View Full Version : Tackles

11-11-2001, 08:29 PM
Does any style teach tackles(martial art)?Real tackles,where you run and smash your whole body weight somehow on to your opponent?I just saw some guys doing them at the dojo,I asked them what are you doing,they said they were practising tackles,not takedowns. :confused:

11-11-2001, 08:37 PM
I think I´ve read that BJJ has them,I might be terribly wrong as well.
What was the martial art of the dojo that you saw those tackles in?
I only know defenses against tackles:
defense against a basic tackle(someone rushing into your stomach with their head pointing towards)first land an elbow strike to spine,then a knee kick to solar plexus or lower abdomen.
I think that tackles aren´t very practical,they are easy to avoid.Tenkan of aikido is an excellent way to get out from the way of one(if you know this move).

11-12-2001, 12:17 AM
tackles are cool! Like Yun (or Yang?) in street fighter 3!!

im not serious here

eat sugar all day maybe? hmm, **** im tired now. go sleep. now. eat sugar. train tackle. mmmmmmm sugarrr :eek:

"maybe not in combat.. but think of the chicks man, the chicks!" -- someone on the subject of back-flips in combat --

11-12-2001, 12:17 AM
im sorry,

"maybe not in combat.. but think of the chicks man, the chicks!" -- someone on the subject of back-flips in combat --

11-12-2001, 01:00 AM
Tackles or body shots are cool! I used to play rugby and im planning on reviving my career next year. I do an internal form of kung fu and we do have body shots, where you are in real close and u use the shoulder to drive into the opponent, usually making them fall back a few metres. Dont use it that often though. Tackling practice is real good for fitness. My ******* of a coach used to always kill us with fitness work then he hit us with tackling practice when we were almost about to pass out, lol
Apart from creating some distance when your up close i dont see other good applications of tackles unless you intend on grappling or ground fighting.