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10-27-2003, 10:55 AM


10-27-2003, 10:57 AM
Thats one tought mother ****er.

10-27-2003, 10:59 AM

10-27-2003, 11:01 AM
Bleh, he's just lucky the shark didn't have a gun.

10-27-2003, 11:15 AM
This is slightly cooler than that italian doctor who knifed 3 of 4 home invaders.

10-27-2003, 11:18 AM
Royce would have choked them both out.

norther practitioner
10-27-2003, 11:23 AM
Um, the dude caught a 300 kg shark with his hands, I think he'd pop Royce's head off...:D

10-27-2003, 11:33 AM
the shark would choke royce out.

old jong
10-27-2003, 11:35 AM
He took the fish out of it's element ,out of the water .It would be the same as if someone took Royce off the ground!...;)

10-27-2003, 12:02 PM
LOL I wanna see the iceman vs A polar bear.

Chang Style Novice
10-27-2003, 12:17 PM
He's no Aron Ralston. (http://rockymountainnews.com/drmn/state/article/0,1299,DRMN_21_1932157,00.html)

KC Elbows
10-27-2003, 12:26 PM
I think that guy used to be a member here. He got his start with sand sharks.

Black Jack
10-27-2003, 12:33 PM
Burt Reynolds would choke the shark out with just his machismo.

10-27-2003, 12:34 PM
Ice Man would totally uppercut Aron Ralston. Dude only got one arm

10-27-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
He's no Aron Ralston. (http://rockymountainnews.com/drmn/state/article/0,1299,DRMN_21_1932157,00.html)

I dunno. Don't get me wrong, it takes massive stones to do what Ralston did, but when he did it he was facing the possibility of death if he didn't. The captain, on the other hand, was perfectly safe, and no one would have faulted him if he'd just shouted for his crew to look out. Instead, he waded in and grabbed a finned killing machine by the tail and dragged it up on shore. I think that's a different level of tough.

Chang Style Novice
10-27-2003, 12:48 PM
Yeah, I didn't really mean to start comparing them, it was just a convenient way to bring up Ralston.

And for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I'd never have the presence of mind or wilderness prowess to be able to safely chop off my own arm and THEN rappel (!) down a cliff to save myself. I might be impulsive enough to run after a shark threatening my buddies. The two feats don't really compare.

10-27-2003, 01:46 PM
He cut off his arm using a POCKET KNIFE! Holy crap...
I can see someone doing it with an axe, sword or something like that, but a pocket knife?!:eek:

10-27-2003, 01:55 PM
This guy should compete in World's strongest man contest if he was able to drag a 300kg (over 660lbs) shark anywhere on land. I'd like to know what happened to his hands as a result of it from the abrassiveness of the skin.

10-27-2003, 01:57 PM
doesn't have hands. he's a sea cap'n -- he just hooked the shark with his hook hand and stabbed it with the bladed forearm. silly b#9. :p

Meat Shake
10-27-2003, 02:06 PM
I think the doctor would stab them both, but then the ice man would just get mad and choke out the doctor, and aaron would cut off the doctors arm for stabbing him, then the iceman would scrape both of their faces off with his sandpaper like icelandic sea cap'n manhands.

10-27-2003, 02:10 PM
How the ****ing hell is it possible to cut off an arm with a pocket knife? How the **** did he get through the bone? Must have took a while...

10-27-2003, 02:13 PM
I think the doctor would stab them both, but then the ice man would just get mad and choke out the doctor, and aaron would cut off the doctors arm for stabbing him, then the iceman would scrape both of their faces off with his sandpaper like icelandic sea cap'n manhands.

Cool, I have three new heroes. They should make a movie about these ppl.
"The Tremendous Trio"

Meat Shake
10-27-2003, 02:17 PM
They would have to be called "The three guys who did something really tough!"
Or just "Three really tough mother ****ers"

Chang Style Novice
10-27-2003, 02:18 PM
Kristoffer -

From what I know, Ralston applied a tourniquet to his trapped arm, then broke the bone with a lurch of his body, then finally sawed away the remaining flesh with his pocketknife.

As I said, dude is TOUGH. And sharp.

old jong
10-27-2003, 02:21 PM
Bah!...A real tough guy would have broken the rock into tiny little rubble!

Royal Dragon
10-27-2003, 04:23 PM
If you carefully cut the tendons, and soft connecting tissue around a joint, you could sever an arm with a small razor blade. You'd never need to go through bone. It's thye same thing you do when you cut off a chicken leg, only harder due only to the size.

I'm suprised none of you looked down the page at the other articals linked. You alll missed this one.


10-27-2003, 06:29 PM
As for the shark dude, what do you expect? Dude's a fukking Viking!

10-28-2003, 12:11 AM
it says

Captain Sigurdur Petursson was on a beach in Kuummiit, east Greenland

Wow, "Kuummiit." That's like the English word "Bookkeeper" in that it has 3 double letters in a row.

WOW :D :D :D

10-28-2003, 03:45 AM
Wow, "Kuummiit." That's like the English word "Bookkeeper" in that it has 3 double letters in a row.
Hah, those are quite common in Finnish, btw. For example "saappaanniittaaja" comes into mind, that means something like "boot riveter". :D

10-28-2003, 04:38 AM
Yes whenever I throw the term "boot riveter" into conversation I am amazed by how wonderfull it would be if I was talking in Finnish.

That guy who cut off his own arm, I read that his arm was so badly damaged that he only had to cut away flesh that he could not feel. Not such a bid deal.

On a similar note, there was a guy a few years ago who got his foot caught into a fishingnet winch. He was trapped upside down off the floor so he cut his leg off at the knee with a pocket kinfe.

10-28-2003, 04:51 AM
From what I know, Ralston applied a tourniquet to his trapped arm, then broke the bone with a lurch of his body, then finally sawed away the remaining flesh with his pocketknife.

As I said, dude is TOUGH. And sharp.

Oh ok. Pretty brutal, guy's gotta have some ****ed up nightmares these days.

As for the shark dude, what do you expect? Dude's a fukking Viking!

dang straight