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10-13-2003, 12:21 PM
Picked this one up at the emptyflower board.

Martial arts expert kills two raiders
Philip Willan in Rome
Monday October 13, 2003
The Guardian
A Chinese martial arts expert was in custody yesterday after turning the tables on four burglars armed with knives, killing two of them and seriously wounding a third.

The 28-year-old man, known as "the doctor" for his practice of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, managed to seize one of the two knives carried by his assailants and saw off the entire group with the ferocity of his reaction.

Magistrates in the central Italian town of Empoli are now seeking to establish whether his self-defence constituted an excessive use of force.

The butchery, worthy of a Quentin Tarantino film, began shortly before midnight on Friday when the four men knocked at the apartment of a Chinese hairdresser in the centre of Empoli.

The hairdresser, her assistant and "the doctor", who operated from the same premises, were reportedly overpowered and tied up before the group, all thought to be in their 20s and 30s, ransacked the apartment.

Disappointed by their meagre booty, the attackers allegedly threatened to rape the two women unless they told them where the rest of their money was hidden.

At this point the doctor managed to free himself, seize a knife from one of the aggressors and deliver a series of lethal stab wounds.

Investigators found the body of one man, who had been stabbed in the heart, sprawled on the staircase and another man bleeding to death in the street from a wound to his leg. A third man is recovering in hospital from a punctured lung.

The doctor was found crouching in the entrance to the building with cuts to his shoulder, face and hands.

Investigators are trying to determine whether he inflicted the injuries while defending himself inside the apartment, or hunted down the burglars after they had fled.

Volcano Admim
10-13-2003, 12:23 PM
good kill

Felipe Bido
10-13-2003, 12:27 PM
I think the situation called for it.

Score one for "The Dactah"

10-13-2003, 12:27 PM
The doctor was found crouching in the entrance to the building with cuts to his shoulder, face and hands.


Felipe Bido
10-13-2003, 12:32 PM
But, since we all know Kung Fu sucks, and it's unrealistic, I think he used his acupuncture training to defend himself...

That doc is my hero for the week.

10-13-2003, 12:35 PM
If they came in armed with knives... He was in the right. Kudos to him for being able to do what he did, and he has my best wishes with being able to cope with his actions, and the reactions that follow.

10-13-2003, 12:48 PM

10-13-2003, 12:49 PM
Thats hardcore...

We need to start a "Hardcore MotherF*cker of the Year Award"

10-13-2003, 12:57 PM
IMHO, the guy was trying to protect himself and his co-workers. He did what he thought was necessary at the moment to save their lives (if this news story is accurate).


MonkeySlap Too
10-13-2003, 01:01 PM
Now he can just jump in his TARDIS and stop them BEFORE it happens!

Man, I am such a geek...

Excessive force my @ss. Certainly justified. Too bad he wasn't doing BJJ, then he would have killed all of them ;)

Black Jack
10-13-2003, 01:02 PM
Uhhh.....it really does not matter if they had knives or not.

One cannot telepathicaly judge the overall intentions of a attacker, you don't know if they are going to beat you, torture you, kill you or just rob you and if they are going to give you a beating, you don't know if you could survive the beating itself.

The only thing left is to do what the guy did. Fight for your survival. What he used to keep himself breathing was not kung fu, karate, muay thai or any other martial art. It was his drive to stay alive.

What is bullshinto about the story is that officals are actually contemplating if it was a excessive use of force. But that does not suprise me as it is Europe.

Ikken Hisatsu
10-13-2003, 01:16 PM
it depends where you draw the line. if it was found that he actually chased them down when they fled and stabbed them to death- thats not self defense. thats being a psychopath. but if it was a rumble and he came out on top- then he should get a medal, not a prison sentence. this experience would probably do a better job of reforming the robbers than jail. (if not they certainly won't f*ck with the doc again)

10-13-2003, 01:26 PM
"thats not self defense. thats being a psychopath. "

I doubt one can think very clearly after being tied up, threatened with death and rape, escaping, getting cut and beat, and stabbing someone in the heart. If #2 is running away, you very well may be in the state of mind to give chase a few feet and take him out as well. Dead people cant testify against you. Its easy to say he should have done this or that, but fact of the matter, it isnt easy. He had an incomprehensibly difficult decision to make, and he followed through. He was completely justified in his course of actions IMHO.

bung bo
10-13-2003, 02:27 PM
right-on SD. the doctor wasn't a psycho. these people who say he is can't even imagine what was going through his mind, let alone the adrenaline rush.it's really terrible that anyone died, but these lowlifes came in with knives threatening stabbings and rape. what goes around did come around.

10-13-2003, 03:13 PM
shaolin do has caught the correct and flogged it with a mideaval cat-o-nine whip. while mocking and jeering at it. he then rolled up the correct in bamboo paper and smoked it.