View Full Version : 5x5 squats box or regular?

10-11-2003, 12:53 PM
Hmm tonight is 5x5 day for squats so I'm wondering if I should do box squats or regular squats.

Why'd I make a whole new topic for this? I just felt like being a PW :D

Also, I what about doing some DL after the 5x5 squat? The program is basically "DL or SQ" on legs day, but I don't want to let me DL slip too much. However, I'm afraid to not squat because my quads lose strength and size so fast if I don't work them. My DL, on the other hand, doesn't go down that fast. So what about like SQ 5x5 and then DL 2x5 (2 sets of 5) after it or something just to grease the groove.

Ford Prefect
10-13-2003, 08:32 AM
I'd squat on the box. You might want to do some speed DL sets, so the weight isn't that heavy.

10-13-2003, 06:01 PM
My legs **** me off. It had been exactly 14 days since my last squatting day (at the end of a PTP cycle). In 14 days I lost so much strength. It's like starting over almost. No other body part of mine loses strength so quickly.

Anyway, I just wanted to whine. Box squats are awesome. I might try some speed DL'ing. How exactly does that work? 50% 1RM for 5 or 6 sets of 2 or 3?

Ford Prefect
10-14-2003, 06:30 AM
I usually 55% for 8 sets of 1. I'm the same way with my legs except my squat will collapse when I only DL, but my DL will usually rise if I squat.

10-14-2003, 08:44 PM
Am I to assume that the negative portion of speed DL's doesn't matter? Well, even on regular deadlifts I practically drop it, but it's a controlled drop because I go down with it. But there's hardly any tension in the eccentric portion. The concentric part is normal, but the eccentric part is very fast.

Ford Prefect
10-15-2003, 09:55 AM
Yeah. I pretty much do the controlled drop as well. If you are going light then you can ride out the eccentric portion for longer, but if you are going heavy (as in anywhere near you 8RM) I wouldn't recommend it since injury is easy to come by.