheinics/ cardio ( skipping, dancing, pilates and circuit) some form specific and kicking prac, and some theorical study..like demos and stuff. Pretty ****ed about that so pls..dont hassel me out or judge. Nxt wk is new and no doubt I'll be back into it and loving it passionately v.v.soon. Since I am in China to study, I figure that this is just a small sacrifice for a greater objective. I'm sure we all know how that goes.


Ford Prefect
10-07-2003, 06:42 AM

You could actually do that to try to flush the muscle for recovery, but you wouldn't see much of a difference in GPP.