View Full Version : As for this jiu jitsu stuff and UFC crap, all of that is for the birds...

10-30-2003, 07:18 PM
Taken from the JKD forum at the Underground. http://www.mma.tv/TUF/index.cfm?FID=21

This is taken DIRECTLY from Lamar's forum at: http://www.hardcorejkd.com

If Bruce Lee wasn't a fighter, then as far as I'm concerned, NO ONE IS! Bruce Lee WAS DEFINITELY a fighter! Just because he didn't put on some little spandex "panties" or a gi and get in the ring with someone, that doesn't mean he wasn't a fighter! He just wasn't a SPORT FIGHTER! As far as being a REAL FIGHTER, he was as real as it gets! He trained to take someone out, not to go in the ring and play games by rules!

As for the comments made about another art being more effective than Jeet Kune Do, I say NO! NO! NO! NO! I have been in the martial arts for almost thirty six years now and I haven't seen anything, with the exception of Richard Ryan's Dynamic Combat Method, that even comes close! Bruce Lee was THE MAN! Everyone else will just have to settle for being THE BOY when compared to his skill level and personal standards of physical fitness!

Then there is the talk of a new method called "functional" Jeet Kune Do! Jeet Kune Do as developed, practiced and taught by Bruce Lee was and IS as functional as it gets! Anyone who says differently simply has not experienced the entire spectrum of the system. This is also where the myths that trapping doesn't work and chi sao is ineffective come from! If you haven't researched it and trained it thoroughly of course it won't work! These people need to get their feet out of their mouths and get out there and learn what these things are all about!

As for this jiu jitsu stuff and UFC crap, all of that is for the birds as far as I'm concerned! I have tried to watch it before and I was BORED TO DEATH! I would rather watch a good boxing match anyday! I have NEVER believed in the use of martial arts for sport, AND I NEVER WILL! Grappling IS NOT the answer! Staying on your feet is what it's all about!

Royce Gracie hasn't even scratched the surface when compared to the depth of knowledge and exposure that Bruce Lee brought to the world of martial arts! You ask anyone if they've heard of Bruce Lee, and they all say yes! Ask them about Royce Gracie and they say "who?"

Sure, these guys are tremendous athletes, even though most of them that I have known are "enhanced" if you know what I mean! I will definitely give them that, but as far as I'm concerned they are in the martial arts for the wrong reason! But, as they say, to each his own! If someone is happy doing what they are doing, I say more power to them! You have to do what you as an individual believe in!

Jeet Kune Do is what I believe in ..... ALL THE WAY!

__________________ Keep Blasting! Sifu Lamar M. Davis II Founder/Head Instructor Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Academy Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Chinese Gung Fu Association http://www.HardcoreJKD.com http://www.RealCombatOnline.com Sifu@HardcoreJKD.com Phone (205) 956-1901

"Hit Hard, Hit Fast, Hit First .... Always!"

10-30-2003, 07:38 PM
I think the problem most people have with Jeet Kune Do is the problem that Bruce anticipated in the first place.

It's just a name.

People get wrapped around the name and the "style" when all Bruce wanted to do was to train the martial artist in all ranges of unarmed combat.


The idea of the UFC understood this and tried to make money on pay per view with it.

Of course it now has degenerated into something I no longer find entertaining.

It was a great idea though.
And someone made and is making lots of money from it.

10-30-2003, 07:43 PM
To give the JKD guys over there props they were very harsh about this article.

The Willow Sword
10-30-2003, 08:02 PM
The Douche bag that wrote that post should go and enter a UFC fight and see for himself. SInce all that UFC stuff is hampered by rules and all it should be NO PROBLEM for someone of 36 years of "Real Fighting" to go in there and successfully defeat an opponent.

HAHA id like to to see that and watch as the 36 year(yeah right):rolleyes: trained douche bag wet himself as he gets pummeled and choked out.


10-30-2003, 08:20 PM
my grandma would be harsh on that article.:D

she was master of Switch Fu.

and the worst part was...you had to go cut your own switch!!!:eek:

thas right rogue, just picture me over on Lamb Ave. in Northside getting my ass whipped by my grandma:p

I was smaller then...

10-30-2003, 08:53 PM
Lamar Davis is :rolleyes:

the new KFO (http://www.kungfuonline.com)


10-30-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Oso
my grandma would be harsh on that article.:D

she was master of Switch Fu.

and the worst part was...you had to go cut your own switch!!!:eek:

thas right rogue, just picture me over on Lamb Ave. in Northside getting my ass whipped by my grandma:p

I was smaller then...

Yeah right! Like it doesn't still happen!

10-30-2003, 08:58 PM
Yeah right! Like it doesn't still happen!

she's dead.

10-30-2003, 09:35 PM
Yeah, and she could still kick your ass.

OK, I should let this one go, huh. I don't intend any disrespect to your dead, mate.

Ikken Hisatsu
10-31-2003, 01:09 AM
Really, anyone who practices MMA could call it JKD. I study different arts and try to absorb what works for me, so you could say Im a JKD practitioner. because JKD isnt a system. No forms, no set routines, no nothing, just a term that Bruce used because he had to call his way of fighting something.

Although I agree that Lee was "the man" I dont believe in him as some kind of godly figure or anything, but I do see him as someone who was great at what he did. and unlike Jet li/Jackie Chan, he knew what worked because he spent a major part of his life fighting in the streets.

10-31-2003, 04:57 AM
Yeah, and she could still kick your ass.

OK, I should let this one go, huh. I don't intend any disrespect to your dead, mate.

well, out of respect I would let her.;)

no worries. She is dead, but long since.

10-31-2003, 05:21 AM
I have to say TWS has made the correct his personal biatch on this issue. Until I took a suggestion from MerryPrankster, I still considered the UFC's to be a commercial for Gracie Jujitsu. They have come a long way since then. As someone else mentioned, I think I still prefer a good boxing match to the UFC's. Still, a fighter I would pay money to watch this guy try his 36 years of JKD on is The Cro-Cop. The man is bad azz period end of story. Bruce was the MA equivalent of Michael Jordan. There will never be another one like him. From what I perceived reading The Tao Of Jeet Kun Do, interviews with the man, and what those who trained personally with Bruce have said of the man, I think he would be offended by that post. Bruce was confident in himself, and the system he created. His goal was to educate people about a more efficient way of fighting. In all his criticisms of TMAs Bruce never underestimated, or outrightly disrespected an opponent. He was very honorable and respectful from what I have heard and read. I've also read and heard that he was a bit arrogant and conceited, especially after he acheived a bit of fame. Since he could definitely back it up, I guess he could afford to be. Still, I don't think he would be overly impressed with the attitudes displayed by some who practice his art. This is just my two cents worth. By all means treat it accordingly. Respect, Peace, and Happy Training To All.

10-31-2003, 07:25 AM
have to say TWS has made the correct his personal biatch on this issue. BM, you need to work on you correct-isms. Saying TWS made it his biatch is so last month. Nowadays, you have to say something like "TWS has grabbed the correct, shaved it's balls, and deep-throated it while humming the Star-Spangled Banner."

Quit wasting time reading this....go practice!

10-31-2003, 07:42 AM
MK - Darn it, I never can keep current on the lingo. I must really be getting old. This stuff is more fun to read with breakfast than the funnies. :D

10-31-2003, 07:48 AM
Oso's grandma and my grandma must have trained at the same Temple of Switch fu!

Grandma had a willow tree right outside the back porch.

She'd grab a switch faster than you could blink and by the time you got done you thought Kunta Kinte's lashings (*) were mild in comparison...


*(that was an OBVIOUS joke

:eek: :eek: :eek: