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View Full Version : Attack, defend or both. Then it's my turn.

07-24-2001, 03:54 AM
The theory is I take on all callers at once-ish. I sah what I do you all (one after another until I reply again to them all (knees shake, teeth chatter at the concept of a hundred replys)~ Then I say what I do. Hopefully this will be fun~.

-with hands up Muay Thai like and my right foot straighit leftward and knee ovr small toe; left foot pointing at you in front of me and an inch between the line that divides my left and right, I drive my right fist downward to your center chest, below your throat.

The shorter version:

-I punch you.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 04:34 AM
man, your writing makes me dizzy and angry

Only a fool hates the truth, but the world is full of fools
Karl Gotch

07-24-2001, 07:24 AM
Angry how?~

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 08:07 AM
Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not

dude what does that mean?

07-24-2001, 08:09 AM
No offence, but I can never work out what you are trying to say in your posts. Is English a second language for you?

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

07-24-2001, 08:55 AM
"Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not"

It is something that can be said when you don't want your statement to be Wrong or incorrect.

"Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not"

It means~ that Whatever I post, I might have gotten the dates wrong or not known the full meanings of some of the words or spelled things poorly or had type-o's. But I'm trying~ to be helpful to you or to me by saying it. And, if my statements are not Absolutely correct relevat to what I am responding to, I am fairly likely close to being correct for what I was aware.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 09:02 AM
"No offence, but I can never work out what you are trying to say in your posts. Is English a second language for you?"

Whether I learned English first or second (or eleventh) probablly doesn't matter~. That you don't understand my posts does matter~. It's helpful that you said something...How does it matter for you if English is a second language to me?

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 10:33 AM

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"

07-24-2001, 11:05 AM
Is English a secon language for me is posted in a recent thread of the Kung-fu forum. No offense was intended. I, don't see that knowing that, resolves anything~.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 02:10 PM
you are rambling and unclearin your writing style, this isnt a flame but an observation. I realy WANT to read waht you say, but your sentence structure needs a little work.

Only a fool hates the truth, but the world is full of fools
Karl Gotch

07-24-2001, 02:40 PM
...Thanks for being straight with me. I'll work on being more clear...

Perhaps I'm safer with, Thanks, jimmy23.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-24-2001, 03:33 PM
Shut up, fool, and hit the road. Your 15 minutes of fame is up on this board...

K. Mark Hoover

07-24-2001, 10:01 PM
You have approached Offensive. And It is likely, not appreciated.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-25-2001, 02:33 AM
Well, let me work a little harder here so I can approach 'Offensive':

Slurp up a stream of elephant jizm, you S U C K--faced b*st*rd.

There. I hope that was enough to get me to 'Offensive'. If not, please let me know and I'll come back and shove your face into a pile of rat sh*t while at the same time I'm pi$ in your mother's mouth.... :rolleyes:

K. Mark Hoover

07-25-2001, 04:37 AM
No problems No_Know. I have read the other thread and I now understand :).

I was just curious about English being your second language, but now I know what the score is ;)

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

07-25-2001, 05:12 AM
Very good ABandit.

You tried too hard, Budokan. Hopefully, there are no words in Enlish to express about your posting that reply.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-26-2001, 12:50 AM
You're right, Rolls. There's no words in "Enlish" to express that. :rolleyes:

K. Mark Hoover

07-26-2001, 09:39 AM
You used his name but quoted methat could look suspicious, but hopefully not in English either.:)

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

Reima Kostaja
07-26-2001, 10:34 AM
hmm, maybe nobody sees if try my new sig here.

<img border="0" src="http://mustilaiton/pix/fist2.gif" width="88" height="58">

Reima Kostaja
07-26-2001, 10:38 AM
take off every "sig" for great justice!

<img border="0" src="http://mustilaiton/pix/fist2.gif" width="88" height="58">

07-29-2001, 12:27 PM

I like your posts. There is a humour in there I enjoy working out. I haven't read the posts about 1st 2nd language but whatever, keep it up.

