View Full Version : Tea with a Buddhist Monk

10-06-2003, 01:27 PM
Yesterday, Me & SD spent most of the day at a Vietnamese Buddhist temple. We went there to spend a little time in the present moment, and met a Monk by the name of Thic. He spoke broken English but had many things to tell me, but one thing stuck. "I will be the teacher, and you will be the teacher. We will learn from each other." He studies a 72 posture form of Taijiquan, the style he was not clear on. After sitting in the main hall of the temple for about 45min, we were invited to a tea party outside on the temple grounds. during the tea party we were introduced to a Lama. His aura was different, he had a spirtiual air about him. Thic and a female patron said he was a great teacher. The Lama replied, "I'm not good, I just try to help." After about 2 and 1/2 hours it was time to leave. we were invited to have dinner with the monks, but, regretably, we had previous arangements.

Needless to say I was reintroduced to the Buddhist religion. I plan on going to temple on Sundays for Chanting, Walking & Sitting Meditation, and Dharma Talks. If there is a temple in your town visit it. Regardless if you plan to practice Buddhism, you still will learn a leson in mindfulness, humility, and above all yourself.

Thanks friends,
The Captin

10-07-2003, 06:30 AM

chen zhen
10-07-2003, 07:25 AM
nice story, thanks!
