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View Full Version : The essence of Xingyi xuan xue.

The Willow Sword
10-25-2003, 09:36 PM
The essence, i believe, is in the simplest movement from one point to the next. Not alot of flowery movements. Simple, straight forward, direct.

The Xingyi that i have been taught at my previous school and outside of that school has had the same feel to it. when training in a relxed way, i see the simplicity of the movements for they ARE, in fact, simple. Not alot of wasted movement. Only what is necessary is executed. this is the external part of xingyi and is the simplest to learn in my opinion.

The internal aspect, the Nei gong, here in lies the real challenge. To lead the spirit through the barriers of the mind and cultivate that internal power to strike with real power, not to sling your arm and use only brute strength, for brute strength is clumsy strength,in my opinion. But you are not deviod of using muscle when you strike. the difference is the spirit working in essence with the clear and calm mind to generate the qi, and strike with conviction and with real power.
here are some vid clips of masters that i really enjoyed watching and learning from in these clips. pay attention to the xingyi in these clips and the free flowing form in the other clips(bagua is included here as well)

i found these clips by chance a while back and have been looking at them over and over again. i had wished that in my previous instruction, that i was taught in the manner that these masters were taught.
Many Respects,,,,TWS

10-25-2003, 10:29 PM
Intent. Yi.

Good Xinyi should be ugly and swift.

10-26-2003, 07:57 AM

I used to get really aggravated by your smart ass one liners and semi-obscene picture posts at emptyflower. But I'm gaining a new found respect for your directness, simplicity and accuracy of your posts. Well stated.:)
