View Full Version : Duty of Care II

10-16-2003, 11:35 PM
To Goktimus ... I know you are still lurking out there ... you should know that you have been put to shame by a girl.

Last night one of the girls in our class did the arm knocking exercise that Gokky complained about. She did it with one of our most hard-core seniors. She did it hard and at the end of it she had a bruise on her forearm probably about 4 inches long and a lump on her wrist that probably sat at almost an inch high.

And not a single word of complaint from her.

Gokky, you should be ashamed of yourself. :D

10-17-2003, 12:36 AM
Stop beating up little girls Joedoe :p

10-17-2003, 09:16 AM
actually, it was joe who was getting beaten up. :D

besides, anyone who calls himself a name like "Ego_Extrodinaire" really should work on his spelling skills before claiming any kind of mental powers.

i understand exactly where gokky-poo was coming from in asking his question in the original thread, but there's always the choice to step out when something is beyond your comfort zone. one willingly enters a kwoon, and one can willingly exit one at any time.

10-17-2003, 09:18 AM
I usually laugh while Im getting my beatings. Or at least smile real big. Pain is funny. sometimes.

10-17-2003, 09:23 AM
pain can be dealt with in worse ways, SD. :)

you can also just think, "dude, that guy has a fuggin good gan sau" OUCH "see, i was right" OUCH "right again" ... :D

10-17-2003, 09:26 AM
Its usually more like...
"this lock works great. hurts a lot."
"Oh I beleive you."
"No no, you have to feel it."
"this throw works great. Very powerful."
"this entry works great. gotta feel it."
The list continues. Gotta say tho, it teaches you quick. ;)

10-17-2003, 09:41 AM
righto. any sifu that doesn't believe pain is a great teacher doesn't understand the context of actually hitting someone or tying them up. doesn't mean you have to clobber someone -- just show them WHY something is a good technique to have, and WHY you don't want to be hit/tossed/grabbed with that technique.

10-17-2003, 11:56 AM
Its usually more like...
"this lock works great. hurts a lot."
"Oh I beleive you."
"No no, you have to feel it."
Followed by:
"What, I didn't hear you tapping - if you're not tapping loud enough for me to hear, obviously I need to keep going!"

10-17-2003, 12:08 PM
ahh, blissful memories

10-17-2003, 02:34 PM
SD-- you get the pain giggles too? Like:

"ha, I've got 'em right where I... I... oh sh!t, not another shoulder throw! ****!"


"ha, hahahahahahaha! That was awesome!"

Then, two seconds later,

".... Ow."

Joedoe, was her face like a dropped pie? :D