View Full Version : Plz tell me what you know of kenpo/kempo

07-26-2001, 05:06 AM
I study both systems and im just looking for the general attitude and knowledge of these two systems. If you dont mind :cool: :cool:

Theory without practise is like a cloud without rain!

08-02-2001, 08:03 PM
I studied Kempo, and after I stopped (I studied it for 5 years?) I reflected on it and found there to be a lot of politics involved. Beyond that I found it to be more convincing of its effectiveness on the streets then it actually was. If anything, it taught me how to do a good hard(punch) and hard(kick) and it taught a few useful blocking techniques but kempo is much too concerned with accepting incoming power with a direct block rather then yielding. It also is a two-attack fighting system most of the time, blocking then attacking, defending then attacking etc.

It has its good and bad points like any MA but it is deffinetely better then some and if you are at a good kempo school then they can probably prepare you for street defense, but thats after at least 5-10 years IMO of course.

Good Luck!

- Nexus

Freedom is what you do with what is done to you. - Sartres

Dark Knight
08-02-2001, 09:16 PM
Nexus, what style of Kempo? The Kempo I have seen is concerned about the self defense capability early in the training. And what you learn later is effective but takes time.

08-03-2001, 08:13 AM
That not all forms of Kenpo/Kempo are going to be the same. It will very from style/organization to style/organization. Just like any other art out there. Some are better in one area of skills while others are weaker in that but stronger somewhere else.

As far as the politics goes, there is politics in every art. Why do you think people get so heated over bloodlines and see so many arguments over who actualy started what system. It doesn't matter if its JMA, CMA, Kenpo, Wing Chung, TKD, TSD, JKD or any other art out there. Politics is everywhere, its imbeded in humanity. Some people can overcome that urge and go about life without getting political, others can't. The only thing you can do is try your best to live respectfully and show people the way of respect and hope they follow.

Just my thoughts

Assumption is the mother of tragedy. Just keep and open mind and be ready

09-28-2001, 07:29 PM
There are several forms of kenpo/kempo. Some are more jujutsu based others take a stance like karate. Kenponet.com is a good place to get this question answered more thoroughly by professionals and masters in their arts. I study american kenpo which is a "quick art." Meaning their is an economy of motion and efficient movement. Every block can be a strike and every strike can be a block. As you study it more in depth your blocks become nerve strikes that can end a fight due to your opponents inability to use his arm, hand, feet, legs, etc.

There is a political and religious group of Kempo something something in China? or was it Japan. But they have a website as well.

But there are many people have more knowledge of various systems.

Check out kenponet.com it is a forum site with a lot of master freely giving information. There are several links that may help as well.
Martialartsinfo.com has lots of articles and interviews to check out.
http://indigo.ie/~kenpoed/index.html This site has links that may be of some help.
http://cyberkenpo.tripod.com/ Yet another site that may help.
Enjoy, happy learning.

Listen! Do you smell that?

Laine Nakachi
10-05-2001, 07:55 AM
You can go to the other related arts section , of these forums.
And read all the forums of kempo /kenpo.
Is a very controversial topic .
But don't let it get to you.

There're various system or styles of kenpo / kempo.
But I'll let you do your own research,because there're different websites all leading to general information of kenpo/kempo.
Goodluck and take care .

Fe luk

11-05-2001, 12:05 AM
is it a japanese art? the outfits look like it but the techniques i've learned from it are much closer to CMA...also i learn japanese language and my teacher uses kenpo and kung fu as if theyre the same thing...i say kung fu class she says kenpo class...is it a japanese style of chinese martial arts? I like how every block is an attack to your opponent...ive heard that jkd has that same principle.

12-16-2001, 11:13 PM
I believe the influence on the art of kempo varies between systems and between instructors. Some kempo systems are more Japanese or hard style based while others follow more Chinese martial art principals. If you want some more info on kempo just ask or you can check out the sites below.

These schools (that are in the following links) are true to the art of kempo. There are many schools out there now that are in it for the money, and teach watered down systems, etc. You must be careful selecting a good kempo school.

These 2 systems (and Instructors) are some of the best around

