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10-07-2003, 11:23 PM
Gray Davis has been TERMINATED!

What a laugh!

T'ai Ji Monkey
10-07-2003, 11:26 PM
Way to go Arnie.

David Jamieson
10-07-2003, 11:38 PM
come on guys, Kungfu, remember?

10-07-2003, 11:42 PM

Look everyone at Arnie's great kung fu in overthrowing a lesser opponent in a battle in which no one was physiaclly hurt. We could all learn from his example and apply his methods to our own arts.


10-07-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
come on guys, Kungfu, remember?

Yeah guys remeber, we are not people, we are just so many hits on a web page.

chen zhen
10-08-2003, 05:44 AM

10-08-2003, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
come on guys, Kungfu, remember?
Ahnold could beat the **** out of Royce.

10-08-2003, 06:32 AM
And he would kick bruce lee's sorry ass

old jong
10-08-2003, 06:39 AM
All politicians are comedians anyway!

10-08-2003, 07:25 AM
Why Schwarzenegger Won

The Democrats messed up big-time in California, but Arnold had major help from a supposedly neutral media.
By Stewart Nusbaumer

Democrats did it again -- blew an election they should have won easily.

In a super heavy Democratic state with a spoiler candidate to divide the Republican vote, the Democrats somehow managed to lose the California governorship. And decisively!

In both substance and message, the Democrats failed miserably. On the issue front, the Governor's raising of the car tax and allowing of drivers’ licenses to illegals -- that’s right, illegals, not "undocumented residents," not "guest workers," but illegal aliens -- became symbols of a Democratic government out of whack if not mind. As for message, the Party never hammered hard that Arnold was “scared to debate” -- the Terminator in hiding? -- and that he was confusing “Hollywood with California,” noting there are significant differences. The Democratic positions were weak and muddled so voters turned elsewhere, and that elsewhere was Arnold.

To give this limpness and confusion political meaning, there was the intense undercurrent of citizen discontent, a growing hostility toward the Democratic establishment that was ripe to explode. The Democrats, however, never seemed to comprehend the depth and breath of this anger. Well, until it was too late. Arnold won the election not because of the issues, then, he simply rode to victory on deep dissatisfaction with the status quo which was the Democrats.

In February I wrote “What's Wrong With Populism?” and discussed the need for Democrats to change their elitist tune, and fast! (Democrats can't defeat the Republicans in elitism, although they are trying.) The need for Democrats to genuinely listen to and respect what average Americans say, their opinions and their suggestions, and then integrate what is heard into a progressive, populist agenda. The tripling of the car tax in California did not hurt the wealthy, but with a dismal economy it certainly annoyed the average Californian. Ignoring illegal immigration is what Big Business advocates, and certain other narrow-minded groups, but many American workers feel threatened by and even more oppose this essentially open border mentality. There are numerous populist issues Democrats should embrace, but don't.

The discontent and anger in California was not limited to White Men, as Democrats too often convince themselves. It included women, of course, who also gave a plurality of their votes to Arnold. It included Latinos, nearly half of whom voted for the recall of Democrat Grey Davis and a third voted for Arnold, against Cruz Bustamante a fellow Latino.

“Gray Davis took California from a 70 billion surplus to 38 billion deficit in 5 years,” said a Californian who voted for Schwarzenegger.

"The State of California is a mess," another discontent exploded in the face of a TV reporter.

If the system is not functioning, “then the people will turn to a man on a white horse,” said former California governor and present Oakland mayor Jerry Brown on MSNBC.

At one time in Germany, this savior was someone called Adolph Hitler, presently in California the savior is someone called Arnold. (Interestingly, both emigrated from Australia.) Californians are angry about their sinking economy and ballooning budget deficit and high taxes, but maybe most of all, they are angry that they are fearful of the future. So they wanted change. The Democrats did not respond to their fear and anger, except with the same old politics -- give the Latinos this, the Native Americans that, etc -- so voters moved on. Not necessarily to something different, but to simply another.

Severely disconnected from the masses of Californians, the Democratic Party has paid the price of having its governor recalled -- the first governor recalled in America in 82 years! It was one pathetic Democratic performance.

In addition to widespread voter dissatisfaction which was the raw fuel that propelled an incompetent Gray Davis out of office and blocked a dull Cruz Bustamante from entering, there was another crucial factor that shaped the outcome of this election. I’m talking about the media.

The function of media in the United States is to make money, as much money as possible. It does this by selling advertising; the larger the audience, the more money it makes from advertisers. In America, a movie star, especially an action-hero movie star as popular as Arnold Schwarzenegger, attracts much larger viewing audiences than a dry, uncharismatic politician, regardless if he is governor or lieutenant governor of our largest state. Arnold was better for business, for making money, so Arnold was everywhere in the media.

Immediately after the only debate, a heavily restricted debate, every television news station carried Arnold’s press conference live giving him an unfair opportunity to shape opinion. Day after day, Arnold’s face and voice was on television. The print media gave him significantly more space than the other candidates. Even radio presented an unbalanced coverage of the election.

