View Full Version : Chop Choy Form

10-27-2003, 05:44 PM

I recently witnessed a demo of a Form called Chop Choy at an all styles open course, the practitioner did not give any details to what style this form came from. Does anyone know this form and have any information such as a Video of the form ect.

My main style of study is Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, but as this is based on White Crane and Black tiger Kung-Fum, I have always been interested in Kung Fu, I also study Chinese Kickboxing and know several Kung-Fu forms and systems such as, Lau Gar Fist, GUNG GEE FOOK FU KUEN, 5 Animals & 5 Elements, Wing Chung (Only Sil Lim Tao at the moment) and Choy-Lay-Fut Kung Fu (Only Beginning). Basic Dim-Mak (Most of it is covered in Goju)



10-27-2003, 06:01 PM
Chaap Chui is a CLF technique which means "Stabbiing Strike." Not sure if other styles have it.

And as far as I know it is NOT the name of a form, it is a technique.

10-27-2003, 06:28 PM
chop choy is a seven star praying mantis form.
here is the link to the form http://www.northernmantis.com/tsahpchoy.html

10-28-2003, 01:05 AM

Thanks for the reply, thie links to the picture of the form were good, but unfortuantly this was not the form that I saw, I may have misheard the practitioner when he named the Form, but I am positive that he did say Chop Choy. I can rememebr the first few moves of this form, which I will try and explain, I am afraid that I am not good with Chinese terminology so I will use english. Here goes.


Step 45 degrees to the left into Cat Stance with palm and fist strike.
Step 45 degrees to the right into Cat Stance with palm and fist strike.
Step back to starting stance with fists chambered.
Step forward with left foot and mid level block with knuckle strike with left arm.
3 straight knuckle punch strikes starting with right arm.
Step up to left foot while doing a low block with right arm.
Move out to the right into a horse stance and bring right arm into chamber.
Step across right foot with left and do a low knuckle punch strike with right arm.
Spin 180 degrees and do mid level block with right arm.
Perform a knuckle punch strike with left arm.

I am afraid thats as much as I can remember, and I appologise for my description.



10-28-2003, 10:33 AM
That doesn't sound a lot like kung fu because usually in kung fu both arms are moving simultaneously.

Could be some made up BS???

10-28-2003, 05:38 PM
It's from UK Lau Gar.

Charp Choi, or Charp Chui, is referred to as drilling punches.

I've seen something very similar in SPM.

Both arms are simultaneous however authentic that makes it I don't know, as certainly some styles have one armed forms, like Hung Fut.