View Full Version : Police attack in England?

07-25-2001, 10:18 AM
Has anyone seen the video shot of the guy getting attacked by a policeman in England a few days ago?

I heard it was pretty bad and it was shown on the evening news, but I missed it.

Does anyone know if it has been posted online?

"My twa boab"

07-25-2001, 02:32 PM
I don't know if its online but i saw it on the news and it did luck unprovoked and over the top. The lad who wasn't even the one they were looking for got a few good hooks in the jaw.
Unlucky for him but at least it was on camera.

07-25-2001, 08:53 PM
I saw it on the news. The guy took a shot to the groin.

dave the dragon
07-26-2001, 10:47 AM
there was another one yesterday a bloke was attacked by the police after trying to split up a fight between a huy and one of his friends and the police had him on the floor and hit him twice in the head with a batton . It was clear from the video footage that he posed no threat to them at all.
It is a tricky issue, I have a friend in the police force and he was saying that on arrests the police are to use arrest techniques that conform with home office regulations ,but when confronted with a man with ,for example, a knife who is a danger to the public ,that isnt always possible.
I think that there are 2 sides to the coin but in the two incidents of this week the police are clearly in the wrong and should be held accountable for their actions.

07-28-2001, 07:21 PM
i've experienced police racism more than once - never physical abuse though.

Cop kills you, gets suspended with no pay for a week, but if you kill the cop, and you goto prison for life. good stuffs.

Cosp are just racist ****s that just make money from speeding tickets and thats that, from my experience.

there was the thing about the guy in brixton who got shot 4 times in the back for pulling out a gun shaped lighter, but i think that that's not really the same thing as it could have been real, and he's a twat for pullin git out. dunno why i even mensioned it....


My anus is superiorâ„¢

07-29-2001, 03:53 AM
Good to see you back Sharky. How are things going in your neighbourhood?

Unfortunately I think that in too many cases, you are right about police. Many are racist and dishonest. By the same token, it is also a tough job and I would not want to do it.

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

Martial Joe
07-29-2001, 04:09 AM

dave the dragon
07-29-2001, 04:26 PM
whos rodney king

Martial Joe
07-29-2001, 07:34 PM
He is an african american who was beaten by police oficers over here in usa and it became a huge thing...

07-29-2001, 09:14 PM
have you seen the painkiller advert that used the rodney king video clip. it zooms in and then the guy thats getting beaten up tells you how great these tablets are for getting rid of headaches. it's probably wrong but i still thinks it's a funny ad.

"satisfaction loses,and humility gains"

07-31-2001, 05:45 PM
that wasn't really funny man...it became a huge thing because now it had to be addressed. If nobody taped it, nobody woulda gave a rip. Has a police officer ever threatened to beat you Joe? have you ever had a gun put to your head by a cop just 'cause you have a nice car? or just because you "look suspicious"? Racial profiling SUCKS and if you've never had to deal with it you've NO IDEA how truly aggrivating it is. I've spent a night or two in JAIL because a cop didn't believe me that I paid a PARKING TICKET! it's sounds wack I know, but it's a common thing. I had to go to court for 2 MONTHS just to get the case thrown out, and this was AFTER i brought in PROOF of a cashed check, a RECIEPT from the DMV that I paid the ticket...Abner Louima in BK got a PLUNGER jammed up his a$$ by cops and was beaten severly cuz of his skin color, and nothing more. Diallo got blasted 40 TIMES here in the Bronx cause the cops "thought he had a gun" ...he had his HOUSE KEYS....racism is an ugly thing, son.

No offense to you, man, I like you from what I know about you. It's just your statement hit a bit of a nerve, i wasn't sure how to take it, nahmsayin?

07-31-2001, 05:52 PM
abstract, i have decided that the police are "gay". The number of times police just stop me when i'm walking to search me its like wtf???


My anus is superiorâ„¢

07-31-2001, 05:53 PM
also, joe wasn't making any jokes or think it was funny man... did u get the names mixed up?

My anus is superiorâ„¢

07-31-2001, 05:59 PM
yea man i think I just misunderstood what MJ meant by his post. And yea, I think it's truly sad that the ppl we're supposed to 'trust' are the ones I am more concerned with than a criminal. I couldn't count on my fingers & toes how many times i've been stopped, searched, harrassed by police, whether i am driving or walking. It's frustrating. The side of police cars say 'to serve & to protect'...it SHOULD say to "harrass & annoy". :(

07-31-2001, 06:45 PM
I have been stopped many times for things, once on a case of 'mistaken identity' as they put it, had a van load of police jump me push me on the ground hand-cuff me with my head in a dirty puddle for about 20 mins while they checked me out in a kneeling position, got serched, they didn't find anything on me... Then they still arrested me and continued to question me even after they realised I wasn't the person they wanted. Had me out on bail on some bull**it charge of disturbing the peace, and all I had done was leave a nightclub (wasn't even drunk!!)
Got a few more stories I could tell, but I guess I am just unlucky like that.

Also one of the guys at school who picked on the weak kids and used to nick all their dinner money and that went straight into the police force... Guess that says something too...

I know they aren't all bad, and they got a tough job but they don't do much to install confidence.


Martial Joe
08-02-2001, 09:49 PM
For one I am a kid...I skateboard,and I live in a city with alot of places with cecurity...

Yeah I know what it is like to be harrased...maybe not have a gun to my head,but I wouldnt get worried if that happend.

NOTE:Sharky is cool...

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif

08-02-2001, 10:39 PM
you get harrassed because you're doing something 'illegal'--skating on private property. Now while that may be annoying, I am talking about getting PHYSICALY roughed up and verbally harrassed & searched in front of a million ppl because of the color of your skin. Something, I seriously doubt, you'll ever experience. There is a big difference. When you get older, say, 30, you most likely won't be in an industrial park skating down a railing so the police can bother you. I am 28, and if I walk the wrong way past a squad car..BZZZT! stopped, questiones and/or searched for no reason. If I am driving, same scenario. And yo, if a COP put a LOADED .45, or shotgun to YOUR head, says to you 'move and that's it...', yes, you'd worry/and or/ be furious. It may sound far fetched to YOU, but it's a sad statement on the state of race relations in this country. What makes it so bad is that my experience is by no means unique, it most cases, it's far worse. Now, this doesn't happen to me everyday, but it does happen....I've never commited a crime in my life, and yet this is what I, and many others, deal with. Just tryin to put it in perspective for you, not tryin to sound like a lecture....

i'll stop now...
and yea, Sharky is a cool cat.. ;)