View Full Version : Bruce Lee a PROPHET????????????

10-19-2003, 01:12 AM

Now i knew there were some shady things about ashida kim, and i was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this draws the line :rolleyes:

T'ai Ji Monkey
10-19-2003, 01:20 AM
SOME shaddy things about ashida Kim??
You gotta be kidding.

Pour it into a cup, it becomes the cup.
WRONG the water becomes neither the cup nor does the cup become the water.

Pour the water into a different container it won't retain the cup shape, nor will it hold water like a cup.

Container and contents are seperate things and always will be, while you/it can ASSUME a shape you/it won't become that shape.

10-19-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by T'ai Ji Monkey
SOME shaddy things about ashida Kim??
You gotta be kidding.

WRONG the water becomes neither the cup nor does the cup become the water.

Pour the water into a different container it won't retain the cup shape, nor will it hold water like a cup.

Container and contents are seperate things and always will be, while you/it can ASSUME a shape you/it won't become that shape.

"Then ASSUME you're water my friend" ;)

10-19-2003, 03:48 AM
you fools

old jong
10-19-2003, 06:06 AM

10-19-2003, 06:30 AM
Who's Bruce Lee, really? Everyone on here talks about this guy. Was he a martial artist? What's his story?

old jong
10-19-2003, 07:18 AM

David Jamieson
10-19-2003, 07:28 AM
The most important part of a container is it's emptiness.
Secondary to this is physical structure.
It is defined by its structure and is made useful by it's emptiness.

There you go, that's all the lessons I'm handing out today.

Having said that, people have been idolizing celebreties including the late Bruce Lee for all time.
For some reaons there is a great percentage of us who prefer to live vicariously through others instead of dealing with our own lives and the incredible value of them when we apply ourselves.

This is troubling, but nevertheless, it is reality.


Former castleva
10-19-2003, 09:17 AM
His prophecies being?

Chang Style Novice
10-19-2003, 09:35 AM
> For some reaons there is a great percentage of us who prefer to live vicariously through others instead of dealing with our own lives and the incredible value of them when we apply ourselves.

The spirit of Charlie "Yardbird" Parker speaks through me, and he says 'SHUT UP!'

10-19-2003, 01:18 PM

David Jamieson
10-19-2003, 04:04 PM
csn *wishes* he had Charlie Parker's talent :p

but seriously, csn has plenty of artistic talent himself.

practice makes perfect, now YOU shut up and get to painting!!!!


Chang Style Novice
10-19-2003, 05:25 PM
Hell, I wish I had 20% of Charlie Parker's genius.

But you're right - there's only one way to Carnegie Hall.

edit - what's even more likely is my inner Yardbird was saying "Can you gimme $10 so I can cop?"

10-19-2003, 06:09 PM
"This is troubling"

Sometimes I have nightmares about Canada invading.

10-19-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
But you're right - there's only one way to Carnegie Hall.
Go down 49th Street, take a left at MLK Blvd, ...

Chang Style Novice
10-19-2003, 07:28 PM
Tak - heh...

For those of you not as familiar with the old jokes as some, imagine this:

Hick tourist - "Excuse me mister, but can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?"

City slicker - "Practice, m'boy, practice!"

10-20-2003, 03:46 AM
jankee jokes sucks m'boy, sucks!

David Jamieson
10-20-2003, 05:48 AM
Canada doesn't need to invade.

Eventually you will secede to us and be annexed out of pure frustration with the failing and decaying republic you got going on :D

4 more years! :D :D lol

seriously though, we're better than you.

10-20-2003, 06:27 AM
I read there's 50 terrorist organizations in Canada. Aaaaaand the long ass boarder to usa is said to be pretty easy to cross?
y'all in deep doo

10-20-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Hell, I wish I had 20% of Charlie Parker's genius.
Ever read "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin?

I'm willing to wager that 20% of Parker's genius came from the needle. That shouldn't be too hard to obtain for yourself in Austin.

Chang Style Novice
10-20-2003, 07:47 AM
MK, I'm willing to bet that 0% of Charlie Parker's genius came from the needle. There's lotsa geniuses that abused, but lots of useless fu(kups, too.

I mean, if booze did such great things for the writing of Faulkner and Joyce, why aren't you a soak?

10-20-2003, 07:50 AM
I was when I sold my first book. I dried up, and can't sell shlt now! :eek:

David Jamieson
10-20-2003, 07:57 AM

I heard that sweden is the largest training camp for Al Queida.

Well, that and poor Charlie Parker imitators :D

Terrorism, now with more flan!
Actually, I understand the US has a greater degree of terrorist cells functioning within their own country.
All the 911 guys lived in the states.(a terrible embarrassment)

Ah, the politics of fear is raising it's ugly head again.
What does this have to do with Kungfu?, well, train hard and train right. If you see a terrorist in your neighbourhood dim mak him with your code orange strikes, then take em out with a code red tornado kick right in the rocket launcher.

stupid terrorists.:mad: stupid knee jerk alarmists:mad: stupid humans:mad:

10-20-2003, 08:03 AM
Stupid canadians.


". Aaaaaand the long ass boarder to usa is said to be pretty easy to cross"

Yup. Thats why canada is constantly flooding out pot market with low grade hydroponic CRAP. Keep the good stuff for themselves. D@mn stingy canadians.


David Jamieson
10-20-2003, 09:13 AM
it's only because you keep sending shoddy sidearms up here across that long ass border :D

that and terrible tv shows:mad: reality my butt lol.

and keep your crazy militia men out of alberta for cripes sake. stay in montana ya maroons

stupid americans:D

10-20-2003, 11:51 AM
I thought Canada was Americas b1tch?

David Jamieson
10-20-2003, 03:18 PM
well you thought wrong kristoffer, that would be the British if i'm not mistaken.

Oh yeah, and all the "two man army" coalition members would fall in that category as well.

Canada is no one's whipping boy. lol :D

10-20-2003, 09:32 PM
No, no, no. Australia is America's b!tch (well, John Howard is anyway). England is America's gimp in the basement.

10-20-2003, 10:17 PM
"I heard that sweden is the largest training camp for Al Queida"

Or worse its where the Godfather of Stockholm is!


"But don't be fooled by the bling and casual expression, the road that led him here is paved with blood and if you cross him, you will feel his Swedish wrath. "

10-20-2003, 10:49 PM

10-21-2003, 02:20 AM
Or worse its where the Godfather of Stockholm is!

funny site