View Full Version : Opinions Needed

10-15-2003, 07:39 PM
Well the other night at kung fu we did some conditioning(bodyweight exercises)and my endurance for these things has really gone down a lot. So what I figured I could do to get bettter at these is do some bodyweight exercises in the mornings on the days that I lift wieghts. For example:

Monday: Morning-Conditioning Evening-weights and kung fu

My schedule right now is upper body monday, lower body wednesday, and upper body friday. Now my question is should I do the same type of conditioning that morning as I do in weight lifting that evening. EX:

Monday: Morning-upper body cond. Evening-upper body weights

or should I split it so that its like this:

Monday: Morning-Lower Body cond. Evening-Upper body weights

I couldn't think of which way would be best considering that if I do upper body morning and evening then in the evening my muscles may already be tired. If I split it then each part of my body(upper;lower) would only have 1 day or rest in between workouts(not including the weekend). I'm not sure which would be better to do. Any input is appreciated.

Ford Prefect
10-16-2003, 07:28 AM
Depends on how intense you are going on the bwe stuff. It shouldn't be too hard to recover over the course of a day from light to medium bwe exercises.

10-19-2003, 09:24 PM
I'm not an expert like FP, but in my experience, I like to do my weights fresh, so I wouldn't want to be doing BWE in the morning and weights in the afternoon. I'd probably reverse it and do the weights in the morning and BWE in the afternoon. Also depends on whether you're trying to lift maximal weights or just general fitness weight lifting.

Ford Prefect
10-20-2003, 07:38 AM
Good point, Toby and very intuitive way to look at it. A more counter-intuitive way to look at it would be that if he does his bwe stuff before the weights, his body will have to adapt by raising it's GPP/recovery level higher. In the long run, this will make for a stronger body.

Lots of powerlifters do bwe and other similar exercises before lifting giant amounts of weight for this very reason.

10-20-2003, 12:43 PM
Actually what I meant was do BWE for legs in the morning then do arms with the weights that evening.