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View Full Version : Rolled with a JJ guy

10-26-2003, 03:38 AM
at Waterdragon's MMA class. This guy was about 30 pounds lighter than me, but pretty good. I first tried to pull guard, and he blocked one of my legs, got behind me and choked me out right away. We were supposed to be just working for positions, though, and continued to finish 1 minute. He mostly dominated the positions, but I made things tough for him. I'm doubting his ability to take me down -- from the knees where we reset, when he tried a tackle I was able to lock him up pretty good around his arm and neck, and if I had squeezed harder I would have hurt him. But if he had been my size....We had a fun class, we learned an elbow-knee escape from the side mount, how to block the same and move to a mount, and how to escape the mount by bucking, controlling one arm and ankle and powering yourself over. I got to roll with WaterDragon, too. Thanks to the CrippledAvenger for wearing out WD for me.

This stuff is addictive, but I won't be able to make it at that time really. I'll have to hit the SC class next time instead. But when and if I get some money, and get back to training again....I'd consider a JJ school. Does anyone know anything about that Carlson Gracie Academy on Lincoln Ave. near Western?

10-26-2003, 07:29 AM
great stuff, isn't it?

10-27-2003, 02:16 AM
i envy you guys. i can't really train right now and it may be a long time before i can even consider taking up grappeling.

it's a definite long term goal though. it's just going to suck having to grapple nothing but guys who outweigh me by at least 40lbs often more.

10-27-2003, 07:59 AM
I plan on gettin in with the BJJ guys more often... they conveniently train same place my SC trains... 2 hours before we go... Im trying to get my SC more refined for a bit first however...

10-27-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
i envy you guys. i can't really train right now and it may be a long time before i can even consider taking up grappeling.

What happened? Last I heard you were mostly recovered and getting back into training... did something else go wrong?