It's difficult to go with the fight in this thread because, though you stated your stance and action with perfect clarity, no mention was made of how the opponent is standing... To do that strike, you must have made some assumptions...

The powers of Kung Fu never fail!
-- Hong Kong Phooey

07-30-2001, 05:20 AM
i can pretty much understand what you're saying. don't be bothered or anything. see ya later. :p

07-30-2001, 05:21 AM
hope my english is clear. i don't want people flaming on me. :D

07-30-2001, 08:19 PM
wingchunwsl, that was asbestos.

David, of course you are likely correct. Relevantly, I comprehended that people would not all make the same attack. Also, that it was not up to me to pose the opponent. I stated my standing and attack so that anyone participating could see what they were hitting. I presumed that saying I attack first seemed as though it would be more motivational than, hit me.

I provided the canvas and the primer. If There are ten replies from different people then it would be as ten seperate and independent realities. And in each one, there is only me and the opponent(s) from that respondant. Some might team up and I would reply to the joint attacks/defenses of more than one forum member.

You take whatever posture, whatever distance you prefer. The variable Is, how you were before I struck at. You all may fill in that blank as you choose. Then go from there. It is not for me to say what damage I do, nor for you the damage done me. Relevant to, you have yet to act. So in this we would state how we would act. But leave it up to the other to comment on how they respond. Hopefully we can and do keep our responses truthful and reasonable.
After someone responds, the art in progress will be fully clear and each attack/defense is as a stroke on the canvas of my first attack.

This was in general, my thinking.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

07-31-2001, 01:58 AM
To quote the great Erykah Badu:

"What good do your words do,
if no-one understands you"

Your writing helps me to appreciate the lucidity of the ancient Chinese philosophical texts. And I can't even read Chinese. :p

Are you using BabelFish? If so, please stop. If not, please start.

07-31-2001, 10:33 AM
"To quote the great Erykah Badu:
"What good do your words do,
if no-one understands you""

To speak and not be understood; does one what good?

Perhaps it serves to ease the mind of racing turbid massive lots; of single garbled thoughts.

Perhaps they merely set a tone as has been found in Rome. That though the language not understood; the intent of a man to a woman should

Go without words and go without saying; Silence!as the monks are praying.

Celtic loss, Chinese sorrow; Words perhaps not understood. Yet when heard I like the sounds. The sounds they do appeal.

You have stated as have others that I'm not understood. That goes more to say You don't understand, there's the proof, the fault is not with me.

Somewhere it was put that I have a child's grammar, simpler than... what does that say of you all who comment on my writing if it is to a child's comprehension and you don't uderstand. Some might ask.

But blame is not the point it seems as kindly I have been approached...Perhaps some day you some might understand.~

Let us join those monks in a prayer. Thank you, [Censored], for your polite, if not passive-agressive, say.

As to this thread, if you didn't understand what I was telling David in my above post here's a short version:

I hit at you. Now you hit at me.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-02-2001, 10:53 PM
Can I take a stab at this?
I'm standing their naturally, feet parallel, left arm raised in a classic defensive posture, right arm rubbing sore spot on chest, face a perfect example of complete confusion as to why this guy just hit me.

08-03-2001, 01:42 AM
Having returned to, my hands in the air like Muay Thai and awaiting El_CLap (a stranger to me, I also No_Know the forum's Stranger; but it seems that I would have to know Stranger to know if or if not I knew Stranger..a n y way...)'s retaliation. I see a person rubbing a sore chest and looking somewhat puzzled (if not merely ouch! and Why?). Keeping up my guard I apologize and say, "uhhh? I thought that you were someone else. Would you like to hit me back? Chest or belly?" I cover my solar plexus with my left fist and await person's response (Keeping in mind that someone out there might try to sneak me) and so I shift my gaze then my stance always settling back into the one with which I started. Looking for any takers (also reflections of light indicating gun barrel(s)or shadows that don't belong near or within the shadows. And mindful of anything out of place immediately around me. Or anything native to the environment that even might pose a threat or be used by those around or anyone who comes around. Also the places along which people could move. To bear in mind the avenues of approach to me)

I still don't trust the person I just hit either. Gotta be ready for a cheap shot (including low to groin kick(s), or some sort of knee) and a rush to tie me up (not literally, like with rope) so that I can't move so well.

