View Full Version : Quiet country field/reality fighting

old jong
04-28-2001, 12:55 AM
You are in a field,somewhere and you have to "go"...Suddenly,you are viciously attacked by a savage and ***** animal who want to mate with you!...Take a look and picture this happening to you...Or your loved ones.
What would be the defense? :rolleyes:

C'est la vie!

Martial Joe
04-28-2001, 02:52 AM
Wow.hahahahahaha....well I wouod have to say run a tad bit faster the guy was practicaly walking.If the thing got me on the ground I would have ripped his wang.So ...did they ever finish...haha.

04-28-2001, 06:21 AM
The obvious problem lies in a human being's need to relieve himself every so often. I suggest a catheter of some sort, perhaps feeding the urine back into the car's radiator or spraying it harmlessly onto the side of the road through an atomizer so the driver doesn't have to get out. Better yet, it could be cycled through your windshield wipers. The downside here would be if you had eaten garlic or asparagus the night before, and if your car was a convertible.

Until medical science cures our need to pi$$, see the man about a horse, leak our lizards, etc, we'll always be at a disadvantage when it comes to animals that want to be 'friendly'... But of course, for the real adventurer, a little bea adds spice to an otherwise dull life. ;)

K. Mark Hoover

04-29-2001, 03:56 AM
I get the feeling that the guy was violated in the end.

Now, I noticed he was close to a fence at the beginning. Wouldn't it have made sense for him to climb over the fence to get away from the donkey? Maybe subconciously he really did want to get to know the donkey better. :D

You have no chance to survive - make your time.