View Full Version : Whats Water For??

10-18-2003, 05:55 PM
Hey you people :)

I read on some places, and i hear from buncha people
That water is important in losing weight process

I've been getting the tip that one should drink a good amount of water cos that would help on losing weight...

What i wanna know is:
Wich is the explanation (scientifical of course) to such thing?
What are the studies done related to this and their results? (please point a site if possible too)

Please dont answer like:
"Oh water is very important on the organism, its important on everything your organism do, son"

Give me a more complete ansewr please, remember im an a student and shyt like that and im not stupid, so answers be complete as possible.
Most thankfull for your time.

10-18-2003, 06:01 PM
It'll keep you full so you don't each so much.

It'll flush out extra water you're retaining.

10-18-2003, 07:03 PM
vash im not trying to be condesending but how can taking in EXTRA water get rid of EXTRA water that ur retaining?

10-18-2003, 07:05 PM
Because your body stops hoarding the water, as happens when you don't drink enough water?

That's the explaination I've heard.

10-18-2003, 11:05 PM
When you drink more water your body gets used to a lot of water coming in and stops holding so much of it. In the beginning you'll pee a lot, though. Actually, I find that when I increase my water intake I'll still gain 2-3lbs. So if you're asking about the importance of drinking a lot of water when dieting, I'd say it's basically to make sure that you stay hydrated. I don't know that much about diet, but I don't know of any special reasons to drink extra water when trying to lose weight.

Also, if you drink more water and gain a pound or two, don't worry cuz remember, it's the mirror that counts more than the scale (unless you're trying to make a weight class or something).

10-19-2003, 07:31 PM
Guys at Dragondoor say that drinking lots of water is important for losing weight. I'm not sure why, don't remember - but I know that fat is metabolized in the liver. Water passes through the kidneys. Make sense? Not to me, but it's still good advice and somewhere out there is an explaination.

If you want to lose weight, Xebby, cut out half of the starches in your diet - rice, potatoes, bread, yams, plantain, etc. NEVER eat sweets.

Don't eat fried food and watch the fat intake. Some fat but not too much. Keep up the protein, you'll need it to retain your muscle. More muscle means you're metabolism burns calories at a higher rate, which helps your diet.

You will be hungry at first, but after about 4-6 weeks or so your body learns to metabolize your bodyfat and convert it to energy. Then you won't be too hungry.

Don't skip meals either, eat a small meal instead. Also, never ever eat starches/carbs by themselves, it fukks up your insulin. Always eat them with some protein.

10-20-2003, 03:56 PM
Covered this topic allready... (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23820)
I posted a link to a study in this thread. Hope it will help. I posted the thread itself because there was a lot of good comments made in it.

11-17-2003, 05:21 PM
Water is the only 100% Foodless drink

SanSoo Student
11-17-2003, 08:27 PM
If your working out, water helps keeps the tone and size of your muscles. And muscle helps cut down on the fat...