I should assess this persons capabilities from, how hands look (bruised nuckles from push-up training or from fighting?, calloused from training years ago?); Is person massaging to heal the sore spot or is it just a reaction to getting hit and instinctively rubbing?; Person's face, are they thinking one thing but trying to show me what they want me to think?; Does this person look experienced?; Is there weight shift to setup for movement or a kick, or a reaching punch?...

Is anyone besides this person close enough to even touch me before I can react to their movements?

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-04-2001, 02:51 AM
A punch to the chest then...an apology? I stand there with both hands in front of me, right hand in front of the other, still maintaining a defensive posture. I sink back into a more stable stance not quite classic wing chun. Weight about 60/40 right foot leading. Should I mace this guy who hit me out of the blue? He's standing there like he still wants to fight, eyeing me and everyone else suspiciously. I back out of range a bit and glance around. Why does this always happen to me? I'm still confused but ready.

08-04-2001, 05:07 PM
"I was told that this is where you test your self. I heard that people come here to fight. I thought that that was what you were doing here. If you would be so good, please state your intentions."

...(still looking around but intregued by this supposed innocent)"By the way, are you up for a fight...just me...and you...and your army?" (a smug grin appears along the shadowed face, it shouldn't have come out, but...some pleasant thoughts just can't be kept inside).

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-06-2001, 09:11 PM
This man is obviously looking for trouble. But then, I DO like to fight. "Ok. Let's do this then"

08-07-2001, 05:54 AM
From my short, bow and arrow stance (right foot front), and Muay Thai guard, I push-off from both feet (mostly the left rear foot). Picking up my right knee and foot some I essentially skip towards him with a down stroking punch(a raking motion with the front of my right fist), going for his left facial cheek through to his right lower jaw.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-08-2001, 04:37 PM
nuff said

08-09-2001, 07:06 PM
Completely caught off guard by such a simple efficient move I catch the punch full on the cheek. Pain, stars, and a dim haze is all there is for a second. I realize, moments later that my back hurts as well because of a wall that jumped me from behind. I quickly return to a better stance and put my arms in front of me again.

08-09-2001, 08:07 PM
Taking his guard up, as an invitation to continue. Anticipating the return of person, and maintaining my initial posturing, I shout (a rising yell, much less refined than opera yet not rising in tone as much as volume and ferocity). I raise my tension shooken arm and fist slowly behind me and over my head (leaving my high left Muay Thai guard, which lowers slightly). Meanwhile I pop-up, and in air, thrust kick to person's high stomach(just below the solar plexus). The tip of my shoe, my ankle and my left knee forming a straight line.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-14-2001, 03:48 PM
Oh great. Now he's trying to kick me. I step outside and do a double arm gan sao to the outside of his kick. If i'm lucky the sharp thwack that I give his completely straight leg will be enough to knock him sideways where I can follow up with a punch or two.

08-14-2001, 06:58 PM
Thankfully I was in the air when he whacked me. If I was on the ground I might have been off balanced. He whacked me good. I'm spinning. So, I'll back kick with my right leg. I'm not high enough to do a successful spinning back kick and land standing. I'm pushed sideways and spinning. No! I'm falling away from him. It'll have to be a sweeping heel kick. Just a little passed him. I have to minimze making my crotch available. Prepared for the ground and ready to move, watching him, I try to read him.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

08-16-2001, 04:46 PM
Not a lot I can do about this second kick except cover. Luckily my arms are already in position for a good kwan sao. Hopefully I can crowd with this and get in close.

08-16-2001, 06:55 PM
If I get out of this well enough, I'm going to practice Black Dragon Coils Around Pillar a lot more...My kick out of the way I swing my right leg clockwise, over my body then my left leg comes around and I do a kind of 200 degree roll over my right shoulder. Belly to the ground, left leg outstretched and bottom of right foot beside left knee; elbows out and hands down, I'm looking up to see what he does next.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.