View Full Version : kung fu reality

07-27-2001, 04:49 AM
I am new at this message board. I am also thinking about taking kung fu. I was wondering about how well kung fu would serve as self defense against the avarage person who would try to attack you on the street.

07-28-2001, 07:18 AM
As well as you make it work. You have to dedicate the time to it, as with any art.

Step right up and get it -- whoever wants [defeat]
Come not between the dragon and his wrath...

07-29-2001, 01:43 PM
I agree with sevenstar its as good as you make it but i do know you've got more chance defendfing yourself if you've trained in something

07-29-2001, 04:59 PM
kung fu is a great asset especially against the average person. 8 step mantis students train with the mindset that the person you are going against does know how to fight.

To know others is to have knowledge. To know oneself is to be enlightened.

Dark Knight
07-29-2001, 09:45 PM
Any style will give you an advantage over the average guy in the street. TKD, Karate, Kung Fu...you are trained and the guy you are fighting prob is not. then it depends on how hrd you train.

07-30-2001, 03:00 AM
If all you're worried about is defending yourself against the "average" guy on the street then any MA will stand you in good stead. And let's face it, the "average" guy is who you're likely gonna meet anyway.

K. Mark Hoover

09-28-2001, 07:38 PM
Kickboxing, boxing, krav mag, Kenpo, Kung fu will all help you. As far as what is best, that will depend upon your school. Then you would have to ask the question, why are you getting into a street fight? How many opponents? Weapons or no weapons? Room to move or not much room to move.

Regardless, Kung fu should make your more ready for a confrontation, even if it means not starting the fight to begin with.

10-03-2001, 09:55 AM
You've got to ask youself, why will you need your MA in the street?

Usually because some complete nut case is challenging you to a fight. He may be drunk, or just crazy!

In any case he is going to have real INTENT.
At the time, will you be angry enough to match that intent?

Intent + MA technique = win fight

No intent + MA technique = ???

Don't get me wrong, it's always better to have some training that none. I just think that it could be really hard to fight against a drunk guy who feels no pain and is intent on your destruction.

"You pour water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You pour water into a bottle it becomes the bottle. You pour Whisky into me I become a teapot."

10-03-2001, 10:30 AM

10-05-2001, 07:35 PM
The real question is: does the school train with enough sparring to give you the experience of hitting and being hit? If it's just point sparring and light contact don't waste your time and money. Buy a video set and practice realistically with some friends.

Any body wanna spar?

10-14-2001, 11:55 PM
if you master any style to the point where you know how to defend and counter against any attacks, you're definetly going to have a better chance of winning any fight.

Takes a lot of time though..

Laine Nakachi
10-15-2001, 06:27 AM

I am new at this message board.
I am also thinking about taking kung fu .
I was wondering about how well kung fu would serve as self defense against the average person who would try to attack you on the street .

< Em84
go ahead and learn kung fu.
Best thing to do is to go to all the kung fu schools / clubs in your area.
Do a research on the kung fu styles you like,in the world of chinese martial arts there are over 100 different styles or systems of kung fu,but maybe more.

When you choose the system of kung fu,that you really like,then go and train hard in it.
Are there any kung fu clubs or schools in your area ?
If there is then,go and join it.
As long as you learn how to defend yourself,is good enough.

Other than that talk to the sifu,a good sifu should be able to answer all your questions.
A good sifu should be able to produce good students.
The most important thing is to prepare the mind mentally and train the body physically.
For any type of situation.

Take Care & goodluck,

Fe luk

10-25-2001, 02:41 AM
Do Freestyle Judo instead. It is a lot better than most styles of Kung Fu.

-Freestyle Judo-
"Kicking your arse the gentle way."

Dark Knight
10-25-2001, 03:13 AM
There is no one style that will fit everyone. Saying Judo or any other style is better is not a good assessment of a persons ability. Due to age and physical constraints some styles may be damaging to a person. Some people will naturally be better at stand up and some others with throwing and grappling.

Mo Smith won at UFC with kickboxing skills, he later added heavier grappling into his training. Benny the Jet was undefeated, he could claim to have the best style, Rocky Marciano retired undefeated, fought all comers, is his boxing style the best way to go?

When you say judo is better than most styles of kung fu, what styles are you speaking of, and under what circumstances? For sport, street, health? And there are hundreds of styles of Kung Fu, what styles are you comparing Judo to?

11-05-2001, 08:55 PM
I just love Kung fu!!!

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"