View Full Version : training log: October 21

10-21-2003, 08:03 PM
This evening's Kettlebell workout was great.

Warmup: 20 figure eight under-the-leg passes, rest a minute, 20 in opposite direction

2 x 24kg KBs:

1 x 17 Long Cycle C&J (new PR, surprised myself)

rest ~ 5 minutes

Complex (2 x 24kg): Dead clean, squat, jerk, OH squat, swing clean, jerk.

5s x 1r. Rest ~ 2 minutes between sets. Almost cried for Mommy.

Finished off with 1s x 2r pistol holding the 24kg.

Then intended to warm down with 10 two-handed swings, but only completed 5. (!) That's a heck of a workout. The double KB dead cleans require alot of tension in the abs.

When I got upstairs, did a wall handstand for time, 10 pushups, and about 100 BW calf raises in 3 sets.


10-21-2003, 09:22 PM
Nice workout dude,where you doing the Pistols holding the KB in one straight arm?
Hard Core.

Ford Prefect
10-22-2003, 05:05 AM
Good work on the PR, fajing!

Ka, weighted pistols with KB's are usually done with both hands gripping opposite sides of the KB handle.

My workouts this week have been:

Sunday - Max Effort Lowerbody

Box Squats - work to a 3RM
Goodmornings - work to a 3RM

Dimmel Deadlifts 3x15

Pull-down Abs 7x10
Dragon Flags 4xfailure
Natural Glute Ham Raises 4x7
Standing Calf Raises in Smith Machine 4x15-30 (got over 450!)

Treadmill work x 30 minutes doing hill intervals

Monday - Max Effort Bench

Incline Close-grip Bench Press - work to a 3RM

Skull Crushers 6x10
Pull-ups 5xfailure

Face Pulls 3x12
DB Bicep Curls x2 strip sets
Barbell Front Raises 3x10
Seated DB Cleans 3x10

That's it. No cardio work on Monday or anything the past two days because I'm feeling a little under the weather. I dunno if it's from my fiance teacher being a desease incubator or from stress about the Red Sox. ;) Feeling much better today though. Just in time for Dynamic Effort Lowerbody day!

10-22-2003, 08:42 AM
this week has been a bit weak, because i've been so tired and sleep right through my alarm -- thus, no morning workouts. that's what i get for staying up until 4 or 5 on the weekend and getting up around 10 -- no chance to catch up on sleep lost during the week. :mad:

anyhoo, monday night was:
run three miles, the last one or so doing sprints one block walk one block -- then home for pistols and light deadlifts. my legs were NOT happy with me. :D

tuesday night:
- pushups with resistance cables (adds about 75 lbs.) 5x12
- seated cable row 5x15

-hopefully run while we still have some warm air left, then pistols and dead lifts. if no runnies, then probably arm and shoulder work.

Cheese Dog
10-23-2003, 11:48 AM
This week I switched from the barbell complexes I posted awhile ago to a more traditional Olympic-style workout. Today I did:

Full Clean-3x3 light for warmups, 5x3 heavy.
Clean and Jerk-2x3 light, 3x3 heavy
Squat Push Press-3x3 heavy
Straight Leg Deadlift-3x4 heavy

Followed up with some stance work and a little light shadowboxing for a cooldown.

All in all a good workout, but my weights are far below my PR from about 3 years ago when I practiced the Oly lifts regurally. Oh well, I'll get there, in time.