View Full Version : Bit of an odd question

10-09-2003, 12:57 PM
i've been doing a fair bit of weight training now, not really aiming for mass gains but i have made some good progress. i was wondering if there's any way of making my muscle mass feel lighter? will i just have to lose weight in general or can i fuel my body in a different way to feel lighter and bouncier?

i've got about 12% bf, im about 5'10 and im 186lbs, so im not sure how much weight i could lose before i start losing muscle mass.

also while im still probably talking jibberish, what would be a realistic weight loss target for myself?

thanks for any help

Yamaha Tt350 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Yamaha_TT350)

10-09-2003, 07:28 PM
What has your routine been up until now? Have you been training for strength or size? I was doing hypertrophic type workouts for several years until I recently started doing PTP. Since then, I've lost a bit of size, and I'm maybe not covering my whole body like I was before, but I am hitting new PR's in exercises that I view as more important to my MA training unlike e.g. preacher curls. PTP is geared towards strength, not size. In fact, you're not supposed to put on any mass.

Also, if you want to feel lighter and bouncier, look at the powerlifts (like I do) or probably even better, the olympic lifts. I'm no oly lift expert, so hopefully one of them will chime in. I have read an article that said that people on a regulated oly lifting (or powerlifting?) program ended up with a better vertical leap than any other sports apart from basketball, and they didn't even train vertical leaping as part of the program. Food for thought.

10-09-2003, 07:35 PM
Firstly, what do you mean by "feeling lighter?" Give examples.

I'd PM Ford Prefect or IronFist. They'd be a great help.

Ford Prefect
10-10-2003, 08:14 AM
Plyometrics and dynamic lifts. You basically have to increase your neuro-efficency and strengthen your fibers. If you give you current routine, strength levels, and time available for training, I should be able to come up with something for you.

10-13-2003, 01:58 PM
cheers for the replies. sorry its taken a while to reply, i haven't had much time online recently.

at the mo im doing a split routine working legs, back and biceps on mondays and chest, shoulders and tris on thursdays mainly doing three different exercises for each body part for three sets of 12. i also do kung fu, le parkour, and running when i can. i'll try to post my routine in detail when i get a bit more time, but probably wont be until the weekend.

i think i'll look more into olympic lifting. ford, i train 3-6 days a week but im aiming for my weight training to be 2-3 times a week. the length of the sessions can be anything up to a couple of hours.

thanks again for any help!!
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