For the television lights to shine on his candidacy, Arnold didn’t even have to give interviews, didn’t even have to lay out a plan of action, and hardly had to debate the other candidates. Humongous coverage, more than even Ronald Reagan could fantasize, came running and all Arnold had to do was smile and repeat a few memorized lines. With Arnold's media coverage dwarfing that of the other candidates, and with the Democrats stuck in the past, the fate of the election was sealed.

Arnold won the election because of the failure of Democrats and the unfairness of media in pursuit of star power for corporate profit. But we shouldn’t be surprised since health care, increasingly education, and regular political campaigns all operate according to the profit motive in America. All have dominating financial interests where business does not belong. This recall election was simply another sphere where money dominated, the media in pursuit of the dominate money. And Democrats helped by saying little of signifance and doing nearly nothing.

Stewart Nusbaumer is editor of Intervention Magazine.

The Willow Sword
10-08-2003, 07:34 AM

10-08-2003, 07:43 AM
Speaking of a "supposedly neutral media" , from this article:

"At one time in Germany, this savior was someone called Adolph Hitler, presently in California the savior is someone called Arnold."

This person just compared Arnold to Adolph, and he's complaining about how the media doesn't stay neutral.

At least this one was a commentary and not a supposedly objective article. Everyone's got an angle, it just depends on your personal biases whether or not you notice or at least object.

10-08-2003, 07:49 AM
At one time in Germany, this savior was someone called Adolph Hitler, presently in California the savior is someone called Arnold. (Interestingly, both emigrated from Australia.)

Australia?!? :confused:

Curse you, Crocodile Dundee!!! (shakes fist)

10-08-2003, 07:56 AM
Right,I agree with you on that one.

I figured I'd post it before the liberals got a chance too,after all thats a better argument than the so called "groping" issue.
Or the "Blow Job Bill Issue"

Arnold's a RINO anyway

10-08-2003, 08:35 AM
Arnold's a pimp :cool:

10-08-2003, 12:43 PM
Arbnold wil save us from Saddam!!!... oh I mean Osama!!!

er... how about Bill Gates?


10-08-2003, 12:55 PM
"(Interestingly, both emigrated from Australia.) "

Theres no "al" in Austria.

10-08-2003, 12:55 PM
Politics have become such a freaking joke lol...

10-08-2003, 12:58 PM
Hey, what do you guys expect? A wrestler was Governor of Minnasota. I'm sure there will be a soap opera star who will gladly run for mayor of Los Angeles in the next election...he/she might win too.

10-08-2003, 01:05 PM
I beg to differ, SD.

I can prove he has connections a well known drug-smuggling Aborigianal family in Australia. He was born a mule and hollowed out so he could be used to his full potential.

and besides...his accent is clearly Australian.:D

10-08-2003, 01:31 PM
Hmmm, two governors have sprouted from the first Predator movie. I think Carl Weathers political star is rising... ;)

chen zhen
10-08-2003, 01:54 PM
I will vote for Bruce Lee in the next election

10-08-2003, 02:10 PM
Arnold's an idiot.

*quoted* (more or less)

"I'm getting the feeling of cumming in the morning. I'm cumming at lunch and in the shower. I'm cumming day and night!!!:D "

You'd have to see the clip. Lewis Black did a bit about it in "Back in Black" on "The Daily Show" when this whole mess was just starting.

Besides, he stupid.

Oh and watch Conan. They do a thing where they mock him sometimes with a still picture and some other guy's lips. IT'S AWESOME!

T'ai Ji Monkey
10-08-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by trilobite
Arnold's an idiot.

Besides, he stupid.

May I suggest to people before calling anybody names that they first duplicate those sucesses and achievements.

Arnold is actually taking a pay-cut to do this, besides for a long time he made movies because he wanted not because he needed the money.

He earns enough from his companies and other affiliated businesses.


10-08-2003, 05:39 PM
Penultimate line of the article posted earlier:

This recall election was simply another sphere where money dominated, the media in pursuit of the dominate money.

This isn't even a sentence!


Still, I don't care. America gets more and more amusing by the day. All hail The Governator!

Black Jack
10-08-2003, 09:40 PM
Number one. That Governor of Minnasota was a good deal more than a wrestler. He is a ex-navy seal and combat veteran who stepped up for his country.

Number two. Arnold is not an idiot. He is a bonafide American immigrant success story. The man is wicked driven and successfull to beat the band.

Some of you peeps should check themselves before they wreck themselves.

10-08-2003, 09:45 PM
In case you were including me in that, BlackJack, I just want to point out that I do genuinely dig Arnie. Everything I've said on this thread is true! He's a legend!

10-09-2003, 04:38 AM
its just another brick in the wall
of america's downfall

10-09-2003, 05:51 AM
Well, he can't do much worse than the last guy(popularity wise). Gray Davis didn't stand a chance :p Now if only we could get a new governor for Ohio :D

10-09-2003, 05:56 AM

chen zhen
10-09-2003, 06:03 AM
I cant wait to see Arnie drive the whole country into doom & misery.

ill laugh my ass off, rofl:D

10-09-2003, 07:35 AM
chen zen, he is the Governator, not the President. Just because Gray Davis has been Erased doesn't mean Arnold gets to run the freaking country. Besides, if he sucks (which I doubt), California will just recall him and him and Gray wil be Twins.

