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View Full Version : Where's the problem?...

old jong
10-18-2003, 10:53 AM
"Look at this forum every day just for a glimpse of the crap so called traditional people spout off...

So much "talking" about fighting and virtually NO fighting at all"....

"Let me tell you a little something about your "martial art world"

It's a place full of eggshell thin egos, Meglo-maniacal con men, Super inflated Titles, Grandiose pretenses, Arrogant, Naive, Foolish, Superstitious, Archaic,

It's full of bull**** and people who can't deal with reality so they polish their tender insecurities with kicking and punching air filled villans and would be bullies.."

"I urinate on your respect.."

These are quotes from the "why no respect" thread.

Comments of that sort are common from the sport fighters breed who like to show off their big egos here.
Sure ,they are good in the ring and they can hit very hard with their protective gloves on.Sure,they need and have the proper conditionning necessary to give and take for a number of rounds of fighting.Sure they are tough,etc,etc,but.....

What is that the traditional Kung Fu guys are doing that can upset these brave fighters that much so they can't help but to insult us and talk like jerks?....

We do our thing.We do what we like because it is in accord with our way of thinking.Most of us don't care or feel for ring fighting.We don't train for that.We all have our personal reasons for our choices and you (ring guys) have your's.

We don't ask you to like what we do only to act like civilised persons.

Nuff said.

10-18-2003, 10:55 AM
Yeah, Beeyotch.

Toudi secods that sh!t.

chen zhen
10-18-2003, 12:10 PM
they are just player-haters.

simple as that.