View Full Version : ALMOST lost my virginity the other night.

10-15-2003, 08:35 PM
Had to stop by the grocery store the other night after class.

I still had on my oh-so-cool Kung Fu gi pants with the extra knee fabric.

A couple of hotties were sitting in a car in front of the store and one of them let out with a whistle as I walked by.

I looked at 'em real funny and kept walking.

10-15-2003, 08:42 PM

old jong
10-15-2003, 08:48 PM
UHMMM...What were your thoughts when you looked at them real funny and kept walking?....

10-15-2003, 08:53 PM
"I would so go with them, but I'm hungry."

10-15-2003, 08:57 PM
You shoulda knocked them the f*ck out. Oh well. Next time eh?

old jong
10-15-2003, 08:59 PM
This is why virgins have a tendency to grow a little fat!

T'ai Ji Monkey
10-15-2003, 09:00 PM
Fool, you should have asked them:

Snacks at my place or yours?

10-15-2003, 09:02 PM
Philbert just very indicated in a very subtle way which team he bats for :D

David Jamieson
10-15-2003, 09:05 PM
They were making fun of your extra gusset gi pants dude.

You should've mooned them.

10-15-2003, 09:08 PM
joedoe, nah I think my 5 gf might be upset if I went with them. :p

10-15-2003, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
joedoe, nah I think my 5 gf might be upset if I went with them. :p

Tell them to stop being such *****y little drag queens and find their own women then :D

10-15-2003, 09:54 PM
gi pants score just a little worse than frog buttons.

10-15-2003, 10:04 PM
"You shoulda knocked them the f*ck out. Oh well. Next time eh?"

Teach those biznatches a proper lesson. :eek:

my head hurts. D@mn cr@ppy herbs. :mad:

10-15-2003, 10:12 PM
Philbert just very indicated in a very subtle way which team he bats for joeders -- it's not a matter of which team he bats for -- he still has to get out of the on-deck circle first. :eek:

KC Elbows
10-15-2003, 10:12 PM
The only part of that story I believe is that you have "kung fu gi pants" with extra knee fabric.:D

10-15-2003, 10:21 PM
I know some broads that could fix that for ya.

10-15-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by KC Elbows
The only part of that story I believe is that you have "kung fu gi pants" with extra knee fabric.:D

did someone mix 'kung fu' and 'gi' in the same sentence? :eek:

sounds like we SDers are rubbing off on ya'll. :p

10-15-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
I know some broads that could fix that for ya.

So do I.

10-15-2003, 10:50 PM
shoulda, woulda. coulda.

doesn' t mean anything.

10-15-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by shaolinarab

did someone mix 'kung fu' and 'gi' in the same sentence? :eek:

sounds like we SDers are rubbing off on ya'll. :p

You wish! Desperately seeking validation, all the time...

10-15-2003, 10:56 PM
does texas have beaches?

10-15-2003, 10:59 PM
Starchaser, yes, but none near me. I live in Dallas and the ones nearest are like 400 miles away.

10-15-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by shaolinarab

did someone mix 'kung fu' and 'gi' in the same sentence? :eek:

sounds like we SDers are rubbing off on ya'll. :p

Ewwww. Stop rubbing yourself on us then! I'll have to hit you with a rolled up newspaper if you keep that up :D

10-15-2003, 11:37 PM
I need to come here more often again. I can no longer tell between the original thread and all the joke threads based on it.

10-15-2003, 11:40 PM
Woah woah woah...this is a joke thread? :p haha kidding and I hope you people know it.

David Jamieson
10-15-2003, 11:47 PM

10-15-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Woah woah woah...this is a joke thread?

Now this would have been funny.

Originally posted by PHILBERT
Woah woah woah...this is a joke thread? :p haha kidding and I hope you people know it.

This, on the other hand, just proves that you're a virgin.

10-15-2003, 11:58 PM
And a virgin who bats for the other team too! :D

10-16-2003, 02:02 AM
You did what to the bat?! Sick peddo

10-16-2003, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by Serpent

This, on the other hand, just proves that you're a virgin. [/B]

Yeah, if you gotta try to reinforce that you aren't one, then you most definitely are...

10-16-2003, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by Serpent

This, on the other hand, just proves that you're a virgin. [/B]

Yeah, if you gotta try to reinforce that you aren't one, then you most definitely are...

10-16-2003, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Had to stop by the grocery store the other night after class.

I still had on my oh-so-cool Kung Fu gi pants with the extra knee fabric.

A couple of hotties were sitting in a car in front of the store and one of them let out with a whistle as I walked by.

I looked at 'em real funny and kept walking.

Royce would choke you for that. So would I.

A grappler has the advantage in that situation. We woulda informed the women about grappling, then proceeded to show them how to do techniques like the triangle choke.

10-16-2003, 06:29 AM
joedoe, nah I think my 5 gf might be upset if I went with them Your 5 guy friends?

10-16-2003, 10:24 AM
No, 5 GAY friends

10-16-2003, 05:25 PM
I thought he meant 5 gun fighters.


10-16-2003, 05:39 PM
I thought he meant 5 good fingers :eek: and Mrs. Palmer

10-16-2003, 08:43 PM
and this is the second