10-09-2003, 07:50 AM
I enjoyed Twins....

Black Jack
10-09-2003, 09:48 AM
I wasn't including you in those remarks Serp. It was for the others who don't get it.

Gray Davis was a horrible governor. Period. That whole state needs serious reworking stat. Though I don't consider Arnold to be a true-blue republican I do think he is a step in the right direction over that low-life Davis. The first thing Arnold needs to do is reclaim the drivers licenses and programs given out by Davis to illegal criminals.

Something he has remarked on doing.

The Willow Sword
10-09-2003, 10:07 AM
DEMOLITION MAN with stallone and sandra bullock and wesley snipes? stallone gets frozen in stasis to serve a life term for accidentally killing a buch of citizens being terroized by snipes? he gets awakened in to a futuristic world where everything is all peaceful and happy and at one point in the movie it was mentioned that Arnold shwartzenegger was president?
i see a pattern forming here with ole arnie getting the governor ship. i mean come on guys this is NOTHING NEW. i seem to remember a former california governor/senator who was a very popular actor and HE got to be president. you guys remember Reagan dont you?

this is the same thing and actually being a pansy liberal wussy as some of my detractors fell i am i wouldnt mind arnold being president. hey i am a big fan of arnold movies. predator,,,the running man(my favorite) conan total recal(another favorite) and his best bone headed role was Commando.

i applaud the due process in california that got that weasel gray davis out of office and replaced it with a fine austrian/american actor. i mean its California,,,,its CALI.
i love america really i do.:eek:


chen zhen
10-09-2003, 10:38 AM
chen zen, he is the Governator, not the President. Just because Gray Davis has been Erased doesn't mean Arnold gets to run the freaking country. Besides, if he sucks (which I doubt), California will just recall him and him and Gray wil be Twins.

I know. just jokin as usual.

10-09-2003, 10:50 AM
I had always hoped Clint Eastwood would step up fpr his country... er, well state that is...

Imagine his run for Presidency...
"C'mon America... MAKE MY (election0 DAY"

too bad Sonny Bonno pasted away...
"I've got you Amercia"

10-09-2003, 11:25 AM
> er... how about Bill Gates?

Only Linus can save us.

10-09-2003, 11:29 AM
this is the same thing and actually being a pansy liberal wussy as some of my detractors fell i am i wouldnt mind arnold being president. hey i am a big fan of arnold movies. predator,,,the running man(my favorite) conan total recal(another favorite) and his best bone headed role was Commando.

Arnold can never be president. He was not born in the US. Thank goodness.

10-09-2003, 11:38 AM
"DEMOLITION MAN with stallone and sandra bullock and wesley snipes? stallone gets frozen in stasis to serve a life term for accidentally killing a buch of citizens being terroized by snipes? he gets awakened in to a futuristic world where everything is all peaceful and happy and at one point in the movie it was mentioned that Arnold shwartzenegger was president?'

Yes! i was just commenting on that to my wife.

Sandras line was that arnie became so popular that an X number amendment was made allowing foriegn citizens with 35 years of residence to run for president. The constitution CAN be amended, you know.

chen zhen
10-09-2003, 11:40 AM



"Do you know why you should'nt vote on Bush?

'Cos hes got a BIG ASS!!"


"............." (he never said much in movies)

Michael Imperioli (from Sopranos)

"Stick it up yo mothers twat!" (used against any critique from the opposition)

Black Jack
10-09-2003, 12:21 PM
Step up was in reference to his military career and service.

10-09-2003, 12:45 PM
Arnold can never be president. He was not born in the US. Thank goodness.

Congress is currently considering a bill that would change this rule so that someone who's been a U.S. citizen for 20 years can run for president.

Anyone care to guess how many years Arnold has had U.S. citizenship?

Black Jack
10-09-2003, 01:00 PM
I doubt that bill will ever pass. At least I hope not.

10-09-2003, 01:03 PM
Ugh, an amendment like that would be a serious security breach.

10-09-2003, 01:27 PM
Just to be clear...I think Jessie Ventura was a great governor. I loved his style and willingness to say what he meant and put it on the line. Even if I disagreed with him, I liked knowing where he stood. Very refreshing in this age of "tell 'em what they want to hear" politics. That's part of the reason I like Bush. I know where he stands for the most part (certainly more than most politicians). I don't always agree with him, but he's not just following the latest poll numbers.

I certainly wouldn't be a fan of any such "Demolition Man" amendment to the Constitution. :eek:

10-09-2003, 01:29 PM
That's part of the reason I like Bush. I know where he stands for the most part :confused: You mean before he lies to you, or after, when he's covering his @ss?

The Willow Sword
10-09-2003, 02:46 PM
I certainly wouldn't be a fan of any such "Demolition Man" amendment to the Constitution.

yeah or a black president that would just a be a real travisty wouldnt it:rolleyes:

:p just kidding rad. i wouldnt want osama running for pres either. TWS